The December searches in the office and in the apartment of the mayor of Krasnodar Aleksenko were hardly unexpected for him. All recent events have shown that the Kuban-capital land under the feet of the mayor is getting warmer and is about to catch fire. As it became known to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and, three months ago the same Italian Perazzi hunting rifle worth 1.6 million rubles, which Alekseenko is now imputed as a bribe in an especially large amount, tried to register it for himself " familiar”, but something in the permit system did not grow together. An attempt to take the chief away from the brewing blow failed.
On December 3, the "bell" rang even stronger. Kirill Mavridi, appointed vice-mayor of Krasnodar on October 27 at the suggestion of Alekseenko, was taken out of the city hall in handcuffs by employees in balaclavas. Mavridi was taken to an “interview” at the Investigative Committee. Mavridi was "showed" that he had received a bribe "only" in the amount of 500,000 rubles. It looked too small, considering that the average size of a bribe, calculated by the regional prosecutor's office, in the Krasnodar Territory, the champion in terms of corruption, has a "price tag" well over a million.

At the beginning of 2022, the regional court refused to transfer the arrested vice-mayor from the pre-trial detention center, where he is now under house arrest. It is curious that the lawyers of Kirill Pavlovich in their petition referred to the fact that the recent appointment of Mavridi to the post of vice-mayor testifies to an extremely positive assessment of his highly professional qualities by the city leadership. Who would argue: Mayor Alekseenko really "rates" Mavridi very highly. Here are just some of the reasons for such a high rating.
According to, information about other episodes in which Mavridi was involved was of greater interest to the investigation. A variety of bribe "little things" turned out to be like guppies in an abandoned aquarium. And the conclusion, it seems, is now unambiguous: we are talking about deeply echeloned flows of “thank you gifts” from developers in Krasnodar and Sochi, with the final stop in the “bins” of Andrei Anatolyevich Alekseenko, who in October 2021 became the mayor of Krasnodar, and before that, from 2015- Go, who worked as a deputy of the Kuban governor Kondratiev, who oversaw, among other things, the construction industry. Of course, he didn’t manage to screw up as mayor Alekseenko in a couple of months of work for the “good and prosperity” of the Kuban capital, but, as it turns out, he had a lot of corruption merits, as a vice-governor. Zhvanetsky's observation "What you protect is what you have", as written off from Alekseenko.

