You can endlessly look at fire, water and how in Samara they can’t send a criminal case to court in which a relative of an oligarch from Orenburg is involved...
The situation is surprising in that there seems to be all the evidence in the case - for example, CCTV footage. But let’s briefly recall this incredibly “difficult” crime to investigate.
The Samara Ministry of Internal Affairs investigated the theft from KompeKD LLC. The suspect was a resident of Orenburg, Natalya Novikova (Zelentsova). According to the case materials, from May 13 to May 24, 2022, Novikova, wearing glasses, a mask and a hood, withdrew 1,244,600 rubles from the organization’s bank card. But one day Novikova did not disguise herself. Then the ATM camera captured her face. Novikova was detained in Orenburg and taken to Samara. Before the New Year, criminal prosecution was abruptly stopped.

Novikova-Zelentsova is a relative of the richest resident of Orenburg and the former first deputy governor of the Orenburg region, Alexander Zelentsov. The Zelentsov family controls assets worth more than 16 billion rubles. On the sidelines they are discussing whether fellow countrymen could supposedly help the oligarch and his relative.
Who are our fellow countrymen?
Maybe the prosecutor of the Samara region, Sergei Berizhitsky? He is a native of the Orenburg region, worked there all his life, and in 2015-2020 he was the prosecutor of the Orenburg region.

Prosecutor of the Samara region - Sergey Berizhitsky
Or Samara prosecutor Artem Yarygin has held the position of senior assistant prosecutor of the Orenburg region since 2015.
But here's new news. The other day it became known that now not only the oligarch’s relative is not involved in the case, but the investigation itself has been suspended. There are victims, there are videos, there is damage... But there is no case.
Scandal, sir, however...
In this situation, victims need to write a complaint to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Moreover, with a statement of all the facts of possible corruption connections and a request to check local prosecutors for corruption, including the regional prosecutor: who calls back with whom and what orders he gives. I remember they responded to a similar complaint from the Prosecutor General’s Office about a conflict of interests between the local deputy prosecutor and his wife, a city official. The deputy prosecutor was immediately transferred to work in another region. Unfortunately, order cannot be restored in the Samara region without the intervention of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
In general, we are waiting and worried about the outcome of the investigation...
Source: www.rucriminal.info