"They concealed the statement so that Bastrykin A.I. did not find out about inaction."

There was a huge scandal among the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and partly the special services. Right in the building of the Russian Embassy in Egypt, the head of the department brutally beat his subordinate, but also tried to strangle him. But these are only flowers, and the fruit of this story lies in the fact that the department itself and all its employees are absolutely classified. So much so that even the name of the department cannot appear anywhere. The reason for the beating is also not trivial. The head of the department, Kuznetsov, demanded that Matveyev's subordinate destroy (burn) documents labeled "Special Importance" to which Matveyev simply did not have access. Having no legal truth even to touch these documents, Matveyev refused, which caused an unexplainable fit of rage in Kuznetsov. He began to demand that his order be fulfilled, regardless of whether it was legal or not. Fists were used as a persuasion, and then a strangulation by force. At the embassy, everyone gave explanations that, of course, Matveyev was right in that story. The attack on him is generally inexplicable. However, instead of conducting an investigation into the incident, the embassy chose to "hush up" the scandal by sending Matveyev to Moscow. In Moscow, the Foreign Ministry decided to "hush up" the story. However, beaten for refusing to carry out an illegal order, the employee continued to fight for justice. Matveev, via the Internet, at the reception of the official website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, reported the indicated crime (reference number 722930), to which he received a response from 20.07. Moscow, from where, as a result, this statement, without registration and carrying out any verification measures, was sent to the internal affairs bodies, namely to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arbat district of Moscow, where the district representative A.A. Berestneva, without conducting any verification measures, indicating false information in procedural documents, issued a resolution refusing to initiate a criminal case.
Now the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info will tell this story in detail.
03/15/2020, in the period from 09 hours 30 minutes to 10 hours 30 minutes
chief specialist-expert of the department (whose name is classified and is information classified as a state secret) of the Russian Embassy in Egypt V.A. ., gave the latter, as an employee subordinate to him, an order to destroy official documents labeled "Of particular importance", which, according to his official regulations, as well as other regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, he had to destroy on his own, excluding access to these documents by unauthorized persons , including Matveeva A.N. Understanding the illegality of the requirements of V.A. Kuznetsov, A.N. Matveev. responded to the latter with a refusal, referring to the regulations governing the procedure for the destruction of official documents with a stamp of "Special importance", thus indicating the justification for his refusal.
At the indicated moment, that is, at the time of the performance of organizational and administrative functions in a state body and in connection with their implementation, V.A. Kuznetsov, dissatisfied with the refusal of A.N. Matveev. to fulfill his requirements in the service, a criminal intent arose aimed at committing actions that no one under any circumstances has the right to commit, that is, actions clearly outside the scope of his authority, namely the use of violence against A.N. Matveev, for whom he was the boss in his official position.

Immediately realizing his criminal intent, 03/15/2020, in the time period from 09 hours 30 minutes to 10 hours 30 minutes (Coordinated Universal Time +2), the chief specialist-expert of the department (the name of which is classified and is information classified as state secrets) of the Embassy Russia in Egypt Kuznetsov V.A., being in the office of the department (the name of which is classified and is information classified as a state secret) of the Russian Embassy in Egypt, located at the address: Arab Republic of Egypt, mountains. Cairo, st. Giza, 95, acting out of the falsely understood interests of the service, in order to teach a lesson for disobedience to the expert-expert A.N. Matveev, to show his imaginary superiority over him and to subordinate him to his will, being in the performance of his official duties, realizing that he is performing actions, which no one under any circumstances has the right to commit, that is, actions that clearly go beyond the powers granted to him by law, realizing the social danger and unlawfulness of his actions, anticipating the onset of socially dangerous consequences, in the form of a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of A.N. , society and the state as a whole, and wanting their offensive, acting deliberately, approached Matveev A.N. and with forcefully grabbed the latter by the neck, thus restricting the access of oxygen to the lungs of A.N. Matveev, knocking down A.N. on the floor, which is why the latter, when falling, hit various parts of the body against objects of the surrounding environment and felt physical pain. Immediately after that, acting in the continuation of the implementation of his above-mentioned criminal intent, Kuznetsov V.A., acting out of the falsely understood interests of the service, in order to teach a lesson for disobedience to the specialist expert A.N. Matveev, to show his imaginary superiority over him and to subordinate him to his will, being in the performance of his official duties, realizing that he commits actions that no one under any circumstances has the right to perform, that is, actions that clearly go beyond the powers granted to him by law, realizing the social danger and illegality of his actions, anticipating the onset of social dangerous consequences, in the form of a violation of the rights and legitimate interests of A.N. Matveev, society and the state as a whole, and wanting their offensive, acting deliberately, holding the latter by the neck with force, thereby restricting the access of oxygen to the lungs of A.N. Matveev, with one hand let go of the neck of A.N.Matveev, who was actively resisting him, holding and squeezing the neck of the latter with the second hand, inflicted with the fist of his free hand at least four blows to the head of A.N. Matveev. Immediately after that, Kuznetsov V.A. acting in the continuation of his criminal intent, he again grabbed A.N. Matveev with his arms. behind the neck, which limited the access of oxygen to the lungs of A.N. Matveeva, while expressing threats of physical harm to the latter.
