воскресенье, 19 января 2025 г.
Как ФТС и ФСБ дают добро
Телеграм-каналу ВЧК-ОГПУ и Rucriminal.info стало известно о грандиозном коррупционном скандале, который вот-вот разразится в ФТС, а в частности в Московской таможне. После публикаций ВЧК-ОГПУ о деятельность начальника Московской таможни Вячеслава Романовского, он активизировал усилия, чтобы любой ценой занять должность начальника Центрального таможенного управления, ну или как минимум сохранить за собой кресло начальника Московской таможни, которая в недалёком будущем переходит в подчинение ЦТУ.
О своем будущем назначении, как уже о решенном руководителем ФТС вопросе, он периодически даёт знать руководящему составу Московской таможни и наиболее приближенным представителям внешнеэкономического бизнеса. И как следствие этого, усилилось давление на владельцев СВХ, в части увеличения сбора средств, якобы для передачи вышестоящим руководителям ФТС . За это даются гарантии беспрепятственной работы и ослабления контроля.
Ведущую роль во всем этом играет достаточно интересный персонаж - помощник Романовского Грудецкий Виталий Игоревич. Должностным лицом таможенных органов он является только номинальным. На самом деле, он оперативный сотрудник СЭБ УФСБ по городу Москве и Московской области и является куратором Московской таможни. За несколько лет его, так называемого кураторства, в Московской таможне не было выявлено ни одного должностного преступления, а также и в сфере внешнеэкономической деятельности. И это в самой крупной таможне страны по объемам декларирования и по количеству таможенных постов. Зато Грудецкий очень преуспел совершенно в других делах. А именно, в предложениях помощи, попросту в крышевании, СВХ и участников ВЭД, естественно не бескорыстно. По словам источника Rucriminal.info, в этих предложениях он всегда делает акцент на том, что основная часть будет передаваться его руководству и начальнику таможни, поэтому и прикрытие у них будет самым надёжным, даже в случае нарушения закона при оформлении товаров. Правда вот интересно, а руководство УФСБ и лично Грудецкого знают, что он ими прикрывается в своей деятельности на должности помощника Романовского и собирает под них ?
За последнее время он и начальник таможни стали уже настолько токсичными фигурами в зоне деятельности Московской таможни, что некоторые руководители СВХ всерьез задумываются, а не написать ли на них заявление, чтобы обезопасить себя, что скорее всего случится.
Ранее источник телеграм-канала ВЧК-ОГПУ рассказал о существовании крупного канала контрабанды товаров народного потребления из Китая в Московской таможне на ТЛЦ "Электроугли". Курируется канал высшим руководством ФТС. А сотрудникам таможни команды формально досматривать особые грузы поступают лично от начальника Московской таможни Вячеслава Романовского.
Кураторы канала придумали неплохое и безошибочное прикрытие своей деятельности: "страна под санкциями Запада, команда разворот на Восток и руководство государства запрещает мешать внешнеэкономической деятельности".
Любая попытка проверки этого терминала или попытка провести серьезный досмотр груза пресекается на корню руководством Московской таможни. Первый заместитель руководителя ФТС Руслан Давыдов, как куратор Московской таможни, прекрасно знает, что творится на этой площадке. Именно поэтому во время недавнего инспекционного визита на ТЛЦ "Электроугли" он ограничился фразами о "комплексном сопряжении информационных систем", попозировал перед объективами и отбыл.
Тимофей Гришин
Источник: www.rucriminal.info
How the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Security Service give the go-ahead
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info learned about a grand corruption scandal that is about to break out in the Federal Customs Service, and in particular in the Moscow Customs Service. After the VChK-OGPU publications about the activities of the head of Moscow Customs Service Vyacheslav Romanovsky, he stepped up his efforts to take the post of head of the Central Customs Administration at any cost, or at least to retain the seat of the head of Moscow Customs Service, which in the near future will be transferred to the Central Customs Administration.
He periodically informs the management of Moscow Customs Service and the closest representatives of foreign economic business about his future appointment, as if the head of the Federal Customs Service had already decided on the issue. And as a result of this, the pressure on the owners of temporary storage warehouses has increased, in terms of increasing the collection of funds, allegedly for transfer to the higher-ranking heads of the Federal Customs Service. For this, guarantees of unimpeded work and weakening of control are given.
