The security service of the Suleiman Kerimov group of companies is closely connected with the intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, which carried out its operational and power cover, and in fact was itself a branch of the Russian special services.
Thus, according to available information, Colonel-General Igor Dmitrievich Sergun, then head of the Main (Intelligence) Directorate of the General Staff of Russia, was a close connection of one of the beneficiaries of the company group. Details are in the Rucriminal.info investigation.
On June 05, 2015, at about 15:30, near house 21 along Osennaya Street, some Lotyuk A.O., Klinskikh D.A. and Yakovets V.V. as part of an organized group, they tried to kidnap an investigative analyst in order to return compromising materials that the freelancer had about fraud with VTB shares and many other documents.
It should be noted that the area of Osennaya Street itself, where the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin was registered in the 1990s, is a very specific place. For there people live in whole houses, which are not simple in all respects.
And here is the kidnapping in the middle of this very "difficult" area. And the fact that it was just a kidnapping can be seen from the video on Youtube, obtained from the surveillance camera located next to the branch of Sberbank.
The footage of this video clearly shows how four physically strong men are trying to physically drag a man into a Renault Duster car. And only the intervention of conscious citizens and police officers could prevent this kidnapping.
The participants in this crime have been identified.
They turned out to be ... former and current employees of the special forces units of the FSB of Russia and the G (R) U of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this attempted abduction took place 220 meters from the Krylatskoye police station
So, when the man left the House of Life alone and approached the roadway, a Renault Duster car stopped near him. Several physically developed people jumped out of this car, who, without preamble, began to strike the freelance investigator on the head and body, not only with fists, but also with iron expandable batons and a stun gun.
Then, unknown people tried to kidnap the bloodied man, pushing him into the back right seat of their car. However, the kidnapped, literally like a hero of American action films, despite serious injuries and torn clothes, managed to escape from the strong embrace of his ill-wishers.
Moreover, according to the materials of the criminal case, a certain Yakovets V.V. struck the victim at least two punches in the head area, as well as at least five blows with a metal rod in the torso area. At the same time, a certain Lotyuk A.O. supporting the intentions of Yakovets VV, through the use of physical force held the victim by the torso and arms, exerting painful effects on them. At the same time, another participant in the abduction, Klinskikh D.A. using a stun gun inflicted at least three electric shocks on the victim.
But thanks to the indignation of the citizens who witnessed this incident, the attackers failed to complete the kidnapping they had begun. Since the witnesses promptly called the duty patrol crew of the local department of internal affairs "Krylatskoe".
You might be asking, where is the fourth attacker? He has an intriguing history. He was released without identification by the police officers who detained him, showing them some kind of official ID.
Immediately after the arrest of the attackers, serious pressure began on the leadership of the Krylatskoye police department, where Kucherena, a well-known lawyer in oligarchic circles, personally came to rescue the detainees.
Kucherena in different years represented the interests of skiers Olga Danilova and Larisa Lazutina, deprived of Olympic gold due to suspicions of doping, director Nikita Mikhalkov, singer Iosif Kobzon, artistic director of the Taganka Theater Yuri Lyubimov, ex-employee of the US National Security Agency Edward Snowden, as well as businessman Suleiman Kerimov. The latter is very symptomatic of the situation with the kidnapping.
During the investigation and in court, the attackers claimed that the reason for their attack on the freelancer was allegedly that the latter “cut” on some important people and even knocked down one of them. However, the traffic police of Moscow and the Moscow region did not record these facts, and with a high degree of probability they are the usual clumsy attempt to justify the kidnappers. Moreover, initially Yakove gave completely different testimony, in which he claimed that a certain Sergei Otrubyannikov allegedly asked him to deal with the kidnapped person.
Interrogated at the hearing defendants Yakovets The.The., Lotyuk A.Oh. and Klinskikh D.A. fully pleaded guilty.
And they were convicted for ... "beatings." But this sentence in 2016 was very strangely overturned.
And the material on the fact of the abduction was separated into a separate proceeding and was lost in the bowels of the police and bureaucracy.
Unfortunately, the investigator succumbed to the weighty threats of Magomed Tazhudinovich Gadzhiev, expressed against him, and did not insist on initiating a criminal case specifically under Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Kidnapping”.
It is probably unnecessary to say that the group company, whose interests came to defend the whole State Duma deputy Gadzhiev, was actively contacted by Russian and foreign media with the interests of ... Suleiman Kerimov.
And now a little about the personalities of the kidnapping hooligans - Yakovets Vitaly Vasilyevich - Captain 1st rank of the reserve, former head of department - deputy commander of military unit 92154.

Currently, PKU military unit 92154 is the Senezh Special Operations Center of the Special Operations Forces of the Russian Armed Forces
A colleague of Petrov and Bashirov, Vitaly Yakovets graduated from the Pacific Higher Naval School named after S.O. Makarov in 1997.
On October 28, 2010, during a visit to military unit 92154, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev presented Vitaly Yakovets with the Order of Military Merit for his distinction in service in the North Caucasus.