By his aforementioned unlawful actions, V.A. Kuznetsov. caused Matveev A.N. physical pain and injuries in the form of: swelling of soft tissues, several punctate abrasions with bruises, two linear abrasions in the frontal region on the right; swelling of soft tissues, two linear abrasions and small punctate bruises on the anterior surface in the region of the left shoulder joint; swelling of tissues, linear abrasion to the left of the midclavicular line in the region of the left clavicle; moderately pronounced swelling of soft tissues, abrasions on the right in the neck, along the back surface of the sternoclavicular muscle with a transition to the anterior surface of the neck on the right; multiple abrasions and swelling of soft tissues on the anterolateral surface of the neck on the left, in the submandibular region and at the level of the thyroid cartilage; area with soft tissue edema in the right half of the chest, in the projection of 6-7 ribs, along the antero-axillary line, which significantly violated the rights and legitimate interests of A.N. Matveev, in particular the constitutional right to the inviolability of the person and personal dignity, as well as Significantly undermined the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, discrediting the authority of public authorities in the eyes of employees of the Russian Embassy in Egypt and the public, thereby violating the principle of legality in the activities of a state body of the Russian Federation, established by Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which entailed a significant violation of legally protected interests society and state.
Thus, the actions of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov can be regarded as falling under article of the Criminal Code 286, namely, the commission by an official of actions that clearly go beyond his powers and entail a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens protected by law interests of society and the state, committed with the use of violence.
According to the documents that are at the disposal of Rucriminal.info, the above circumstances are confirmed by the explanation of A.N. Matveev, a certificate from a specialist doctor at the Embassy of Ataev I.R., who examined him immediately after the use of violence by V.A. Kuznetsov.
According to the specified certificate compiled by I.R. Ataev. according to the results of a medical examination of A.N. Matveev, the latter was diagnosed with bodily injuries, the nature and localization of which testify to the mechanism of their formation under the circumstances described by A.N. Matveev.
The fact that it was Kuznetsov V.A. caused Matveev A.N. These bodily injuries are confirmed by the explanations of the employee of the Embassy, Sedov A.S., who directly indicates the absence of A.N. injuries before the start of the working day 03/15/2020, as well as their presence immediately after A.N. Matveev proceeded to the office of A.S. Sedov. after unlawful actions by V.A. Kuznetsov. in the period from 09:00 to 10:30 on 03/15/2020, where, in the presence of other employees of the embassy, he asked for help and told about the above circumstances. The fact that it was Kuznetsov V.A. was the initiator of a conflict situation, during which he inflicted on Matveev A.N. the indicated bodily injuries, and Matveev A.N., did not initiate any violence against him, is confirmed by the absence of V.A. Kuznetsov. bodily injury, the mechanism of formation of which would indicate proactive and offensive use of violence against the latter by A.N. Matveev. In addition, V.A. Kuznetsov after the incident, he did not apply to the law enforcement agencies about the incident, which indicates the absence of reasons and grounds for such an appeal.
The fact that Kuznetsov V.A. is an official indicates that he holds the position of the head of a department in a state body - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, performs organizational and administrative functions, the implementation of which, in relation to the provisions of Chapter 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, means, in particular, the management of a team, the organization of labor or the service of subordinates , maintaining discipline, applying incentive measures and imposing disciplinary sanctions, which are part of the official duties of V.A. Kuznetsov.