Although Mavridi and Alekseenko, who was detained by law enforcement officers, were still friends with Tuapse (Mavridi took the place of deputy head of administration of the Tuapse district after Alekseenko left this chair and went on promotion), it is unlikely that Andrei Anatolyevich could count on Kirill Pavlovich’s “partisan silence” in polls in the Investigative Committee . Even taking into account the fact that Alekseenko literally dragged a friend by the ears through all the career ladders.
From 2018 to 2019, Mavridi worked as Deputy Minister of Resorts, Tourism and Olympic Heritage of the Krasnodar Territory. Since August 2019, he held the position of Deputy Head of the Construction Department of the Krasnodar Territory, then was appointed First Deputy Head of the Department.
The bribery commonwealth, which attracted the attention of law enforcement officers, consisted of Alekseenko's Tuapse entourage. Among the proven fighters in the corruption "caravan" was his own publican - tax collector - Dmitry Evgenievich Yatselyuk, who a month ago worked as the head of the State Treasury Institution "Main Department of Construction of the Krasnodar Territory". Yatselyuk is also a member of Alekseenko's Tuapse team. At one time he was the head of the capital construction department of the administration of the Tuapse district. Before moving on to work in the regional structure, he led the capital construction department of the city of Sochi. It was he who prepared the thank you "transfers".
Yatselyuk turned out to be a very responsible collector of bribe tribute: he photographed the “taxes” and sent the pictures to the “receivers” for evaluation - will it go or not? "Superfluous" in this action was showing photos to friends, comrades, acquaintances. The pictures ended up being leaked.
When law enforcement officers came to Yatselyuk through this photo, he essentially had no other choice but to start cooperation with the investigators. Apparently, his "curators" soon found out about Yatselyuk's "betrayal". Dmitry Evgenievich was fired from his posts. He returned to his house and to his stalls in the Tuapse village of Agoy.
At the moment of detention, Mavridi was obviously nothing more than an intermediary in this "transmission mechanism". That same exclusive hunting rifle, elite alcoholic drinks, and other expensive presents were not intended for him.
The gun was received from the Krasnodar developer, who, with the assistance of Alekseenko, received an MKD with imperfections But even a gun, even if it costs a lot of money under pensioner measures, other “souvenirs” today can be called a drop in the powerful corruption sea supervised by Alekseenko. The corruption scheme turned out to be diverse and multidisciplinary. Selfish "help" in the acceptance of unfinished objects, distribution among "their" large building lots by "organizing the victories" of these very "their" at the auction, all this seemed to be nothing more than just a pleasant addition to the main corrupt "earnings".
And we can assume that today the employees of the central office of the Sledkom, where the investigation of the case of the Krasnodar mayor Andrey Alekseenko was transferred, will first of all be engaged in the main “labor corrupt activity” of the former first vice-governor of the region, and still the mayor of Krasnodar Andrey Alekseenko: organizing problems for developers , to put it mildly, in some cases, the dubious transfer of a number of residential complexes to the category of problematic ones, and then, as we can assume, a very dubious scheme of "assistance" in the transfer of "condemned housing complexes" from "unscrupulous developers" - supervised by "bona fide".
It is no secret that over the years of Alekseenko's supervision of the construction industry, the number of problem residential complexes has for some reason increased significantly.
The exact figures of the July 2015 sample were named by Veniamin Kondratiev himself at a meeting of the board of the regional prosecutor's office. For the summer of 2015, when V.I. Kondratiev was still acting. governor, there were only ... 33 long-term construction projects in the region, in which about 5 thousand families were supposed to receive housing. Here is a quote from an article in the pro-government newspaper "Kubanskiye Novosti" No. 28 (822) dated July 25-August 1, 2015
Over the past years, the number of problem residential complexes in the Kuban has grown 10 times!!! Question: from what? If seven years ago all problematic houses were identified, funding for the completion of construction was found, and a reliable barrier was built in the way of possible crooks?
However, first things first.
Even in school lessons we were taught that history develops in a spiral. And, it seems, Alekseenko's "history" is developing according to the same principle.
On December 22, 2021, the morning visit of law enforcement officers to Andrey Anatolyevich's home took place at the apartment in which he is registered - in the Residential Complex "House by the Lake" on the street. Tyuleyava 2/2 in Krasnodar. Search, then transportation of the official to the workplace for carrying out similar investigative actions. A conversation with the investigator... All these events showed that the spiral of the biography of the once powerful "second man" of the region has come full circle. And this turn took 22 years.
Right during the conversation with the investigator, Alekseenko asked for a call to the governor. Kondratiev, having received bad news about a person to whom he “could turn his back”, began to call back through his connections. The intervention of “connections” led to the fact that the video with a fragment of the interrogation of Alekseenko was removed from the site of the regional Sledkom, the information originally posted was compressed, and, most importantly, the paragraph of the sane Alekseenko Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Bribe". Clause 6 was initially announced (where, in addition to considerable penalties, the possibility of a very specific sentence of up to twelve years was spelled out. By the night of the same day, clause 6 was replaced by clause 2. Where are the fines smaller, and the opportunity to go to the zone limited to six years.
But all these gubernatorial negotiations to "release" a friend suspected of corruption led to certain results. Both positive (for Alekseenko), and quite logically following (for his "defenders"). On the first point: by the evening Alekseenko returned to his office at the mayor's office, and began the process of exuding confidence that the criminal case was practically closed. On the second: assessing the likelihood that the entire administrative resource of the region, it is possible, will be used to create considerable interference with the investigation, if the case remains with the regional division of the Investigative Committee, the federal Investigative Committee took over the investigation.
But a third consequence also happened: in the course of telephone conversations on the “liberation” of Alekseenko, the regional leadership, in order to “strengthen the impression”, named names that would definitely not be worth mentioning in vain. Especially without then not reporting on such "liberties" to those mentioned. And here is the question: will the answer arrive to the “petitioners” themselves?
After all, the only goal of the fight against corruption, indicated by the country's leadership, is to wet it to the fullest. And in this episode, it turned out that the head of the region, whose subordinate was caught on an obviously proven bribe, calls far from the last people in the country and asks for protection for the bribe taker ... A controversial position. Such “assistance” can give rise to serious questions for the applicant himself. The main conclusion that could be drawn from the position taken in this case by the Governor Veniamin Kondratiev himself: all his beliefs in the fight against corruption of the 2015 model have turned into dust over the past seven years of his steering the region. After all, seven years ago, he spoke so beautifully and correctly ...
At the end of December last year, the enthusiasm with which Kuban rushed to defend a friend-bribe-taker, to put it mildly, surprised.
So what are the spirals of A.A. Alekseenko to be studied by investigators of the UK? It is already known that the official, who now has every chance of ending his amazing career with a criminal, started with it in his youth. It turned out that Andrei Alekseenko, working as deputy head of the Tuapse district, then for a short time as the head of the Yeisk district, and then moving to the vice-governorship in the region, hid the fact ... of his criminal record.
In 2000, by the verdict of one of the Russian garrison courts, the Alekseenko A.A. was found guilty under paragraphs "a" and "b" h. 2, Art. 163 (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. “Extortion”, part 2. And on points “a” - “c”, part 2, article 335 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel in the absence of subordination relations between them, associated with humiliation of honor and dignity or mockery of the victim or associated with violence "... In both cases, we are talking about crimes committed by a group of people. One of the local newspapers of that time even briefly talked about this state of emergency, in the section on incidents. Alekseenko and his accomplices extorted from soldiers daily allowance and beat conscript soldiers for their unwillingness to carry out their orders, which were clearly not provided for by the charter.
The verdict of the garrison court: to appoint Alekseenko A.A. punishment in the form of 2 years of imprisonment.
To assess the significance of those crimes of Alekseenko, we recall that in 2000 a bottle of vodka cost 100 rubles. Beat soldiers for one and a half bottles of vodka, or for three cans of mayonnaise? The amazing scale of setting a military task!
Let's remember that time. Beginning of the Second Chechen War. Practically all units based in the south of the country sooner or later found themselves in combat areas. And those very conscripts, soldiers, who at that time had not even taken the oath, were beaten by contract soldier Alekseenko with the same loose buddies to broken ribs. After such "education" the soldiers were forced to turn to the medical unit. The doctor reported the incident to the battalion commander. He reported further on the authority ...

Roman Trushkin
To be continued