Today, chaos reigns in the Moscow prosecutor's office, the incompetence of employees, their shortage in the state, the lack of real help to people and effective work.
In general, all the positive work of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office comes down to those isolated cases that are posted on social networks and on the Internet sites of the Prosecutor's Office itself. On this "window dressing", in principle, everything ends. It is enough just to read the reviews of citizens in these social networks or on Yandex maps. Details at
The current staff of the Moscow prosecutor's office can be divided into several groups.
“Old people” are people who have very little left before a preferential pension, having received which they immediately leave this place of work. There are not so many of them left.
"Youth" - graduates of specialized universities, who simply need to work for 5 years, and where to go if the first job is always problematic to find.
"Thieves" - as a rule, they are occupied by all managerial positions, they pretend that more subordinates understand something, but we will talk about them a little lower.
The “middle class” is a mass of workers who are characterized by lack of initiative, unwillingness or fear to change anything in their lives, silently performing a huge layer of unnecessary work in the form of reports and other statistics.
There is no personnel monolith, an alloy of experience, knowledge, a desire to work actively, there are no competent people in the city prosecutor's office.
According to a source, smart young guys, having worked for 5 years, seeing the boorish and consumer attitude on the part of the "thieves' leadership", receiving 65-70 thousand for work seven days a week, happily go to civilian life.
Experienced leaders who went through the prosecutor's school of the 90s and zero were forcibly retired in the period 2020-2022.
The attitude of the leadership towards their subordinates played a cruel joke on them - the lack of staff in the prosecutor's office of the capital today is about 30-35%, as well as the inability to qualitatively fulfill the tasks set by the state.
A significant role in the current personnel situation was played by the head of the personnel department of the Moscow prosecutor's office, Anastasia Moskaleva. Having miraculously found herself in time near the deputy prosecutor of the city, Yuri Katasonov, the latter quickly took such a high position in the capital's prosecutor's office.
Ms. Moskaleva wanted to spit on the existing personnel reserve, a huge series of appointments pleasing to Moskaleva began for the positions of deputies and even some prosecutors in the inter-district and district prosecutor's offices.
Among others, one can single out Zamoskvoretsky inter-district prosecutor Elena Malikova, her deputy Maya Kadyrova, deputy Chertanovsky inter-district prosecutor Stanislav Shevchenko, deputy Kuntsevsky inter-district prosecutor Nikolai Golovach, first deputy Tushino inter-district prosecutor Larisa Strokova.
The list goes on, by no means for beautiful eyes and excellent performance, Anastasia Moskaleva pushed through these appointments.
The incompetence of her henchmen is simply off scale. For example, the deputies of the Council of Deputies of the Northern Tushino region almost live video broadcasts from the receptions of Mrs. Strokova, even a student of a law school cannot carry such nonsense.
In addition, Anastasia Moskaleva helped people from non-core educational institutions who did not have the full legal education required by law to get a job in the prosecutor's office.
An end to these actions was put in December 2022, when the Moscow prosecutor Denis Popov criticized the personnel work under the leadership of Anastasia Moskaleva. In just two days, she was transferred to an ordinary position, though in the Prosecutor General's Office and all in the same personnel department. In principle, she did not bear any responsibility.

But the people she lobbied for leadership positions continue to work, otherwise, due to the mass removal of them from their posts, there will be a big fuss around this situation.
In addition to a corrupt personnel policy, many factors, and most importantly inequality, affect the mass dismissal of employees of the city prosecutor's office.
So, for example, until today, it is mandatory to wear medical masks in all premises, and the leadership of the prosecutor's office does not wear them themselves, forcing only ordinary employees to do this, thereby further alienating themselves. Some sort of segregation. For the appearance in the walls of the prosecutor's office without masks, a disciplinary sanction follows.
This also includes a ban on parking cars of ordinary employees. This can only be done by the leadership, or, for example, by the ex-wife of the current prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory, Oksana Grigorieva, who also holds a seemingly simple ordinary position. However, she and her father, who is not related to the organs at all, can park two brand new Toyota Land Cruiser Prados. To save up for two such cars, a simple employee needs about 18 years, provided that he does not eat, drink and live nowhere.
Social inequality reaches org nah prosecutor's office of colossal proportions. So, the Tver inter-district prosecutor Oleg Kudryavtsev does not drive an old official Ford Focus, but a Toyota Land Cruiser 200 with security. Why does he need security guards and how much money does he personally hire her for? The big question is, what does he do so interesting at his job right next to the building of the Prosecutor General's Office?
Meanwhile, employees of district prosecutor's offices buy paper, cartridges, forms at their own expense, or ask for something from supervised bodies.
What help do the residents of the capital expect from the prosecutor's office, if the employees themselves are mired in statistics, paperwork, and the boorish attitude of the leadership? Where can prosecutors themselves turn with a complaint? Unfortunately, there is no taco organ in our country.
Denis Zhirnov
To be continued