The flood emergency in the Orenburg region dealt another blow to the image of Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, who oversees the construction industry. The President of the Russian Federation sent the head of the Ministry of Construction, Irek Faizullin, to deal with the emergency. The report on the agency’s website has not yet published the reasons for the incident, so we have to be content with the version voiced by the dam’s builder – that the billion-ruble structure was gnawed by mice. Details at Rucriminal.info.
Irek Faizullin, Marat Khusnullin’s man, came to the government with him from the post of head of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan. Before Fayzullin, Khusnullin held this post for almost 10 years, and then for the same amount of time he was deputy mayor of Moscow and supervised the construction unit. Neither Khusnullin nor Fayzullin commented on the version with mice.

Marat Khusnullin, who took the post of Deputy Prime Minister in January 2020, controls the cash flows of the construction industry through the Public Law Company (PPK) “Unified Customer” and the PPK “Territory Development Fund”, in which he holds the post of head of the supervisory board. This was reported by the VChK-OGU telegram channel.

PPK “Unified Customer”, created in February 2021, acted as a customer in the amount of 246 billion rubles. The main contractors are Monotek Stroy LLC (28 billion rubles), State Unitary Enterprise Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt (21 billion rubles), LLC GC TSI (21 billion rubles).
Among the owners of Monotek Stroy LLC are Rustam Salimshin and Marat Khafizov, who are considered proteges of Marat Khusnullin. State Unitary Enterprise "Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt" belongs to the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan, so it is not difficult to guess into whose pockets the money from government contracts concluded by the PPK "Unified Customer" ends up.
Already in 2021, it controlled 160 projects financed from the federal budget, effectively taking over the powers of the Russian Ministry of Construction. An audit by the Accounts Chamber for 2022 showed that commissioning times increased for 81 objects, this indicates the low efficiency of the company, which was unable to fulfill its obligations by 50%.
According to the auditors' report, the expenses of the "Single Customer" for the construction of 119 objects within the framework of the FAIP amounted to 48.4 billion rubles, of which 37.7 billion rubles were advance payments, which is almost 80% of the declared amount. The volume of accepted work amounted to only 10.7 billion rubles or 28% of the volume of advances issued.
PPK "Unified Customer" and PPK "Territory Development Fund" (TDF) closely cooperate with each other. According to the telegram channel VChK-OGPU, the FRT, not being a technical organization and not having authority in construction design, imposes its materials on customers from new regions, indicating specific manufacturers from whom these materials should be purchased.
FRT acted as the customer for the amount of almost 192 billion rubles, however, only 5 contractors appear in open sources with a total contract value of just over 200 million rubles. In 2022-2023 the company shows a profit of 8 billion rubles.
Until April 2022, the FRT was called the “Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens - Participants in Shared Construction.” In June 2020, it was headed by Konstantin Timofeev, a protege of Marat Khusnullin. Before this, Timofeev headed Moskomstroyinvest, a structure of the Moscow government. According to media reports, a criminal case was opened against Timofeev in 2017, which evaporated thanks to Marat Khusnullin.
In October 2023, two top managers of the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens' Rights - participants in shared construction in the Leningrad region - general director Alexander Gorshenev and his deputy Denis Chibisov were arrested. According to investigators, they deliberately entered into contracts for the completion of houses at a deliberately inflated cost in 2020-2021.
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel reported that the FRT, which declares its mission to improve the quality of life of Russian citizens, is successfully disbursing the budget with the participation of its leader Ilshat Shagiakhmetov, who is associated with manufacturers of building materials. Kickbacks from them could end up in the pockets of Marat Khusnullin. Previously, Shagiakhmetov was the founder of several companies in Tatarstan.
In 2023, according to the Cheka-OGPU, they arrested
lawyers Dmitry Sharifullin, Ekaterina Myskina, as well as arbitration manager Svetlana Aglinishkene. They were suspected of stealing 240 million rubles. at the FRT in 2018-2021. Accomplices indicated in contracts concluded with affiliated organizations the inflated cost of providing services for the protection of property of development companies.
There are very influential people behind Marat Khusnullin. This is evidenced by the fact that PPK “Unified Customer” in July 2023 tried to recover from Transept Group LLC Boris Rotenberg an amount of 69.5 million rubles for work not confirmed by documents and an unused advance. The claim was rejected by the court, but the fact itself is remarkable. Not everyone will allow themselves to butt heads with one of Vladimir Putin’s closest friends.
Marat Khusnullin’s first statement after his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister was his intention to carry out an all-Russian renovation similar to the Moscow one, which began in 2017 The Moscow Residential Development Renovation Fund under Marat Khusnullin acted as a customer for more than 5 trillion rubles, now – for 6.6 trillion rubles. However, the fund does not publicly list contractors, nor does the FRT. It is possible to track performers worth hundreds of billions of rubles only through media reports.
Marat Khusnullin has not yet raised the topic of all-Russian renovation. Why, when there are other “feeders”?
To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info