Rucriminal.info continues to publish materials from a joint investigation with the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel about the completely meaningless, from the point of view of business profitability, company Gazprom SPG Technologies LLC, which was declared the operator of liquefied motor fuel LNG in Russia. But perhaps the idea was not bad, but it turned out to be a rather illustrative story.

At the head of the operator Gazprom is the shady businessman Alexey Kakhidze, whose older brother Alexander Kakhidze is currently surprising the country with presentations of multi-billion dollar projects for the construction of a network of transport and logistics container centers (TLC) across the country, with the support of, among others, Messrs. Sobyanin and Kozhemyako. In reality, we have a fantastic bluff with the sole purpose of attracting credit funds, but without implementing the projects. The connections of the Kakhidze brothers' companies point to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Babakov. He is their real beneficiary. The acquisition of equipment for mini LNG plants (and their "construction", let us recall, only two out of more than 60 announced for 12 billion rubles in 2017 were built), truck tractors, cryogenic gas stations, etc., was carried out only on lease. At the same time, the amounts of acquisition of these fixed assets through the companies OOO GEFEST, OOO MORSKIE TEKHNOLOGII and others increased three to five times. Accordingly, the turnover of the received credit funds for the acquisition of this on lease - the real cost was quickly returned through accelerated depreciation of the equipment acquired on lease, and the return of VAT from the budget for a cost inflated by three to five times. And the difference between the real cost and the inflated balance was simply taken out of the country. According to our estimates, without producing anything, Mr. Kakhidze withdrew from the Russian budget at least 100 million dollars in VAT only on inflated leasing. These funds were transferred abroad with the help of Latvian enterprises, as well as the ZPIF organized by the Kakhidze group (COMBINED ZPIF "UNITED ASSETS OF THE FUTURE" and others).
According to Rucriminal.info, the crisis of funds that arose in his companies, due to their theft by him, has now caused problems not only with paying taxes, settlements with creditors, but also with non-payment of wages to employees. By the way, the drivers of the company OOO AK MT CFO simply abandon trucks on the highway, and even remove spare parts from them due to the lack of money to pay for fuel and wages.
All this forces Kakhidze to look for additional sources of financing (and again for theft) to continue pumping up his LNG bubble. He acquires control over really operating profitable companies - leasing companies (OOO Karkade, etc.) as well as JSC United Energy Construction Corporation (an enterprise with a long history, participated in the repair of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station), JSC Liskimontazhkonstruktsiya (one of the largest manufacturers of pipe products for Gazprom and Transneft in the country) through front men (nominees). The surprising behavior of Mr. Kakhidze's nominees is indicative - clearly seeing the principle of fraudulent business, they unquestioningly continue to participate and sign everything he tells them. Having got a taste for acquiring, not without Babakov's participation, really operating assets through nominees, and the unpunished withdrawal of all funds (operating and credit) from them, and then from the country, Mr. Kakhidze brings JSC United Energy Construction Corporation and JSC Liskimontazhkonstruktsiya to the stage of bankruptcy. Leasing companies that provided LNG equipment and LNG trucks on lease are currently not receiving astronomical amounts of lease payments from Kakhidze's group due to a lack of money. At the same time, the group of "financiers" of Kakhidze A. convinces leasing companies that everything is going well, on the contrary - a new batch of LNG trucks has arrived in the country and is currently undergoing customs clearance at the Chinese border.

What is interesting is that leasing companies not only cannot find the structure's working transport for seizure, but also have discovered the absence of transport in the country that arrived from China to customs. Apparently, some of the leasing companies may also face bankruptcy. The lawsuits currently launched by leasing companies for the debts of Kakhidze's companies will not bring them the desired result. Recently, a unique spectacle took place in the Federation Council (you can watch it on the official website of the CF), when Alexey Kakhidze and Ivan Kozhevnikov (an investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who was prosecuted for corruption and is now a top manager of Gazprom) complained to the country about the operating principle of leasing companies - that he (Kakhidze) owes them. It is also worthy of a joke to show Mr. Miller at the SPIGF-2024 forum a diesel locomotive on LNG fuel, which is not only inoperative, but also for which leasing payments have not been made.
Pumping up all of its real and non-operating enterprises with bank cross-lending (let us recall that A. Kakhidze is not affiliated t in many of its controlled legal entities), credit funds are withdrawn almost in full to the accounts of their one-day firms, and then abroad. But at the same time, the donor companies naturally remain on the verge of bankruptcy. Continuing his activities to withdraw funds for personal interests and misleading (let's say) PAO Gazprom, Alexey Kakhidze is now faced with a lack of finances both in Gazprom SPG Technologies LLC and in its affiliated structures. Illegal schemes are being used to attract safe (undisclosed) refinancing by the largest banks, again under the cross-guarantee of the same companies managed by nominees, and the nominees themselves. All this has naturally led at the moment to the stage of actual bankruptcy of all of Kakhidze's companies. The total debt of the Kakhidze group to banks and creditors is more than 35 billion rubles. The person behind this “businessman”, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Mr. Babakov A.M., is not very interested in this question, since the Moor has already done his job.
I would like to ask Mr. Miller a question – Alexey Borisovich, Gazprom’s record loss in its entire history, is this the above-mentioned systemic approach to the country’s national wealth, or is it simply a “coincidence” known in advance?
Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info