Details of the accusations of the forward "Torpedo" Eduard Streltsov in attacking a girl especially for the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info are told by a well-known journalist, author of books about football Alexei Matveev
It so happened that on the day Rai was born, our mother was admitted to the hospital with oncology, - says Nadezhda Mikhailovna. - We, the sisters, and Edik were literally torn between preparing for the reception of the baby and caring for mother. Raya gave birth to a son, named Igor. I will never forget my mother's parting words: "He came to replace me." Apparently, she felt her close departure.
Very fast paced events. In September 1963 Raya and Edik got married. In February 1964, my son was born, and in March of the same year my mother passed away. Joy and sorrow went side by side.
Naturally, Edik did not stay away from the common trouble. He took an active part in organizing the funeral. Then all our relatives met him. My relatives admired the sincerity of a football player.
Once a school friend called with a company to the country. Relax, unwind, communicate, including with young men. Overnight. I come home, from the threshold I announce: they say, I’m going to the Moscow region with friends. We'll sleep there. May Day holidays, great weather, a group of friends. Parents are not with us. One grandmother at that time, sisters, that's all.

Edik resolutely, categorically said, as if he had cut him off: "You will not go to any dacha." Apparently, the very fact of a possible trip caused in him a sharp rejection, rejection. It is clear why. He sincerely worried about me. God forbid what happens. Apparently, dark memories haunted him. Without the guardianship of the elders, there could be no question of a voyage near Moscow.
I tried to convince Edik, sisters: they say, six girls are with me, the guys will come only the next morning. No danger. First of all, Streltsov showed firmness. No, that's it. Not offended.
It is clear that the relatives wanted to protect the young lady from possible unwanted contacts. Three sisters, after the death of their parents, remained, in fact, defenseless. If not for Edik... A real man, he took the burden of care upon himself. There was no family home. Companies of girlfriends and friends gathered in our Moscow apartment. A native nest where congenial people flocked to.
During the quarrels, Raya came to us, shared her sore points. Could cry. Then she came back, of course. Family responsibilities, little son. I'm not sure exactly why the fights happened. Probably ordinary life moments. Edik has a lot of fans, they just overpowered him. There are even more fans of football talent.
Raya did not have a solid family experience, life experience. Apparently, the sister had a strong feeling that her husband did not belong to her as much as to the crowd. Thus, to the fans, enthusiastic girls. Hence the misunderstanding and disagreement. Both are young, passions were in full swing. There is nothing to be surprised. Over time, a lot has faded.
Raya and Edik complemented each other. The sister is more emotional. Very open by nature, all feelings - outward. Edik against her background is not that "a man in himself", but more restrained, of course. A man, in a word.
Streltsov studied hard enough, diligently studied. At VTU. I helped him learn English, this subject was not very good. His middle sister Galya studied mathematics with him, she still teaches at Moscow University.
I often heard disparaging remarks about athletes, football players, including. Say, primitive guys, except how to kick the ball, do not know how. The underlying reason is clear: there were no other interests in life, and no. What to take from them, the brains are beaten off with a ball, and so on.
As a rule, this is said by people who are narrow-minded in mind. Those who do not know the world of sports, its heroes. Never interacted with them. The same Edik did not just read, he devoured books. I preferred historical literature. It was interesting to talk with him, to argue.
Edik, what to hide, was acutely worried about the end of his football career in his beloved Torpedo. For such a famous master, a kind of tragedy. Streltsov was not going to leave big football, circumstances forced him. And the fact that he began to work with children, in my opinion, is very good. He endeared himself to the kids, they were drawn to him.
I will try to assess the situation with the "rape" as if from the outside, impartially. Although it is unlikely to succeed, Streltsov is still a person close to us.
He is certainly a handsome man. The initiative at that very dacha came, after all, from the female sex. After all, no one forced the girls who made up the company of men to get into a car and go to the Moscow region. Everything happened voluntarily.
