After the publication of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info about the adventures of the former deputy head of the traffic police of the Republic of Adygea, Ramzin Gusaruk, who is currently trying by all means to ruin the criminal case against himself about extortion from his subordinates with the help of judges of the Maykop City Court, surrounded by the former police chief, according to our data, after a sharp decline in mood, a stormy joyful revival arose again. In this regard, curious details of the scandalous case began to emerge.
As it became known to Rucriminal.info, the once omnipotent police chief Muradin Brantov and his friends exert excessive pressure on judges. He is active for obvious reasons. Apparently, the financial chain did not end with Gusaruk, Brantov's henchman and friend. Having retired of his own free will after the Husaruk affair a year ago, Brantov retains enormous influence over many serious Republican law enforcement officials and his political ambitions. In case of failure to fulfill the promises given to Gusaruku to issue a lenient sentence, the situation may turn in the opposite direction if the former deputy traffic police speaks. Therefore, the judges in this situation are not to be envied.
It is also interesting that literally two weeks ago, Brantov, who has not officially worked anywhere until now after his dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, married his beloved son in the style of the golden Kuban judge Khakhaleva, spending a million dollars on the celebration. The amount of funds spent on the three-day festivities, without hiding, is called by Brantov himself, and everyone in his close circle. The folk rumor in Adygea, which has not seen such celebrations for a long time, does not subside. Where the security official has such free money is not specified.
A few years ago, the son of Muradin Brantov became widely known to the media when, as a student at a Moscow university, he got into a serious accident in the capital of the country in a brand new Bentley car, “honestly bought” by his beloved dad on the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But even then, the father managed to solve everything without consequences.
It is noteworthy that the wedding was personally attended by the dearest guest and part-time Brantov's best friend since childhood - the head of Adygea Murat Kumpilov, recently re-elected by parliament for a second term. The closest friendship and cooperation arose from student times - studying at the Rostov Institute of National Economy and living in the same student room. As they say, with such friends everything is on the shoulder, and Gusaruk should also be fine.
Earlier, the Cheka-OGPU said that in January of this year, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Adygea investigated a criminal case against the deputy head of the UGIBDD of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs Ramzin Gusaruk, who, while supervising the territorial departments of the MREO STSI of the republic, actually "imposed tribute" on on a monthly basis 18 employees of these divisions. Under the threat of this manager actually creating problems in the service, every month from 2018 to 2021, employees transferred Gusaruk various amounts of money from personal salary funds to bank cards of third parties that were directly used by Gusaruk. In total, during the specified period, Gusaruk illegally enriched himself by almost 3 million rubles.
The criminal case, initiated on the basis of the painstaking operational-search work of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Adygea, was sent by the republican prosecutor's office after approval to the Maykop city court for consideration.
However, miracles began to happen in court. Gusaruk, using his corrupt connections in the police and the judiciary, through "respectable" relatives, takes all measures to avoid criminal liability. According to our information, in court a number of witnesses - traffic police officers begin to change their testimony in favor of a former high-ranking policeman, which the court takes at face value.
Moreover, with the help of his accomplices, including police officers, Gusaruk actually attacks all law enforcement agencies with anonymous messages containing slanderous information about prosecutors and the FSB in order to “whitewash” his image and create prerequisites for avoiding strict criminal liability, the maximum which in aggregate can amount to 18 years in prison.
Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriinal.info