Embassy officials confirm that personal hostile relations between A.N. and Kuznetsov V.A. were not, in any relationship not related to the performance of official duties, they were not, communicated only about their work in the Embassy as a leader and subordinate. This circumstance confirms that Kuznetsov V.A. applied in relation to Matveev A.N. violence, both against an employee subordinate to him in connection with the performance of his official duties and for purposes related to the resolution of just official issues. This circumstance indicates that the violence of V.A. Kuznetsov applied to Matveev V.A. precisely in connection with the implementation of their official activities, and not on personal grounds. Kuznetsov V.A. demanded from Matveev A.N. performing actions due to service necessity, gave A.N. Matveev. instructions on the destruction of official documents, that is, he made demands solely on the basis of his official powers and in the interests of the civil service. These requirements Kuznetsov V.A. showed Matveev A.N. immediately before using violence to that. These circumstances indicate that V.A. Kuznetsov by his actions, he committed a crime against state power and the interests of the state service, namely, he exceeded his official powers in connection with the implementation of organizational and administrative functions in the department of the Russian Embassy in Egypt of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which entails liability on the basis and within the limits provided for by criminal legislation ... At the same time, the object of a crime in cases of this kind, and in this case in particular, is the activity of the governing bodies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation carried out in accordance with the legislation in order to solve the tasks determined by their purpose. From the foregoing it follows that in this case the criminal encroachment is carried out not only on the rights and interests of my personality, but also on another object, different from the person, protected by law in the form of normal, that is, the activity of a specific link of the state apparatus of power carried out in accordance with the legislation and management, and the victim directly acts only as an additional objective manifestation of this encroachment.
Thus, these illegal actions Kuznetsov V.A. cannot be qualified, under Art. 111-116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as crimes against the person, and are subject to strict qualifications, as a crime against the order of government in a state body, that is, as a crime provided for in paragraph "a" of Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in connection with which a legal assessment of his actions should be given by employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Taking into account the above circumstances, 04/29/2020 Matveev A.N. informed about the specified crime committed by V.A. Kuznetsov. by calling the hotline of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Moscow metro station - 8 (495) 6902528. This message was not registered in accordance with the established procedure, the applicant did not receive any notification of its consideration.
In this regard, on 07/01/2020 Matveev A.N., through the form of electronic appeal via the Internet, the reception of the official website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported the indicated crime (Application number 722930), to which he received a response from 07/20/2020, according to which this statement was redirected in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the mountains. Moscow, from where, as a result, this statement, without registration and carrying out any verification measures, was sent to the internal affairs bodies, namely to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arbat district of Moscow, where the district representative A.A. Berestneva, without conducting any verification measures, indicating false information in procedural documents, issued a resolution refusing to initiate a criminal case.
As a result, after the direction of A.N. 09/28/2020 statements about this crime to the Presnensky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Department of the Central Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow, this statement containing signs of a crime under clause "a" part 3 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in violation of the provisions of Instrument n the organization of reception, registration and verification of reports of a crime in the investigative bodies (investigative units) of the system of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Investigative Committee of Russia dated 11.10.2012 No. 72), as well as Art. 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, was not registered in the register of reports on crimes of the said territorial investigative body of the TFR, but was sent on November 12, 2020 without registration and carrying out any verification measures to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arbat district of Moscow.
In addition, on 07.12.2020, when Matveev A.N. at a personal meeting with the head of the Presnensky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow Idrisova Venera Rushanovna for explanations in this part (regarding the illegal refusal to register the indicated crime reports and the verification in accordance with Article 144-145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation), the latter, without studying the statement of A.N. Matveev, carrying out any verification measures, informed the latter that the prospects for initiating a criminal case under paragraph "a" of Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to the application filed reflecting the real circumstances of the crime, she does not see, since she is more inclined to believe VA Kuznetsov, placing the latter in a privileged position for unknown reasons. This circumstance is confirmed by the available at the disposal of A.N. Matveev. audio recording.
At the same time, after the above appeal, Matveev A.N. for a personal appointment with the head of the Presnensky MRSO Idrisova V.R. So, 12/13/2020, through the postal service A.N. Matveev. received a notification from the Presnensky MRDO SU for the Central Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the city of Moscow, according to which the above statement was registered in the register of reports of crimes of this investigative body, after which it was sent for verification to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Presnensky District of Moscow in accordance with the provisions of Art. ... 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. This notice is dated 11/27/2020, however, the calendar stamp (used to indicate on the postal item and other postal document the time of its receipt and sending to the addressee), the imprint of which was printed on the envelope by the employees of the Russian Post, indicates that this notice was actually drawn up and sent to A.N. Matveev. only on 11.12.2020, that is, after the last personal reception of the head of the Presnensky MRCO, Idrisova V.R., who by her actions clearly withdrew from the procedural check on this crime statement, which grossly violated the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, guaranteed to me part 1 Art. 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
These circumstances directly indicate the fact that the execution of Idrisova V.R. and her subordinate employees of the official duties assigned to them by law, in terms of checking the message about what was committed against A.N. Matveev. a crime under paragraph. "a" h. 3 Article. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, at the moment it is impossible due to a biased, subjective, not based on an objective verification in accordance with the law and the principle of justice, attitude towards the latter.
