How the operator and AFK Sistema blamed their scandalous party on the stars

The VChK-OGPU telegram channel hammered the last nail into the “lid of the coffin” with the legend that the naked party was organized by Anastasia Ivleeva. In all documents, the organizers list the event agency DEPARTÁMENT, which is not only connected with AFK Sistema through its founders, but also organizes most of the significant events of AFK and MTS, including the meeting of Sistema shareholders. VIP guests, including top managers of large companies, were personally invited by agency partner Sofia Gershtein. She also organized filming of the party participants by a dozen media representatives. It was a party from AFK Sisiema, and they blamed everything on the stars, on whom they allowed propagandists and fighters for morality to let off “toxic steam.” When the System and the difficult party-goers arrived, the propaganda anger began to be abruptly suppressed.

The Cheka-OGPU learned who organized the sensational “naked party” and who specifically invited MTS Vice President Igor Mishin to the event.
The event was organized by Department Marketing LLC, the management company of the largest event agency DEPARTÁMENT. As they say in the portfolio, this is the most awarded event agency in Russia, included in the TOP-20 best agencies in Russia according to AKAR and in the TOP-50 agencies in the world according to Special Events magazine.

The most striking case of Departament is the holding of the general meeting of shareholders of AFK Sistema during the pandemic year of 2020. Significant work, looking at the staff report, was done by agency partner Sofia Gershtein. The girl has been working with VIP guests at events of the highest level for a long time. It was she who organized Ivleeva’s party, first of all making sure that nothing was restricting the tops, including clothes. Judging by the note “from Sophia” next to Mishin’s name in the list of guests obtained by the Cheka-OGPU, Gershtein personally agreed that the sponsor and partner of DEPARTÁMENT, vice-president of MTS, would be received as appropriate, and also accompanied the distinguished guest to the naked party. It is interesting that, in view of recent events, the girl has been a girl for almost weeks. does not read messages on his social networks.

In addition, it is assumed that the NUUM video platform, an MTS project that was supposed to be presented at the party, is also being promoted by DEPARTÁMENT employees. That is why NUUM advertising was located in the most prominent places of the club; these photo zones were chosen not only by bloggers and stars, but also by MTS top manager Igor Mishin. True, the money spent on advertising was wasted - his half-naked photographs in front of NUUM were removed, as Kommersant employees did.
The administrator of “Mutabor” told the Cheka-OGPU details of the sensational party, which was attended not only by now “canceled” stars like Kirkorov, Lolita and Bilan, but also by representatives of Yandex, VK and MTS, led by Vice President Igor Mishin.
According to an employee of the Mutabor club (a recording of the conversation is available to, the event was organized by the Marketing Department agency. An agreement was concluded between them to hold two “sessions”, according to which “Mutabor” was to receive 3 million rubles for rent net. However, the establishment has not yet been paid 960 thousand rubles and an impressive amount for alcohol from the bar, which the guests used under an additional agreement. The amount was partially paid off through the sale of tickets - in total, entrance tickets were sold in the amount of 2 million 40 thousand rubles, and tickets were sold only on the second day of the party. At the first evening, everyone who was invited did not pay for entertainment.

The liaison between Mutabor, which provided the venue and staff, was a certain Julia and event manager Ekaterina Smith. Also in touch from the Marketing Department was Maxim Buyakov, a DJ and producer of metropolitan parties. Ivleeva herself was absolutely not interested in who was organizing the party and how - all requests and demands were received by the club administrator from agency representatives.
It is interesting that the management of the establishments were not warned about the presence of journalists, moreover, the organizers demanded that all phones and cameras be confiscated from the Mutabor employees; according to the original scenario, only a specially invited photographer was supposed to cover the whole action, and where did the reporters from MuzTV, RUtv, Zhara come from? and Kommersant in Mutabor, no one understood.
Around the club during a party t pumped-up bodyguards scurried around every now and then. Most of them were guarding VIP guests on a special dance floor on the second floor; top managers of the largest Russian companies were seen among the vacationers; many of them were drunk and behaved inappropriately, however, it did not come to blows. One of the oddities is that security lost Ksenia Sobchak, they had to look for her together with the club administration.
It also became clear why this choice of dress code was supposedly connected. According to the Mutabor administrator, Nastya Ivleeva some time ago worked as an editor at Playboy and organized a major photo shoot, but when the magazine closed, the footage from the shoot was never published. And just recently, Ivleeva received the rights to these materials and, in honor of this, decided to throw a party to demonstrate the beauty of human bodies.
It is worth noting that the VChK-OGPU telegram channel was the first to report that among the participants in the naked party there were a select few. So, angry patriots, security officials, etc. diligently avoid the person of Olga Karput, who was at the party in a naked outfit. She is the wife of the co-owner of Capital Group Pavel Te - this is any developer of Moscow Mayor Sobyanin. Or they “forgot” about Ksenia Chilingarova, the daughter of Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Artur Chilingarov. Where are the cancellations, searches, blocking of sites and accounts?
Another “star” of Ivleeva’s naked party, who for some reason was forgotten, is the laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation award, vice-president of MTS Igor Mishin. We have no doubt that everything will be fair. Tomorrow all government agencies will terminate contracts with MTS and a review of the validity of the operator’s receipt of licenses will begin. Yes, but what about MTS with paying taxes?
The Cheka-OGPU found out that the girl posing in a naked outfit with Lolita, Sobchak, Bilan, etc. is Katerina Yankovic. She is the wife of Serbian businessman Nebojs Jankovic, owner of the Comita company, which works with Russian government agencies. For a narrow circle of people, Yankovic is known as the IT wallet of Gazprom head Alexei Miller for IT projects, and at the same time for transferring money to Europe through Serbia.
To be consistent, then, following Kirkorov and Lolita, it would be worth right now to cancel and punish another whole group of not only participants in the naked party, but also the sponsors and organizers. Which is MTS, whose tops and wards stars staged this whole naked session. Moreover, the party, supposedly only for their ambassador Nastya Ivleeva, was initially a public event, where photojournalists and cameramen from many media outlets were invited. So the attempts of Sobchak and others to justify themselves, saying that this was a private party and the photo was leaked to the Internet, remain attempts.
The Cheka-OGPU already drew attention to the selectivity of “cancellation” for participants in a naked party using the example of the wife of developer Pavel Te (a developer close to Sobyanin), Olga Karput, who posed on the bed with Ivleeva. Near Karput you can see Ksenia Chilingarova - the daughter of the owner of the stars of Hero of the USSR and the Russian Federation Artur Chilingarov, vice-president of the Russian Geographical Society (president of the Russian Geographical Society - Shoigu) and a former deputy of two convocations.

