The team of the “Police Ombudsman” was sent to the “purgatory” under the building of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to the TG channel "VChK-OGPU" for the bold and honest coverage of all this madness that is happening to us, ordinary caring citizens who have fallen victims of the legal system of our country.
Secondly, many thanks to all those who supported us in difficult times, supported our loved ones. There were a lot more good people, as I expected. Of course, there were those who swore devotion, readiness to help in the most difficult moments, but when these moments happened, they “put their head in the sand”, or they came to my work and began to make claims against my employees, Like, how could he quit our business? In general, I don’t take offense at all with them, because. these were random people in my life, which in these difficult times showed who really surrounded me. Now I know exactly who I should get rid of, deleting from life forever, and with whom I am exactly on the way, for whom I am ready to lay down almost everything I can.
Now let's move on to the merits.
So, the three of us “stopped” at SIZO-4 in Medvedkovo. Prior to that, we were kept in a temporary detention center at 38 Petrovka, where we were specially left for 10 days, so that we could properly experience all the “charms” of this institution, in comparison with which the purgatory itself will seem like an easy walk in good weather through some beautiful city park . Well, never mind, we spent more than worthy time in the temporary detention facility. And now the pre-trial detention center, now the new realities.
It has its own atmosphere, everything is different here. A person gets used to everything, so I got used to almost everything in a month. Only it is impossible to get used to separation from loved ones, you will have to endure.
Now for life.
I am sitting in a cell with 9 people, i.e. we are 10 people. Among the cellmates there are those who flicker on federal channels, about whom there is information on Wikipedia. They are worthy people, but for obvious reasons I will not disclose their personalities. Someone is in prison for a cause, someone is not clear why, for example, for giving a bribe to an unidentified person. There is a man who has been in prison for six months for stealing 6,000 rubles. The state spends 1,800 rubles a month on him to keep him “locked up”. That's all the arithmetic.
In front of us are cameras for the "back door", that is, for people who did not serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, the Investigative Committee or the prosecutor's office. Contrary to all rumors, we communicate with each other normally, no prejudice.
Recently, prisoners in one of the cells of the "back door" caught a mouse on suspicion of trying to steal food. As required by law, they set her on trial. There were all: the prosecutor, and the judge with the secretary, and the lawyer, and the bailiffs. Based on the principle of fairness, legality, objectivity, competitiveness and the presumption of innocence, the court, having considered this case, pronounced a verdict: the mouse should be acquitted for lack of corpus delicti. Mouse lowered
Because everyone is equal before the law! And we must not allow the use of the law in order to create lawlessness. I think it's obvious. But this is obvious to normal sane people, and it is difficult for any Krivolingus and dumb-headed sows in general's shoulder straps to perceive. Well, just think: in order to falsify another episode in relation to a obviously innocent person, they offered cunnilingus to an unfamiliar girl. Interestingly, Krivolingus himself thought of this before or acted on instructions ....
And these people are awarded colonel and general ranks, appointing them to high positions. And these people, who themselves are fierce criminals, are putting us in isolation on charges of committing a crime that, in fact, they themselves committed.
Well, see for yourself. We are charged with a deliberately false denunciation of a crime allegedly committed by Vorontsov against Irina - extortion of 30,000 rubles for not distributing her intimate video on the Internet. According to the materials of our criminal case and according to the accusation already brought against us, we allegedly committed a crime in Moscow on May 13, 2020, but on the day when Irina wrote the statement, she and I were on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia. Only Vasek was in Moscow, and all he did was send me messages, asking if Irina got in touch? At the same time, he was in complete ignorance. But that's not the point.
The main thing is that we managed to impartially record with the help of a voice recorder:
1. On May 13, 2020, Irina filed an application against Vorontsov stating that he was conducting her case in court for reinstatement, lost the case itself, and received the money, while making vulgar jokes. That is, on that day, Irina did not file any deliberately false denunciation, writing the absolute truth in her statement.
2. Irina's statement, which is in the materials of the criminal case against Vorontsov, was registered with the Moscow City Security Bureau on the same date - May 13, 2020. And how is this possible if she was in Mordovia that day and until May 24, 2020 all the time? That is, if they try to impute to us that Irin's statement she wrote the other day, then this is pure falsification, tk. Stroganov’s resolution is on the application and the next day (May 14, 2020) he issued a decision to send materials on Irina’s application to initiate a criminal case. It turns out that if they impute a different date to us, then this is already a falsification of the materials of the criminal case by Stroganov himself and his subordinates.
