According to sources of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and Rucriminal.info, Viktor Nikolaevich Kozlovsky, the head of the Moscow metro, has little time left to work and will soon be fired. The ancient "mammoth" of the subway has been heading the subway for more than 20 years.

According to the source, during his long work, Kozlovsky did not notice or did not want to notice how an organized group of corrupt officials and bribe-takers appeared in the subway.
Kozlovsky will leave, his deputy Doshchaty was detained for corruption, and representatives of this group will continue to work and extort money from contractors.

Representatives of the group are known to everyone in the subway, some of them have already been fired after the purge, but some sat out and continue the corruption case.
Thus, the main leader of the corrupt officials is a current employee of the Metro: Aleksey Gennadyevich Turutov, Deputy Head of the Customer Service.

Thus, a guilty verdict was passed on the Head of the Technical Supervision Department of the Moscow Central Circle Maintenance Directorate, P.N. Furin, who ensured the uncontrolled acceptance for a monetary reward of 5 million rubles of services rendered by Centerlift LLC under a contract paid by the Metro in the amount of 386 million rubles for the provision of services for the comprehensive maintenance of escalators, elevators and lifts of the Moscow Central Circle in the period 2018-2021.
It was established that former heads of the Moscow Central Circle Department, who signed for payment for actually unfulfilled work in the amount of 243.5 million rubles, are currently employed in the Department of Transport and simultaneously in the Infrastructure Directorate as Deputy Head of the Customer Service of the Infrastructure Directorate, A.G. Turutov. and Sokolov K.V., who holds the position of Deputy Head of the Electricity Supply Service.
The above facts are confirmed by the findings of the examinations conducted by the metro, which served as the basis for suspending subsequent payment for the services provided by the contractor.
Turutov A.G. and Sokolov K.V. caused material damage to the metro in the amount of 243.5 million rubles. And this is just a small fraction of the sea.

Here is another example. The management gave an order, and it was ignored.

To Liksutov M.S. (61-14-399/24 from 05/09/2024): [Mobile office, 05/09/2024 10:16:10]
On behalf of Liksutov M.S.
To Korneev A.A. - Familiarized.
To Kozpovsky V.N. - I ask you to conduct an internal investigation into the stated facts and bring to justice those guilty of committing violations. Report on the measures taken within the established time frame.
Under control:
Kozlovsky V.N. - deadline: 31.05.2024 - removed from control: 29.05.2024
Kozlovsky V.N. - Those who signed the Acts on elevators and did not conduct the examinations on time - are to be fired from the metro, the supervising heads of the Services are to be summoned to the METRO Management Company with a report and an explanation of these circumstances by 25.5.24
Under control:
Kozlovsky V.N. - deadline: 25.05.2024 - removed from control: 05.06.2024|
+Bulatov G.B.
Just think how much Turutov and his comrades earned for their work in the Moscow metro.
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info