And no one pushed anyone into the room by force. I judge by reliable sources, and not by rumors, speculation, which cannot be counted. And then the indistinct explanations of the person supposedly “offended, offended” by Edik were intended exclusively for her mom and dad.
That, they say, violent acts took place. In my opinion, a clumsy excuse for a long absence from home. The girl did not tell her parents about the trip to the country. Already at home, she told fables in order to hush up the guilt before relatives. Unconvincing, gross.
She must have expected to go back. The languid evening, however, dragged on. I had to stay. Later, when meeting with parents, she carried baby talk. I was just afraid of the anger of the elders. Edik much later reported in letters to his mother, Sofya Frolovna, that he had not raped anyone. But the girl pointed to Streltsov ...
I don't know all the details. I'm definitely not judging. Who and what room went into, with whom and where he talked, is unprovable. This is if pragmatically, calmly argue. Moreover, more than sixty years have passed since then. I, too, have lived a great life, I understand different nuances.
To act like a Soviet court, to cut off fate at the beginning of the path ... Demonstrative reprisal, nothing more. In my opinion, a detailed, honest, impartial trial does not come close.
I can’t watch films on a topic “given” by someone. Every year it becomes unbearably more disgusting. If Edik were alive, he would certainly have suffered because of frank stupidity, vulgarity.
The impression is that Streltsov has a solid black streak in his damned life. No love, no relatives, no football, nothing. Abuse, shamelessly speculate "dirty". May be enough?! It would be nice if the "niello" corresponded at least a little to reality. Generally far from reality!
Still, I am for a different perception of Eduard Streltsov by people. First of all, this is a great footballer who was loved and honored by the whole country. He loves and honors so far, in my opinion. In any case, that part of her that is passionate about a wonderful game. Such enduring things are more important, cleaner than any dirt that sometimes pours from television screens, from the pages of printed publications. However, dirt will not stick to our Edik anyway.
Whoever, no matter how much they want, the image of Streltsov, especially for the people closest to him, does not at all fit with the creature of the rapist. Again, I don’t know how for anyone, for me, the truism. He simply could not live with "it", exist.
Edik treated us with such tenderness, love, care... I don't believe in the rape invented by one of the enemies. I remember my youth. In the Soviet period, young people, I am no exception, sometimes blindly believed those around them, say, older people. In most cases, normal, decent citizens took care of us. We relied on their honesty and integrity. And, as a rule, they lived up to expectations.
Apparently, Edik is also one of the gullible. Then very young, 19 years old. Moreover, how not to believe people who represented serious state institutions - the investigating authorities, the prosecutor's office, the court, finally. Young Streltsov, one might say, "bought" the empty promises of a dishonest, dishonest investigator. They say, confess what you have done, and let him go free. By all lies they pressed on the unsettled psyche of the young man. In general, they have achieved their goal.
The unfortunate investigator was probably in a hurry to "investigate" the case, in fact, without having hard evidence. I resorted to the so-called professional trick that I mentioned. That's all. The result of the deeds is known: Edik was convicted.
Most likely for nothing. Apparently, only for the fact that on that day he was at the ill-fated dacha. It was necessary to “hang up” an accusation on someone, to cast a “shadow”. Thus, to defame.
A little later, the girl backed down, in writing she refused the accusations against Streltsov. But the flywheel of "justice" was already mercilessly grinding the fate of a brilliant football player. He was sent to prison. On it, if we use football terminology, it was corny "recouped" by order of high-ranking representatives of the Soviet authorities.
Unlike journalists and other public, I have been talking with Edik and his family for more than a quarter of a century. Like no one else, I know the details of his personal life, Streltsov's relationship with our relatives. Not by hearsay, but in reality. Therefore, I have the moral right to judge and draw conclusions. Edika knew her social circle well, she felt the inner world of a person close to us.
I mean that you need to publish truthful things if you undertake to cover a topic, for example, personal life. Don't invent nonsense...
Alexey Matveev
Source: www.rucriminal.info