And this threatens all of them with involvement under Article 299 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that is, everything is as I said.
3. The explanation available in the case from Irina, which was compiled by Krivolingus, is also dated May 13, 2020. An explanation falsified by him, and not the one that Irina really gave on the day when she clearly and repeatedly stated, including Stroganov, that there was no extortion from Vorontsov. It will not be difficult at all to prove this falsification by these stupid USBs.
Firstly, when Krivolingus forged it, introducing knowingly false information there, then ... indicated, along with the date (May 13, 2020), the place of its compilation - Moscow. And he himself interrogated Irina that day, while in Mordovia.
Secondly, there is an audio recording of what Irina actually gave evidence that day, where it is recorded that she did not talk about any extortion of 30,000 rubles.
Thirdly, when Krivolingus was compiling a real explanation from Irina on May 13, 2020, he spent a long time figuring out the name of the locality where they were. And on the audio recording, you can clearly hear how he enters the name of the settlement in the explanation. And then an explanation appears in the criminal case, compiled by Krivolingus allegedly in Moscow.
Here are miracles! This is how much it is necessary to hate the truth in order to accuse us of a deliberately false denunciation, combined with the artificial creation of evidence for the prosecution, when the artificial creation of evidence for the prosecution was organized by Stroganov, Krivolingus and others ....
Chess players have such a term as "zugzwang". It means that no matter what action the opponent does, his position gets worse and worse with each move, and ultimately leads to his defeat.
Then I remembered one case that I had with my lawyer. The decoration is like that.
One of the deputies was accused of 2 episodes of abuse of office (Article 285 of the Criminal Code) and embezzlement of budgetary funds through embezzlement using his official position (Part 3 of Article 160 of the Criminal Code).
Local media were full of publications about this case, and prosecutors from the Investigative Committee handed out interviews to the right and left about which corrupt official they famously caught.
There, too, a whole investigative group was created, which collected several volumes of "irrefutable evidence" about the official's guilt in all these "terrible corruption crimes."
The public longed for a guilty verdict on the "thieving" official, because. society has already passed its verdict. But then there was a trial and it all ended with the removal of all charges against our client due to the absence of a crime event. The head of the investigation was removed from his post, and the state reimbursed our client absolutely all expenses, and even paid compensation for moral damages in the amount of several hundred thousand rubles. When the Investigative Committee understood that the case in court was going in the wrong direction, they invited us for a conversation, where they begged us to agree to the termination of the criminal case on non-rehabilitating grounds, for example, due to a change in the situation or active repentance. The client was not against it, but I insisted on a complete rehabilitation, which in the end turned out.
Let's see what will happen here, because our investigation team itself does not yet really understand what to do with us. That's exactly what they tell us.
They also ordered a psychiatric examination. The investigator himself does not know why he did it, but he says he was ordered to do so, but he cannot disobey.
There are no grounds for the appointment of this examination, although by virtue of clause 3 of article 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation they must be. The Supreme Court of Russia, in paragraph 6 of the Resolution of the Plenum No. 6 of 2011, listed these grounds:
- finding a person registered in a psychodispensary;
- head trauma;
- medical documents confirming that a person has a psychiatric illness,
- a court decision on declaring a person incompetent, etc.
But what data about my personality forced them to order an examination?
(Sorry, it will not be very modest further)
Probably, they considered that the basis for such an examination would be one of the following circumstances of my biography:
1. I received my first professional education at the age of 19, having received a diploma with honors;
2. At the same age of 19, I entered the service in the internal affairs bodies, where I went from an ordinary district police officer to a senior security officer. units for combating corruption in the authorities of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Penza region;
3. The first rank was awarded to me by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ahead of schedule due to the achieved indicators in the service, when I was still a trainee;
4. In October of this year, I was supposed to receive a management diploma from the Presidential Academy of Russia (Moscow), and apparently this diploma should also have been with honors, because. At I don’t have a single “4”, all marks are only “excellent”;
5. in May of this year, I gave my first lecture at the Presidential Academy of Russia, where I planned to continue teaching;
6. The Supreme Court of Russia has repeatedly taken my side in the most difficult cases, when, among other things, it was about saving terminally ill children in the country (see Resolution of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 1 for 2020, item No. 1);
7. Our case file received numerous appeals from the parents of those children who were saved, including due to the fact that I managed to achieve a change in the entire system of drug provision for seriously ill children in Russia;
8. I am married and, accordingly, in marital relations with a person of the opposite sex (which, apparently, for all these Krivolinguses is a fierce savagery).
