On May 3, 2023, the Minister of Education of Russia Sergey Kravtsov, at a meeting with members of the Government of the Russian Federation President of Russia Vladimir Putin, said: “The school year is ending, we are approaching this next milestone with good results. All the goals and tasks set by you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, are being fulfilled in full and on time, some tasks are being completed ahead of schedule.”
It is also necessary for Rucriminal.info to sum up the results of the past academic year in order to determine the good results of the activities of the Ministry itself and to enable employees of this department to make new mistakes.
Your gasoline - our ideas!
In the last academic year, the Minister could not solve his personal problem: where would he go from this damned ministry.
Few people know that in 2021 it was Sergey Kravtsov who was one of the main candidates for the post of governor of the Vladimir region, for which the chief adviser to the minister, Grigory Vishnevsky, was sent there, who was supposed to prepare a site for the minister to land.
The choice fell on Gregory not by chance, since Sergei trusted Gregory with all his work and personal issues, who was in charge of the entire ministry. Of course, he did not forget about himself: his sister and mother-in-law were attached to subordinate organizations of the Ministry for good positions and salaries, and therefore, when he was arrested in Vladimir, they came there with a check. Then the Kommersant edition will write about him capaciously and correctly - "I took a little, but often."
Many employees of the Ministry of Education of Russia are aware of the rumors that during interrogations Grigory told how he carried white powder to the office of his leader, but they did not personally check it, they were not witnesses and did not stand with a candle.
When the Presidential Administration gave Sergey Kravtsov a ride, Sergey Sergeyevich began to look for new options for withdrawal, and in 2022 Sergey Kravtsov ran through the dark corridors of the Presidential Administration of Russia with ideas to create a new state corporation, Rosobrzakaz, in Russia.
There have already been such precedents, so the Roscadastre corporation appeared from the authority, the creation of which made it possible to turn the whole department into a virtually closed LLC, but retain all state funding. Rucriminal.info does not know exactly how such a “unique” idea came from Sergey Kravtsov, but we assume that the inspirers were members of the Moscow team of Sergey Sobyanin, who are represented in the Russian Ministry of Education and lobbied for the creation of the above-mentioned corporation.
The proposal of the Minister involved the withdrawal of all funding for the national project "Education" at all levels of government, including the transfer of textbook printing and other financial flows to this corporation. Information from our sources differs here: some claim that with such an idea the Minister went to the Russian resident Putin and agreed, while others say that he invented it. The sacred victim of this initiative was to become the publishing house "Prosveshchenie", and it should be noted that the relationship between the publishing house and the minister was not so hot - Sergei Sergeevich threw the publishing house several times. In 2021, the Minister did not allow the publishing house to develop digital educational content for several billion rubles, and in 2022 he took away the right to write textbooks.
The educational community knows only one thing for certain: neither the first nor the second appeared in schools, and a few months ago a law was passed that finds a compromise between the publishing house and the ministry in terms of publishing textbooks. So the initiative on "Rosobrzakaz" also remained in the shadows and was not implemented.
Among the latest hobbies of the minister is the State University of Education, which at the end of 2022 went to the Ministry of Education of Russia from the Government of the Moscow Region. People familiar with the transfer process told Rucriminal.info that the Government Office and the Federal Property Management Agency were against it, but despite this, the decision was lobbied.
There are rumors in the ministerial environment that several subordinates of the Russian Ministry of Education will be attached to this university, as a result of which Sergey Kravtsov will head it. The rumors are not without solid ground - several subs have already been taken away from funding and redirected to the university.
Unfortunately, the minister has no luck here either: the Government is discussing the possibility of transferring all universities from the Russian Ministry of Education to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, since, as a representative of the founder, the Ministry poorly manages the universities entrusted to it. The same position is taken by several rectors of pedagogical universities subordinate to the Ministry, who complain about the lawlessness done by the Ministry. The reason for this situation is a comprehensive legal bacchanalia and illegal purchases of equipment
Act boldly. Don't question anyone. More cynicism. People love it.
