In the last elections to the State Duma "Fair Russia - For the Truth" received 27 mandates, a significant part of which will be awarded to commercial deputies. Either they themselves paid for their deputy, or sponsors made for them. "Fair Russia" has long been living sponsors and one of the major financial donors is a businessman from the Pskov region, ex-deputy of the State Duma Mikhail Bryachak. However, he is better known to law enforcement agencies as the "treasurer" of one of the leading organized crime groups in the North-West of Russia. Details are in the continuation of the investigation by Rucriminal.info.

Immediately after the 2000 elections, Bryachak M.V. there is a conflict with the newly elected governor on the topic of control over the customs business. Since in the election campaign of the winning candidate Mikhailov E.E. Since the money of the Tambov organized criminal group was invested, Dervoed D. was appointed to the post of deputy governor of St. Petersburg, who, together with the criminal authority Bodin I., began to actively "get involved" in the customs business. In turn, in the election campaign of Bryachak M.V. the leaders of the political movement "Sons of Russia" - Podkolzin (former commander of the Airborne Forces) and V. Stolpovsky invested. amounted to about 2 million US dollars. For the purpose of his defense Bryachak M.The. conducts negotiations with, appointed in June 2001, crime bosses from Moscow and St. Petersburg, "looking" in the city of Velikiye Luki, Anton Novikov.
The result of a clash of interests between two criminal groups was the murder of I. Bodin in December 2001.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, at the end of 2001, a number of serious inspections of the work of customs structures were carried out in Moscow. It was at this moment that Bryachak M.V. manages to move international customs traffic to the northwest terminals. This allowed him not only to solve his financial problems, but by organizing interaction with the leader of the political party "Russian Party of Life" S. Mironov, to create a branch of this party in Pskov, from which he is already nominated for the next election of the head of the Pskov region administration in 2002.
It was from this time that Bryachak M.V. and becomes the main sponsor of the main "fair Russia" S. Mironov and actively goes into politics, gradually excluding himself from the structure of legal entities. The elder brother of Bryachak M.V. remains in the customs direction. - Bryachak I.V., who was convicted by the Kingisepp City Court in 2012 for a series of criminal offenses as part of an organized criminal group. At this time, his brother - Bryachak M.V. was a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, elected on the lists of "Fair Russia".
Having lost the next election, Bryachak M.V. masters a new scheme of work at customs. Through his connections, first of all, the first deputy of the Pskov customs, VN Parakhin, organizes a smuggling channel for consumer goods (radio electronics and household electrical appliances) imported from Europe through the Shumilkino checkpoint under the guise of inaccurate declaration. The scheme of the so-called "changeling" is used.
For the successful development of the customs business Bryachak M.V. interested in monopolizing the market by placing internal customs posts on the basis of its temporary storage warehouse. To do this, to address the issue Bryachak M.V. connected assistance on the party line in the person of S. Mironov. The result of negotiations in Moscow with the leadership of the FCS of Russia was the decision of the leadership of the Pskov customs to consider the warehouses of Teko-Terminal CJSC as a place for the delivery of goods, the general director of which is Oleg Mikhailovich Bryachak, the son of the head of the Pskov branch of the party "Fair Russia" Bryachak M.V.
Against this background Bryachak M.V. continues to develop new channels for smuggling excisable goods into Russia. Thanks to the chairman of the political party "Fair Russia" S. Mironov, M. Bryachak. I manage to find a common language with the head of the Pskov customs, Korobeinikov I.D. In order to further monopolize the customs market and eliminate competitors, Bryachak M.V. attracts to its side the head of CJSC "Rostek-Pskov" Bodrov S.V. and entrepreneur Zagoruya N.I., who in the future, thanks to these agreements, will become the largest foreign trade player in the North-West, controlling more than half of the smuggling channels. At that time, the turnover of goods that were registered at the firms of Zagoruya N.I. and Bryachak M.The. amounted to more than 1 million tons. As a result of the agreements reached, it was planned to increase it to 3.5 million tons for the year.
The overall coordination remained with MV Bryachak, cargo transportation for Zagoruem NI, and “solving issues” with law enforcement agencies was carried out by SV Bodrov.
As Rucriminal.info found out, the scheme worked successfully and in 2009 smuggled supplies of various foreign computer and household appliances to Russia were established already under the guise of building materials. Smuggled equipment was delivered to Russia in containers by rail from the seaport of Riga through a customs point tons of passes at the Sebezh customs of the Pskov region. All the necessary documents for customs clearance, as well as for the movement of cargo, were changed in the port of Riga when loading onto railway trains. This type of transport was not chosen by chance, since in 2009 the railway customs posts were not equipped with the necessary means to carry out the inspection of goods.
Since the proud title of the main sponsor of Fair Russia required significant financial costs, MV Bryachak, being a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in addition to the customs business, is forced to look for new opportunities to earn money.
For this Bryachak M.The. at first it makes attempts to take over the shares of Pskov plant of radio components Pleskava, and then carries out its deliberate bankruptcy. According to the List approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.01.2004, No. 22-P, this plant is classified as a strategic enterprise and is engaged in the production of products within the framework of state defense orders.
After receiving a controlling stake Bryachak M.The. pledges the property of the plant to obtain a loan in the amount of 220 million rubles from the bank "Rosselkhozbank". The fraudulent scheme was implemented: the money under 6 loan agreements was transferred to 4 interconnected companies: LLC Pallada, LLC Lari, LLC Hintel and LLC Kronika, then transferred to one-day firms and cashed. Loan payments were not paid, and in the course of further proceedings it was established that these companies provided deliberately false information about their financial and economic situation. Then the borrowers were declared bankrupt and a number of Russian and foreign legal entities suddenly faced debt claims against them. The total amount of damage to the bank "Rosselkhozbank" amounted to 219 million rubles.
At the elections to the VII convocation of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2016, Bryachak M.V. decides to run for the constituency in Crimea. For the successful implementation of the outlined plans, serious financial costs are required. Using the status of a State Duma deputy, Bryachak M.V. arranges smuggling supplies through the territory of Ukraine and Crimea, hoping to invest the money earned in the election campaign. However, it is faced with a serious confrontation between the local business, which occupies foreign economic activity in the territory of Crimea. As a result of financial miscalculation Bryachak M.The. fails to timely organize the flow of funds to his electoral accounts and he loses the 2016 elections.
Using his administrative resource, Bryachak M.V. gets a job in the apparatus of the political party "United Russia", which by that time became the general secretary of the former from 2009 to 2017. the governor of the Pskov region Turchak A.A.
To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info