I wonder what they considered abnormal from this? Maybe everything? I do not exclude ... Especially item 8.
But the point is different. According to investigators, one of their tasks is to recognize us as mentally ill. This will explain a lot to them. For example, they will not need to bring the case to court (more precisely, to a full open trial on the merits, where all their heinous crimes can be revealed). They will receive a psychiatrist's conclusion that we are “cuckoo”, who will be waved right and left, they say, look, they are psychos, they invented everything, they cannot be trusted.
Yep, figured it out! We also came up with their heinous crimes captured on audio recordings?
Okay, let's see if their "charged" psychiatrists can find grounds for recognizing us as mentally ill.
Time will tell if their meager brains throw out more.
In the meantime, they will keep us to the maximum in the isolation ward, arranging a demonstrative flogging, like, in vain you prevented us from imprisoning the innocent, now we can put even more innocent people on the grid, recognizing them as psychos officially, and all are doctors, judges of the district courts of Moscow and the Moscow City Court, experts, prosecutors, etc. - they will dance to our USB tune.
By the way, the conclusion on us is already ready, even before the doctors from the expert commission should talk to us. They only need to observe a formality - just talk with us, draw up a questionnaire, collecting an anamnesis. In a day or two, the conclusion will already be at the disposal of the investigators.
That's all justice along with justice ...
But I'm sure we'll be able to appeal the whole thing, and eventually get the hell out of it.
In the meantime, "manual" judges will extend our detention, based on the report of the head of the CSS, where he concludes that, remaining at large, we can put pressure on the investigation, because. We are proficient in the tactics and methodology of ORD. But this phrase in his report looks unfinished. There are not enough words: "unlike us." Now everything falls into place. So what? Taking into account how the three of us swindled this gay circle, having worked out a good part of the points from Article 6 of the Law on ORD on these morons, we can say without false modesty that, compared to them, we are the gods of the ORD. Sorry, of course, for this pathos, but in comparison with them, this one is exactly so. We didn't do anything fancy though. So, the operational combination is at the level of a beginner ROVD opera. But neither this stupid sow, nor this Krivolingus, such a level of professional development is simply not achievable. That is why the fact that they keep us in a pre-trial detention center is our reward for valor, no matter how strange it may sound in the context of the current situation.
And the situation is such that criminals keep law-abiding citizens in prison, receiving rewards for this. That is, freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is strength...
By the way, when I entered the SIZO cell, I saw a video camera on the wall, from which it was impossible to hide anywhere, which said that “big brother is watching you.” The most realistic setting of the dystopian novel "1984". Only not on the theater stage or cinema screen, but right here and now, with total immersion. Well, when I read Animal Farm here, just in case, I looked out of the cell to make sure that old Orwell wasn’t walking along the length ... But only the Federal Penitentiary Service went there ... By the way, they do their work a million times more professionally than all those sows in general uniforms, and the Krivolinguses, who have now become leaders of entire police units in the very heart of our country, in its capital.
That is why all sorts of terrorists calmly in broad daylight in the capital mine the cars of Russian journalists, and then blow up their cars, easily bypassing all the police cordons, changing the numbers of cars, and leaving the country. Have I made it clear now? And what awaits our country further with such police chiefs? Everyone understands that ensuring internal security in the country is one of the priorities of modern realities in this very difficult time. And those who are in charge of ensuring this internal security are those who imprison innocent people, who offer cunnilingus for falsifying charges ...
Okay, let's see what's up with this. can be done.
In the meantime, we are sitting in isolation, thinking about how to overcome all these difficulties, how to help our relatives and friends, and indeed everyone who needs help, including ours.
Further it will only be more interesting.
See you, friends!
Timofey Grishin