February 21, 2011 Captain 1st rank Yakovets V.V. was a participant in the meeting of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov with a group of military personnel. Together with Yakovets, his wife Olesya Vladimirovna Yakovets attended the meeting.
In 2012 Yakovets V.V. and got a job at Anji Football Club LLC, where he worked until March 2014. It should be noted that from January 2011 to August 2013, Suleiman Kerimov was the main sponsor and actual owner of FC Anji.
In March 2014, Yakovets got a job as the head of the analytical department at the representative office of SVIRU HOLDING AG JSC. The Swiss company Swiru Holding AG (26.02.2021 was renamed Alstone Investment AG), which is also closely related to the family of Senator Suleiman Kerimov.
From September 2015 to October 2016, Yakovets worked at Spetsremont JSC. Field of activity - management company. The sole shareholder of Spetsremont JSC is the Ministry of Defense of Russia, currently this organization is in a state of bankruptcy. According to available information, Spetsremont JSC took an active part in the bankruptcy of a number of repair plants owned by the Russian Ministry of Defense, with the transfer of their land plots to "necessary" investors.
In October-November 2015, he worked in parallel at Molot-Oruzhie LLC. The field of activity is the production of weapons and ammunition. Molot-Oruzhie LLC had contracts with many Russian defense enterprises.
The sole founder is LLC Nortekh, currently LLC Hammer-weapon is in a state of bankruptcy.
From July 2016 to March 2017 he was employed at Almazy Anabara JSC. Almazy Anabara JSC is in the sphere of interests of Suleiman Kerimov.
Since July 2018, he has been working at the Center-City State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow. Field of activity - management of the operation of non-residential stock for a fee or on a contractual basis. The only founder is the Moscow City Property Department.
Since 2016, he has been developing his own business - the Structura Cross Gym fitness fitness club in Khimki. After the introduction of quarantine, the club ceased its activities.
To gain knowledge on business, he took courses at an educational commercial organization that trains entrepreneurs "Business Molodist". The founders of the Business of Youth are Mikhail Dashkiev and Pyotr Osipov. Many experts consider this organization a Scientology sect and a financial pyramid.
Lotyuk Alexey Olegovich, born in Magdeburg, GDR
At least until 2014 Lotyuk A.O. was registered at Moscow Khoroshevskoe shosse…. This postal address belonged to the FKU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, operational commandant's office of military unit 45807. Therefore, employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (now the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) who arrived for service from other regions of Russia were registered at this address.
Klinskikh Dmitry Aleksandrovich, a native of the Monastery of the Chernigov district of the Primorsky Territory, single.
At least until 2010 Klinskikh D.A. was registered at Balashikha, military unit 35690. FKU military unit 35690 is the Sputnik facility of the Central Security Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia.
According to the available information from the information about administrative violations during the detentions by the traffic police officers, Klinskikh D.A. repeatedly presented the identity card of an officer of military unit 35690.
The direct supervision of these actions was carried out by a high-ranking security officer of Suleiman Kerimov, Eduard Pavlovich Tsurikov.
In 2005, the court of Nizhnevartovsk sentenced Eduard Tsurikov, former head of the Department for Special Proceedings of the Department of Justice of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, to five years in prison under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”.
The criminal case was the result of an audit conducted by the Internal Affairs Directorate of Nizhnevartovsk in 2002 in response to an appeal from OAO Sibneftegazpererabotka (SNGP). The management of this company remained dissatisfied with the deal for the sale of the Luch hotel, which was administered by the CISP. A year earlier, a five-story hotel complex in the city center was sold at auction for 2.8 million rubles. The CISP considered that the price was too low. The ex of the Russian Society of Appraisers, who were approached by the prosecutor's office, agreed with the leadership of the CISP and valued Luch at 19 million rubles. During the inspection, investigators from the prosecutor's office found out that the building was bought by a certain Yuri Matyushenko, a childhood friend of Eduard Tsurikov. To buy up real estate, Messrs. Matyushenko and Tsurikov established Teply Mir LLC in 2001, which later made another purchase, acquiring a boarding house in Sochi. The real owner of the buildings, according to investigators, was Eduard Tsurikov.
When the investigation began, Tsurikov went on the run and was on the federal wanted list for a whole year. Apparently, a certain high-ranking patron warned about the course of his search for Tsurikov, since the werewolf twice managed to escape from his pursuers who overtook him. They took him to Tsurikov in Nizhnevartovsk, at the moment when he was burning incriminating documents in the bathroom.
The investigative analyst and his close connections are currently being hunted by the public-private intelligence community. Recently, under very mysterious circumstances, one of his assistants died, about which there are relevant documents.
There is information that this activity to expose the facts of corruption is strongly opposed by a number of Russian officials and businessmen.
Maybe, finally, the competent authorities authorized to do so will release employees of state departments from functions that were not originally characteristic of them? And they will give a proper legal assessment of the current state of affairs.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info