For three years, the leadership of the Ministry of Education of Russia received 6 submissions from the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, which affect completely different areas of activity. of the Ministry.
The first shot was the act of inspection of the Ministry, carried out by the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia in August 2021. 19 pages of comments covered the powers of the ministry for billions of rubles allocated to the regions for the implementation of the activities of the national project "Education", and touched upon the legal and procurement activities of the ministry itself. Andrei Korneev, appointed Secretary of State, did not understand what was happening, but many questions were hushed up thanks to the Deputy Minister of Education Tatyana Vasilyeva and Sergey Kravtsov himself.
In the same year, the minister received already for Tatyana Vasilyeva, who signed the orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 12, 2021 No. R-4, R-5, R-6 and dated January 14, 2021 No. R-15 and No. -16. The orders determined the purposes of spending federal subsidies by the subjects of the Federation within the framework of the national project "Education" for more than 40 billion rubles.
The uniqueness and special charm of this situation was given by the fact that Tatyana Vasilyeva figured out how to bypass the procurement legislation: in her acts she indicated additional unreasonable requirements for the purchased equipment, due to which the necessary suppliers of foreign equipment came out for purchases, and Russian schools received unnecessary and obsolete equipment at exorbitant prices.
Then the Government of the Moscow Region complained to the Government of Russia about the Ministry of Education of Russia, and the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia wrote threatening letters to the Ministry of Education of Russia about the inadmissibility of such orders. In turn, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade applied to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia with a statement about the obvious restriction of competition in the procurement of equipment (Appendix 6), and then the Russian Prosecutor General's Office acted, which made a corresponding request to cancel the acts. The victim of the tricks of Tatyana Vasilyeva was not only her boss, but also the leadership of the regional ministries of education from 47 subjects of the Russian Federation, who were brought to administrative responsibility.
In March 2022, thanks to colleagues from the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia issued a proposal to eliminate violations of the legislation on education, on the procedure for considering citizens' appeals and preparing regulatory legal acts.
We have already talked about recent letters of happiness from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Russia addressed to Sergey Kravtsov, and in April 2023, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Russia made the last submission about the current lack of pedagogical examination of acts of the ministry.
According to Article 94 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", in relation to projects and approved regulatory legal acts relating to issues of education and upbringing, a pedagogical examination must be carried out "in order to identify and prevent the establishment of provisions by them, contributing to a negative impact on the quality of education in educational programs of a certain level and (or) orientation and the conditions for their development by students.
Since the division of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science into two departments in 2018, the government and departmental regulations that establish the requirements for the procedure and content of this examination have not been amended accordingly, resulting in the lack of pedagogical examination for all acts adopted since 2018 in in the field of education of the Government of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
An example is the federal state educational standards and the federal basic general education programs, the adoption of which Sergey Kravtsov proudly reported to the President of Russia. Documents establishing what and how children will be taught at school were adopted without pedagogical expertise and should be revised.
It should be noted that at present the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, the Russian Ministry of Justice and the Russian Federal Security Service are conducting several more investigations into cases related to the Ministry, the results of which we will certainly tell in the future.
In the end, we would like to address the employees of the Ministry who read our publications.
On August 8, 2023, the Minister of Education of Russia Sergey Kravtsov celebrated his small anniversary - on August 8, 2013 Sergey Sergeyevich would be appointed to the post of head of Rosobrnadzor. So, it has already been 10 years since the current Minister rotates at the very top of the educational system of the Russian Federation. And it's time to take stock.
As Ostap Bender said: “You can not be friends with children: the police will not require this from you,” but it is necessary to at least read the relevant legislation by the new academic year. I also recall the words of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, who said that the teacher lives while he is studying, and when he stops studying, the teacher dies in him. It is necessary to learn from the mistakes of others, and not to make them yourself, and even more so repeatedly.
The interested public prepared a collective appeal to the deputies of the State Duma on the need to conduct a comprehensive audit of the Ministry and plans to reorganize the foundations of the ministry. In the new academic year, Kravtsov and Co. will have to reveal a secret to the President of Russia about their work.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info