12/14/2020, on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which state protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation is guaranteed, by A.N. Matveev, addressed to A.I. Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. a statement was sent with the necessary attachments confirming his arguments regarding the commission of the above crime against him, with a request to organize a full and comprehensive check by the forces of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the above circumstances in accordance with Art. 140-145 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, and involve V.A. Kuznetsov. for committing a crime under paragraph "a" of Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to criminal liability.
However, this statement was not registered in the accounting documents of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in accordance with the procedure established by law, no verification was carried out on this statement, the location of this statement is currently not known.
This illegal inaction of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was appealed against by A.N. Matveev. in the manner prescribed by Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to the Khamovnichesky District Court of the city of Moscow. On July 7, 2021, a court hearing was held in this judicial body on this complaint, as a result of which the complaint was transferred by jurisdiction to the Basmanny District Court of the mountains. Moscow.
Despite the fact that Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation provides for the consideration of a complaint about illegal inaction of employees of the preliminary investigation bodies within three days, on July 20, 2021, at the court session this complaint was not considered by the court, since neither the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, nor the employees of the prosecutor's office could not establish the actual the location of the aforementioned crime statement filed with the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. At the same time, under a formal pretext, consideration of the complaint was postponed due to the failure of the prosecutor to appear, which is not provided for by law.
08/05/2021, without establishing the actual location of the said statement of A.N. Matveev. about a crime filed in the name of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, without examining this application and the decision taken on it during the court session, which is confirmed by the materials of the court case on the consideration of the complaint, the Basmanny District Court refused to satisfy this complaint. At the same time, the court decision of any information about the examination of the application dated 12/14/2021, filed by A.N. Matveev. in the RF IC does not contain, the subject of the judicial appeal was actually changed by the judge. This circumstance clearly indicates that the statement of the crime was either lost by the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation or deliberately destroyed by the employees of this law enforcement agency for unknown reasons.
08/06/2021, in order to appeal against an illegal court decision, A.N. Matveev submitted a petition to familiarize himself with the minutes of the court session and the material on the consideration of the complaint, with the aim of appealing an obviously illegal decision of the court of first instance. With repeated appearances, Matveeva A.N. in court, under various pretexts, he was denied access to these materials, and only after contacting the qualification collegium of judges of the mountains. Moscow, which recognized violations in the actions of employees of the Basmanny District Court, Matveev A.N. I was able to get acquainted with the specified materials on 10.11.2021. This happened under the following circumstances.
08/11/2021, taking into account the specified behavior of the employees of this judicial body, clearly illegally delaying the time for acquaintance with A.N. Matveev. with materials on the consideration of the complaint in order to suppress the appeal of the unlawful decision of the court by the latter, Matveev A.N. submitted through the system GAS "Justice" an appeal against the said decision of the Basmanny District Court. At the same time, for some unknown reason, this complaint was not registered and was ignored until the decision came into legal force, as a message appeared on the court's website.
08/31/2021 Matveev A.N. a complaint was filed with the VKKS about the refusal to register the appeal by the Basmanny District Court.
10/13/2021 Matveev A.N. received a response from the VKKS dated 10/7/2021, according to which the board confirmed the existence of violations and obliged the Basmanny Court to give an answer to the issues indicated in the complaint by 10/21/2021, namely to inform A.N. Matveev. with the materials of the case for the consideration of the complaint and register his appeal.
11/12/2021 Matveev A.N. from the Basmanny District Court received a notification dated 10.11.2021 signed by I.O. Chairman I.V. Vyryshyv, according to which measures were taken to eliminate the violations identified and the appeal Matveev A.N. registered, in fact, retroactively, namely on August 17, 2021. It was also stated in this notification that the complaint would be forwarded to the Moscow City Court, where it would be considered on 8.12.2021. After that, on the website of the Basmanny District Court, the decision on the complaint of Matveev A, N. changed from "effective" to "appealed".
From the above, it is not clear that the employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, for obvious reasons, concealed the indicated statement of the crime from registration, took illegal measures to conceal this fact in court, when considering the complaint, in order to conceal their illegal inaction from the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin A. .AND.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued