In the Leningradsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, the prosecutor's functions are forced to be tried on by the residents themselves. In conditions when officials, hucksters and judges divide land and even huge reservoirs of common use among themselves practically for free, people's control turns out to be more effective than prosecutorial supervision. Details are in the investigation.
It began with the fact that the once public gully Vodyanaya, with an area of more than 50 hectares, suddenly turned out to be in the private property of Mr. Grebenyuk N.M. According to the Land and Water Codes of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to form land plots within the boundaries of water bodies and areas covered with surface waters. But in the hands of Grebenyuk, an official certificate of ownership of the Vodyanaya beam appeared.
The algorithm for obtaining ownership of a reservoir turned out to be simple, but effective, according to the collective farm. In 2013, Mr. Grebenyuk filed a lawsuit in court to recognize the ownership of real estate. The defendant involved OJSC Krylovskoye, which by that time had already gone bankrupt for eight years and did not exist. In fact, the lawsuit is against a ghost.
Grebenyuk submitted to the court a contract of sale with the local collective farm OAO Krylovskoye for the Vodyanaya gully and a check for 60,000 rubles. With what joy and on the basis of what title documents this water body could have become the property of OJSC, and why the cost of a reservoir with a surface area of 70 football fields turned out to be equivalent to a monthly salary of a harvester during harvest, the court did not establish. No one represented the interests of the state at this auction of judicial generosity, and the witnesses invited to the meeting had no objections. The main argument in favor of a positive court decision was that "the plaintiff owns the disputed property openly and continuously." A decision was made to recognize Mr. Grebenyuk's ownership of the pond with an area of 50.4 hectares.
Residents turned to the Federal Property Management Agency. With their unequivocal and unambiguous official answer that the formation of this land plot (23:19:0901000:1151) is contrary to part 2 of article 103 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, violates the rights of the Russian Federation as the owner of public water facilities, and a mandatory revision, they went to prosecutor's office.
Alexei Yaroshenko, prosecutor of the Leningrad region, put a fat end to the matter of returning the natural reservoir to state ownership. In response to the applicants, the prosecutor explained that the Vodnaya beam is ... a land plot and an object of ownership on the basis of the decision of the Leningradsky District Court, which entered into force. Checkmate!

In the media, Alexei Yaroshenko is known for the fact that in 2014, when he was the prosecutor of the Crimean Interdistrict Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory, he became a defendant in a loud scandal. His senior assistant, Sergei Ustinov, was detained by FSB officers in his office while receiving a bribe. The million transferred to him was intended for Yaroshenko for not taking measures of the prosecutor's response. But being the creature of the then regional prosecutor Leonid Korzhenek, Alexei Yaroshenko was taken out from under the blow and hidden for overexposure in the Leningrad region. But that lesson, apparently, did not go to him for the future.
Now we are waiting for decisions from the Kuban justice that the fishing artel, which went bankrupt 15 years ago, sold the land plot of the Black Sea to some citizen.

Roman Trushkin
To be continued