The leading role in all this is played by a rather interesting character - Romanovsky's assistant, Vitaly Igorevich Grudetsky. He is only a nominal official of the customs authorities. In fact, he is an operative officer of the SEB UFSB for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region and is the curator of the Moscow customs. Over several years of his so-called curatorship, not a single official crime was revealed in the Moscow customs, as well as in the sphere of foreign economic activity. And this is in the largest customs in the country in terms of declaration volumes and the number of customs posts. But Grudetsky has been very successful in completely different matters. Namely, in offering assistance, simply in protecting, temporary storage warehouses and participants in foreign economic activity, naturally not selflessly. According to a source of Rucriminal.info, in these proposals he always emphasizes that the main part will be transferred to his management and the head of customs, so they will have the most reliable cover, even in the event of a violation of the law when registering goods. However, I wonder if the leadership of the UFSB and personally Grudetsky know that he is using them as a cover in his activities as Romanovsky's assistant and collecting under them?
Recently, he and the head of customs have become such toxic figures in the area of operation of the Moscow customs that some heads of the temporary storage warehouse are seriously considering whether to write a statement against them in order to protect themselves, which will most likely happen.
Earlier, a source of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel told about the existence of a large channel for smuggling consumer goods from China in the Moscow customs at the TLC "Elektrougli". The channel is supervised by the top management of the FCS. And the customs officers receive orders to formally inspect special cargo personally from the head of the Moscow Customs, Vyacheslav Romanovsky.
The channel's curators have come up with a good and foolproof cover for their activities: "the country is under Western sanctions, the team is turning to the East, and the government prohibits interfering with foreign economic activity."
Any attempt to inspect this terminal or to conduct a serious inspection of cargo is nipped in the bud by the Moscow Customs leadership. The first deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, Ruslan Davydov, as the curator of the Moscow Customs, knows very well what is going on at this site. That is why, during a recent inspection visit to the Elektrougli TLC, he limited himself to phrases about "complex integration of information systems," posed for the cameras, and left.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info
How the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Security Service give the go-ahead
The head of Moscow Customs and the Chekist-curator cut a window to China
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info learned about a grand corruption scandal that is about to break out in the Federal Customs Service, and in particular in the Moscow Customs Service. After the VChK-OGPU publications about the activities of the head of Moscow Customs Service Vyacheslav Romanovsky, he stepped up his efforts to take the post of head of the Central Customs Administration at any cost, or at least to retain the seat of the head of Moscow Customs Service, which in the near future will be transferred to the Central Customs Administration.
He periodically informs the management of Moscow Customs Service and the closest representatives of foreign economic business about his future appointment, as if the head of the Federal Customs Service had already decided on the issue. And as a result of this, the pressure on the owners of temporary storage warehouses has increased, in terms of increasing the collection of funds, allegedly for transfer to the higher-ranking heads of the Federal Customs Service. For this, guarantees of unimpeded work and weakening of control are given.
The leading role in all this is played by a rather interesting character - Romanovsky's assistant, Vitaly Igorevich Grudetsky. He is only a nominal official of the customs authorities. In fact, he is an operative officer of the SEB UFSB for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region and is the curator of the Moscow customs. Over several years of his so-called curatorship, not a single official crime was revealed in the Moscow customs, as well as in the sphere of foreign economic activity. And this is in the largest customs in the country in terms of declaration volumes and the number of customs posts. But Grudetsky has been very successful in completely different matters. Namely, in offering assistance, simply in protecting, temporary storage warehouses and participants in foreign economic activity, naturally not selflessly. According to a source of Rucriminal.info, in these proposals he always emphasizes that the main part will be transferred to his management and the head of customs, so they will have the most reliable cover, even in the event of a violation of the law when registering goods. However, I wonder if the leadership of the UFSB and personally Grudetsky know that he is using them as a cover in his activities as Romanovsky's assistant and collecting under them?
Recently, he and the head of customs have become such toxic figures in the area of operation of the Moscow customs that some heads of the temporary storage warehouse are seriously considering whether to write a statement against them in order to protect themselves, which will most likely happen.
Earlier, a source of the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel told about the existence of a large channel for smuggling consumer goods from China in the Moscow customs at the TLC "Elektrougli". The channel is supervised by the top management of the FCS. And the customs officers receive orders to formally inspect special cargo personally from the head of the Moscow Customs, Vyacheslav Romanovsky.
The channel's curators have come up with a good and foolproof cover for their activities: "the country is under Western sanctions, the team is turning to the East, and the government prohibits interfering with foreign economic activity."
Any attempt to inspect this terminal or to conduct a serious inspection of cargo is nipped in the bud by the Moscow Customs leadership. The first deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, Ruslan Davydov, as the curator of the Moscow Customs, knows very well what is going on at this site. That is why, during a recent inspection visit to the Elektrougli TLC, he limited himself to phrases about "complex integration of information systems," posed for the cameras, and left.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info