Rucriminal.info became aware of a story related to the conduct of criminal cases against students in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Samara University of Communications. In order to expose a corrupt teacher, students were asked to voluntarily talk about cases when they paid him money for “offsets” and “exams”. And then, for the sake of beautiful statistics, all the students were prosecuted for giving a bribe.

It all started with the fact that about 1.5 years ago one of the students wrote a statement to the transport police that the teacher Kulagin E.P. allegedly demanding a donation to a dog shelter for passing a test in a subject. A criminal case was initiated against Kulagin E.P. about taking a bribe, committing illegal actions and putting down offsets without allegedly actually testing knowledge. During the pre-investigation check, students were interviewed, who were told by the investigators that they were needed only as witnesses in order to save the head of the group. And the main part of the students went towards the investigation, writing testimonies against the teacher. Criminal case No. 12102000104000019 was initiated, during which Kulagin E.P. charged under Part 3 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

And then, on the basis of a report on the discovery of signs of a crime by the investigator for especially important cases of the second department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Volga Investigation Department for Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation O.A. Koryakin, criminal cases began to be initiated separately against each student for giving a bribe. And then the suspected students were offered the termination of criminal cases under Art. 28 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (Cessation of criminal prosecution in connection with active repentance). The main part of the students, sometimes even under some pressure, and also after receiving information about the absence of consequences, agreed with this decision. But there were also those who are trying to prove their innocence and today, they are in a difficult situation. They take all the necessary actions to protect themselves, but they are ignored, due to the desire of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in transport to make beautiful statistics on students - future railway specialists, depriving them of the opportunity to continue to hold positions, including in structures that provide for work with state secrets .
To be continued…
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info