As it became known to the Cheka-OGPU, the Sokol office in Sochi was recently registered under the structure of the fugitive oligarch Oleg Makarevich, the company Kubrenta LLC. Obviously, the prodigal oligarch who fled to Austria was so happy in this country of victorious capitalism that he uncontrollably wanted to return home and is trying to do this with all his might. “Falcon” went to Makarevich as a settlement from his fixer Armenak Tozlyan, whom the oligarch generously lent with money.
As we wrote earlier, Oleg Makarevich, through pocket judges, is trying to do everything to evade responsibility in numerous criminal cases and thus get a return ticket to his homeland. And so far he's doing well.

The “return ticket home” is not cheap: as payment for stopping the persecution by law enforcement and tax authorities, Makarevich paid five billion rubles and “borrowed” several more. Rumor has it that Tozlyan explained such a high price for resolving the issue by involving his close contact from the AP - Stanislav. Whether this is true or not, the fact remains: the security forces and the courts began to show total loyalty to Makarevich. We will tell you why Makarevich pays fixers so generously.
So, what did the tax authorities know? The essence of the fraud is simple: Oleg Makarevich issued fictitious multimillion-dollar loans to his own Krasnodar company Provisions LLC, which withdrew real money to the settlement accounts of individual entrepreneur O.A. Makarevich. at UMC Bank with the purpose of payment “loan repayment”. After which Makarevich urgently bought currency and transferred it to European banks to the accounts of his company Landkraft - Technik GMBH. Using this and a number of similar schemes, Makarevich withdrew tens of billions of rubles from the country. At this time, the Supreme Court overturned earlier arbitration decisions declaring illegal the decision of the Central Bank to revoke the license of YUMK-Bank. So all of Makarevich’s financial transactions through bank accounts can be challenged.
Makarevich is trying to get out by buying the solutions he needs. And so, first, the Federal Tax Service check stalled, and then the law enforcement officials who were conducting 7 criminal cases against Makarevich were denied access to Makarevich’s tax base. How is this possible, you ask? It’s very simple: this is done if a person involved in a criminal investigation “suddenly” finds himself under state protection.
It is noteworthy that recently the scandalous oligarch has been persistently moving his business assets to Tambov. In the summer of 2023, the following of his companies moved there:
1. Trans-Ural LLC. At first this company was based in Bashkortostan, now it is located on Michurinskaya Street in Tambov. The company's authorized capital is 20.1 million rubles. However, until 2020 it was only 100 thousand rubles. Until 02/09/2018, the founder was Crafter LLC. Revenue for last year amounted to 235 million rubles, which is 3.5 times more than the year before. Profit in 2021 is equal to 4.7 million rubles, which is 3.2 times higher than in 2020. Total assets also increased last year by 3.1 times and at the end of the year amounted to 174 million rubles.
2. Bigcar LLC. Previously, the company was located in Novosibirsk, but has now moved to Tambov. The company’s status fund now amounts to 20.2 million rubles, although even before September 15, 2020 it was only 100 thousand rubles. Until January 31, 2018, the founder was the same Crafter LLC. Revenue for 2021 increased by 56.4% and amounted to 1.1 billion rubles. Profit increased by almost 62% and equaled 30.5 million rubles. Total assets also increased over the year by almost 19% and amounted to 326 million rubles.
3. LLC "Neva-logistic". At first this company was registered in St. Petersburg, now the organization has also moved to Tambov. At the moment, the company has a status fund of 25.1 million rubles, while even before September 23, 2020 it was 100 thousand rubles. Until January 30, 2018, the founder of this organization was also Crafter LLC. Revenue last year increased by 30.5% and amounted to 566 million rubles. Profit also increased by 30% and amounted to 15.3 million rubles.
Total assets for 2021 also increased by almost 62.4% and amounted to 397 million rubles.
What unites these “moved” companies of Oleg Makarevich?
- all the companies were “moved” by the fugitive oligarch Oleg Makarevich to Tambov;
- all organizations initially had a status capital of only 100 thousand rubles, but in 2020 it sharply increased to many millions of rubles;
- last year, all financial indicators went up sharply: revenue, profit and total assets increased.
That is, as we see, such a “move” had an extremely positive impact on the financial results of the companies of the fugitive criminal entrepreneur.
But that's not all. All these enterprises are part of the Crafter group of companies, which Makarevich founded 12 years ago. This group is one of the top five freight forwarding enterprises in the Russian Federation. Crafter LLC has an authorized capital of 27 5 million rubles, but we note that almost 98% of the status fund currently belongs to the society itself. In addition, there is only one person on the staff itself. Also, as of October 1, 2021, the company had tax arrears in the amount of 16.7 million rubles.
Is it really possible that oligarch Oleg Makarevich will be able to trample on the law again?
Taras Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info