A source from the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported about searches at the head of the Federal Institution Uprdor "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod" Alexander Nefedov. According to the interlocutor, the activation of the security forces is connected with the resignation of Nefedov’s patron, First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Andrei Kostyuk, from his post. Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU reported that a decision had been made to resign Deputy Minister of Transport Andrei Kostyuk, a regular hero of our publications. Kostyuk is the organizer of multibillion-dollar thefts on the country's federal highways. Kostyuk was a protégé of the crime boss Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley). The Cheka-OGPU learned that the other day Kostyuk wrote a letter of resignation and, according to information to date, the resignation was agreed upon.

Kostyuk was a protégé of the crime boss Vladimir Golubev (Barmaley). It’s funny that Kostyuk is a close associate of the newly appointed Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt, also a top manager of Barmaley’s organized crime group.
At one time, Kostyuk was even summoned to the FSB after his appointment as head of Rosavtodor for a preventive conversation.
Kostyuk himself liked to chat on occasion about his close relationship with the first deputy director of the FSB, Sergei Korolev. Therefore, he announced to everyone that the position of minister was in his pocket. At the beginning of the year, Kostyuk even offered his longtime friend, the former head of the FBU Rosavtotrans, Valery Kulikov, the position of deputy minister, whom he hid after the scandal as an adviser to Dietrich in the State Transport Leasing Company.
For Kostyuk and his entourage, the appointment of another top manager of the organized crime group, Barmaley Starovoit, to the post of minister was a complete surprise. Barmaley happily rubbed his hands because of the “golden” Kostyuk-Starovoit combination for him. But fate turned out differently.

However, the source of Rucriminal.info says that there is a possibility that Kostyuk will remain an adviser to Roman Starovoit. The close circle of Barmaley’s organized crime group is horrified and bewildered by the personnel changes in the leadership of the Ministry of Transport. As one of the leaders of the road construction organization said: “Starovoyt always relied on Kostyuk. Having a strong addiction to alcohol in large quantities, Starovoyt was unable to solve urgent problems that Andrei Kostyuk skillfully solved. Kostyuk managed to save Starovoit when the latter was the governor of the Kursk region, and Kostyuk was the deputy minister of transport, resolving difficult moments with the governor’s deputies.” .
In the most interesting way, knowledgeable sources are watching the acting 1st Deputy Minister of Transport Valentin Ivanov, known in certain circles as “Aunt Valya.” Valentin Ivanov received this nickname under extremely interesting circumstances.
In 2015–2016, Ivanov headed the Federal State Institution “Federal Administration of Highways North-West”. Then a criminal case about fraud with land plots in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region came to light. His father's house was searched, during which a large sum of money was seized. A decision was made to detain Ivanov and he went on the run. Ivanov hid for a long time in Thailand, where, according to a Rucriminal.info source, he managed to start a romantic relationship with a local girl. True, the girl was in for a surprise, since she had previously been... a man. But the operation was performed only on the upper part of the body. Despite requests from his partners not to advertise such love, Valentin even managed to introduce the stranger to his parents...
The couple created a “family nest” in Thailand. And then Andrei Kostyuk, through his administrative capabilities, closed the issue of criminal prosecution. Ivanov was able to return to the Russian Federation, where he eventually became Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation and is awaiting promotion to 1st Deputy Minister under the patronage of the downed pilot Andrei Kostyuk.
The interlocutor of Rucriminal.info said that another figure from Barmaley’s organized crime group is the chief personnel officer of Rosavtodor, Viktor Timofeev. The specified citizen is Kostyuk’s confidant, however, at Lubyanka, in Directorate T he is considered a “good guy,” which allowed Timofeev to remain one of his own both here and there! Timofeev not only remained in touch with the Department of Technical Security of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, but also managed to jump a couple of steps on the career ladder, awaiting appointment to the post of Deputy Minister of Transport instead of Vasily Desyatkov.
It is quite difficult to believe that such people occupy top positions, but one may be even more surprised by the fact that Roman Novikov, convicted of negligence, runs the Federal Road Agency.
“Ivanov is incompetent and stupid, with a terrible biography, but his own. Kostyuk’s main task is to remain free and preferably in the status of assistant/adviser to the Minister of Transport, in order to maintain financial flows through his puppets. And Starovoyt is always ready to wallow in the “blue hole”, from which Kostyuk periodically pulls him out,” this is how a Rucriminal.info source described the situation in the Ministry of Transport.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info