Last year, Ksenia was glad that at the height of the war she became a citizen of Armenia, and in 2023, Chilingarova, the daughter of the traveler and conqueror of the North and South Poles, received 10 million rubles from the Moscow Small Business Lending Fund for her own outerwear brand “Arctic Explorer”. Judging by the image at the “naked party,” Chilingarova did not really need money from “Motherland No. 1” for clothes. As, indeed, their common “friend” with Karput - model Eli Mova, whom someone has been diligently sponsoring recently. The girl was employed by the Zhara Agalarov TV channel, she is “invited” to expensive photo shoots in foreign magazines and is widely written about in the media. Even the foreign agent Morgenstern himself was filmed with her in the video for the song “Sad.” For some reason, they don’t remember that she was the first to lie down on “Ivleeva’s bed.”
No one is “cancelling” the young actress Anastasia Krasovskaya (“The Boy’s Word. Blood on the Asphalt”). She is now the face of Kion, which belongs to MTS. There, their mutual friend, VK music projects development director Konstantin Sidorkov, was spotted at the “naked Sabbath”. He photographed his face with f... emeralds on Ivleeva’s waist, and then opened VK Fest - they are in no hurry to “expose” friend Stepan Kovalchuk.
As for organizing the party, stylist Ksenia Smo was in charge of its “tricks” and images of the characters. A few days before the event, she and her assistants announced that everyone would comply with the dress code. There was no talk of any “closedness”. Photographers from major publications were accredited to Mutabor, and TV channels, Zhara, MuzTV, and Kommersant worked on site. Journalists from the Super TV channel were one of the first to provide media coverage of the party, and the live broadcast was broadcast on the NUUM video platform, owned by MTS. Now the company is sharply distancing itself from any mention of connections with the naked party, but in fact, 90% of all the stars at the party are their wards. The same Lolita Milyavskaya, who collaborated with MTS Music, or Philip Kirkorov, in whose show MTS invested about a billion rubles.

Personally next to the blog the ruff Sasha Spielberg, against the backdrop of zones with advertising NUUM (MTS project), one could also meet MTS Vice President Igor Mishin. Obviously, it was he who oversaw the party with the participation of stars who collaborate with the company.
A photograph of MTS Vice President Igor Mishin at a naked party has disappeared from the website and Kommersant’s photo database. There were 41 photos, but now there are 40. It was MTS who was the real organizer of the event, inviting the stars who collaborate with the company to attend. Now they have begun to “cover their tracks.”
The Cheka-OGPU continues to talk about the participants in the “naked party”, whom angry activists and patriots did not notice. The head of marketing at Yandex-Ultima, Dmitry Vikulin, was spotted at the party and, according to eyewitnesses, came “with his boyfriend and boys.”
The list of participants in the “naked” party includes Irina Zarkova, the wife of the famous restaurateur Boris Zarkov, owner of the White Rabbit Family company. It is in his restaurants that top officials and security officials usually decide on shady matters. As it turned out, Irina attended the event not just as a guest. It was the White rabbit Family company that was responsible for the gastronomic part of the event. Irina is the director of communications in her husband’s company, so she established communications.....
Denis Zhirnov