The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel wrote that Visionlabs LLC, which is a subsidiary of MTS PJSC, is in a critical financial state due to the fault of one person - its CEO Dmitry Aleksandrovich Markov. According to information available to Rucriminal.info, a solution was found, and the top management breathed a sigh of relief - Markov D. A. will be fired in the near future. But what is the real reason for the destabilization of the entire company? The reasons, unfortunately, are very banal: alcoholism, embezzlement and fraud with financial reports.

As former employees of Visionlabs LLC told us, only those who either drank with Dmitry Aleksandrovich or participated in the so-called "kickback schemes" could rise up the career ladder in the company. One of such people is the head of the HR department, Artem Maksimov. After repeated joint libations and football games with Dmitry, he suddenly became his first deputy and began to run the company. Their joint actions inflated the company's staff almost 2 times, and the payroll exceeded 1 billion rubles, which a priori makes the company unprofitable. But that's not all - the financial director of Visionlabs LLC, Ruslan Karabugati, helped Dmitry in the machinations with the reports. In fact, they used loopholes where you can sign acts and recognize revenue without actually receiving cash. Thus, they fulfilled the plan, received their multi-million bonuses and options, ruining the company with their "work". The previously mentioned head of HR was also in the black all this time x - as the first deputy and key assistant of Dmitry, he was included in the list of especially valuable employees and also paid multi-million rewards. According to former employees, almost every event that the company organized did not take place without a "kickback scheme" in which Markov and Maksimov participated. For renting space, buying alcohol, making merch, and even when buying office equipment for the company, they chose a contractor whose prices were initially much higher than those of competitors and received their kickback. In financial fraud, it was impossible to do without a financial director, who in turn received kickbacks from outsourcing contractors. As a result - multi-million dollar expenses in the pockets of top management. Draw your own conclusions. For clarity, when Dmitry Markov was hired, the company brought in a profit of about 500 million rubles per year, and already this year the total loss for 3 quarters is 750 million rubles, as well as loans with a floating rate of more than 1.5 billion rubles. Rucriminal.info believes that top management will make the only right decision - dismiss the thieving CEO and his team, and also purge ineffective employees.
As the VChK-OGPU reported, starting with the purchase of VisionLabs LLC at the end of 2021 by PJSC MTS and the appointment of a new CEO, the financial performance of the LLC began to deteriorate in arithmetic progression.
According to a source of the VChK-OGPU, under the illiterate leadership of D.A. Markov, the company began to incur losses and stopped even paying for itself. As a result of illiterate decisions, large customer contracts were disrupted.
All these circumstances led to the fact that the Dutch parent company VisionLabs LLC, which now belongs to one of the MTS structures in Luxembourg - Intema S.A.R.L., is experiencing enormous financial and reputational difficulties, since the company has no accounts and is not liable for its obligations. The first arbitration cases from contractors and clients have already been filed with the Stockholm Arbitration Court. One of the plaintiffs is OOO STK, which is demanding the return of more than a million dollars for an unfulfilled order. Several cases from the company's contractors are also being considered in arbitration, some of whom have not been paid for several months or even more than a year.
How MTS will resolve this issue and whether it will save its sinking "daughter" remains a big question.
Arseniy Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info