After a series of publications by the VChK-OGPU telegram channel about the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Lyudmila Veryaeva, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo district, Andreeva, lost her position and was fired on negative grounds, who, under the strict patronage of Veryaeva, organized together with her illegal migration in the area. But even after that, Veryaeva remains in office.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, at the direction of Veryaeva, all construction sites, cafes and other organizations where foreigners work are subject to tribute. In private conversations, Lyudmila Alexandrovna boasts of her high patrons from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, bluntly saying that she is not afraid of anyone or anything.

This is confirmed by a new criminal case initiated under the articles of the Criminal Code “Fictitious registration of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay in the Russian Federation” and “Negligence” against unidentified persons from among the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo district. We have repeatedly written about mass registrations of migrants in the SZAO. According to the investigation, in less than a month, in March 2022, 257 migrants were legalized from the account of the head of the district department, Olga Andreeva. Migration registration was carried out on behalf of legal entities MSK HOSTEL LLC, Kasandra LLC, KORS LLC, Zeus LLC, GRANIT LLC, NEVSKY SKAZKA LLC. However, there are no documents provided by legal entities upon registration at the place of stay of foreign citizens at the specified addresses in the OBM. It was also established that there are no hotels, hostels and other places of temporary residence at the indicated addresses, but business centers, a heating point and other buildings not intended for living are located. However, Veryaev's patrons again took him out of business.
The source of Rucriminal.info also reported that garbage companies engaged in mass migration registration and controlled by the Migration Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northwestern Administrative District exist throughout the district. Andreeva, who was made guilty, was only dismissed for negative reasons.
Two and a half years ago, the modest head of the department of moral and psychological support of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel Nesterenko V.A. brought his two children to the private school "Phoenix" (Strogino, Tallinskaya, 12.5), his income easily allowed and still allows him to pay an entrance fee of 250 thousand rubles and pay 130 thousand monthly (tuition fee is 65 thousand per month) . Six months later, Nesterenko brought his friend, a colleague in the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Veryaeva (VChK-OGPU told about her more than once), a lieutenant colonel, head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Also two children, easily paid 250 thousand entrance fee and 130 thousand monthly.
This year, the daughters of Veryaeva L.A. graduated from school, and Mr. Nesterenko decided to make a gift - through an acquaintance, he turned to the deputy of the State Duma, Vyborny AB, a well-known "fighter" against corruption, with a request to award directors and part of the teachers with Letters of Appreciation. Mr. Vybornoy himself has never been to school, knows nothing about it, but you can't do anything out of friendship.
And Ms. Veryaeva’s friendship with Lieutenant Colonel Nesterenko appeared for a reason. will pass a polygraph, therefore, will not receive a higher position or will be fired. And if he approves, then a person with a dubious past can be appointed to the position ...
The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU became aware of more intriguing details of the service in the internal affairs bodies of the queen of the migration mafia, the head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the North-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Lyudmila Veryaeva. The data received by us testify to covering up the traces of a larger case that took place on the territory of the SZAO in the summer of 2021 and was connected with the murder.
In mid-2021, the high-profile case of the murder of 65-year-old pensioner Natalya Eremkina in the village of Buzhaninovo, Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region, by citizens of Tajikistan, was loudly heard in the news, in which the Migration Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-West Administrative District, headed by Veryaeva, again appeared.
It is known that one of the dumpster firms, controlled by Colonel Veryaeva, illegally registered one of the citizens of Tajikistan, who committed violent acts and killed Natalya Eremkina, on migration registration in the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki Department of the North-West Administrative District of Moscow. The organization is called Invest Trade LLC, its CEO is a deceased person.
As of July 2021, 773 foreign citizens were registered with this organization in a month, including the killer, who never lived at the fictitious address of this organization.
On the fact of mass fictitious migration registration at the legal address of this organization, a criminal no matter. # 12101450008000913 under part 3 of article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The officials responsible for migration registration of the murderer of the pensioner evaded responsibility and the results of the internal check on this fact were simply “hushed up”, as they led directly to Veryaeva and her protégé. A former colleague in the Moscow SAO under her control, Lieutenant Colonel of the Police D.A. SAO.
As a result, at the request of Veryaeva, Lieutenant Colonel Zalizny is retroactively dismissed from the internal affairs bodies (supposedly before the murder of a pensioner), thereby Veryaeva saved him and herself from criminal liability. Veryaeva herself received only a severe reprimand at Petrovka at the end of 2021.

Who is the patron of Mrs. Veryaeva herself in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which allows her to stay in such a corrupt position for so long and with impunity, receive new titles ahead of schedule and live in luxury, buying up elite real estate, teaching children in elite schools and driving luxury cars directly to the building ATC for SZAO?

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation creates real miracles with people. In the first photo you can see what Lyudmila Veryaeva looked like when she first took over as head of the migration department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northwestern Administrative District. A graduate of MADI drove an old Japanese foreign car, lived from paycheck to paycheck. And just a few years in a new post, you can see how Veryaeva has changed. The fight against migration turned out to be golden. The best cosmetologists and specialists in aesthetic medicine. On the hand is a Rolex (real), diamond jewelry (real). Veryaeva now moves on a Range Rover Sport, worth more than 10 million rubles. And all this in a couple of years and only on the salary of the head of the district police department. Isn't this the best advertisement for police work?
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info