The head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, in an interview with state media, summed up the work of Roscosmos in 2023 and shared the plans of the state space corporation for the near future. The head of the management company places the main emphasis on cooperation with private companies - shops, with the help of which Roscosmos is ready to increase the production of spacecraft - small satellites (cube gardens) for civilian purposes. Of the 800 billion rubles allocated for domestic cosmonautics in 2024-26, the head of the corporation, Borisov, is ready to give more than 50 percent to contracts with private owners. Thus, other important programs will be cut back on the manned domestic space program and the idea will be to catch up with the Americans, Europeans and Chinese who have gone ahead in the production of small spacecraft - satellites for low orbits that perform earth sensing tasks. Details at Rucriminal.info.
In fact, the road to “hell” for the Russian cosmonautics will finally be paved with Borisov’s good intentions.
As a superstructure, an ineffective management link, Roscosmos is not responsible for failures in space. The corporation distributes budgets between scientific production associations that still remain from the times of the Soviet Union, controls deadlines and is in charge of its own insane bureaucratic apparatus. And this apparatus, in which most of the employees are far from science and space, production problems, etc., overwhelms the remaining afloat space companies with crazy plans and reporting requirements. Decides for professionals how and by what means to conduct space exploration.
The essence of Borisov's plan is very simple - the theft scheme has been tested more than once, as they say. Private companies have the same oligarch owners we know, including the head of AFK Yevtushenkov, the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government Boris Aleshin, who is well known to us, the Kremlin oligarch Alisher Usmanov, and others.

It is through their affiliated structures, such as the Sputniks company, that these same 800 billion rubles will be collected in the next few years. The requirements for Cube Gardens in terms of electronic components are somewhat simpler than for spacecraft, which are in geostationary orbits, which means that abroad it will be possible to buy simple chips and all sorts of electronics for cents, but here it is 100 times more expensive to sell to Roscosmos. Naturally, rubles will be converted into dollars and euros and deposited in the necessary accounts abroad. The private investments that Borisov is going to attract for the satellite production program are also clear where they will come from. These are interest-free and preferential government subsidies and loans, which will be received by the same pseudoscientific and production structures, i.e. These are funds from Russian taxpayers. And then they will be returned from the budget again at good interest, like spent investments. This money will also be subject to currency conversion and withdrawal abroad. Aleshin’s father, being the Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR, tried out similar schemes for theft and transfer of currency to Western countries. This is how entire factories were purchased, equipment that rusted in the open air, this is how wheat was purchased in Canada and the USA, as they said then that it was sown in the Union, and the harvest was harvested in North America.
The result of 26 will be the absence of a working satellite constellation and the final destruction of such companies as the Reshetnev Research Institute, NPO Lavochkina, RKS, RSC Progress and other companies.
But the Borisov-Evtushenkov-Aleshin clan will seriously enrich themselves at the expense of the space budget.
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info
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