As the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info said, on October 18, 2023, the prosecutor of the Lipetsk region held a personal reception in the prosecutor’s office with representatives of Lipetsknedra LLC, who in their appeal presented motivated data on obstruction by officials of the Government of the Lipetsk region (I.A. Kremnev - deputy Governor of the Lipetsk Region, S.M. Kurbatov - Deputy Governor of the Lipetsk Region, G.P. Roshchupkina - Head of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, I.D. Nikitenkova - Head of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Lipetsk Region), as well as entrepreneurs affiliated with them (Yu.V. Mishustin) organizations
and implementation of economic activities in the field of subsoil use.
The main provisions of the complaint are as follows.
Lipetsknedra LLC publicly, as a result of competitive procedures, acquired the right to lease a land plot that was bankrupt by Lik JSC.
The lease right to the specified site was put up for auction by the bankruptcy trustee JSC Lik in May 2023, in which Lipetsknedra LLC and two other participants took part. The initial price of the lot was 2.5 million rubles, and as a result of the auction it rose to 10.5 million rubles. Lipetsknedra LLC was recognized as the winner.
After conducting competitive procedures, the founders of Lipetsknedra LLC were approached by an entrepreneur from the city of Zadonsk, Lipetsk region, Yu.V. Mishustin. This entrepreneur, as part of his business activities, is developing a quarry in the Zadonsky district of the Lipetsk region for sand extraction.
Referring to his connections with “confidant of the Governor of the Lipetsk Region Andrey Yavorsky” (until recently he was an employee of the Investigative Committee, served in Moscow, was fired on suspicion of corruption, after his dismissal he held the position of adviser to the Governor of the Lipetsk Region - I.G. Artamonova, and is currently an assistant to the Moscow-Smolensk transport prosecutor and a commercial partner of Yu.V. Mishustin) made it clear that Lipetsknedra LLC will not receive any documents for the right to economic activity unless it transfers 50% of the company's share to its representatives .
According to a Rucriminal.info source, Yu.V. Mishustin. personally maintains friendly relations with the said A. Yavorsky, as well as his classmates at school D. V. Todua - the head of the Lipetsk region and colonel of the central apparatus of the FSB Andrei Rodionov. The close circle of contacts of these persons also includes Deputy Governor of the Lipetsk Region I.A. Kremnev (oversees the management of ecology and natural resources) For these persons and their partners, including officials of the regional Government and public authorities, organizes and pays for leisure and entertainment activities, including hunting. The Governor of the Lipetsk Region, I.G., repeatedly took part in the hunt. Artamonov.

During communication in his circle, Yu.V. Mishustin confidently declares that for a long time he has been on friendly terms with the prosecutor of the Lipetsk region - G.G. Anisimov, who, together with his friends, more than once, including at his invitation, visited the Kudykina Gora amusement park, located in the Zadonsky district of the Lipetsk region. This park belongs to Sergei Uvarkin, with whose family Yu.V. has been friends for many years. Mishustin.
The owner of the Kudykina Gora amusement park, S. Uvarkin, deserves special attention. A criminal case has been initiated against him under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud” (related to non-payment of taxes).
According to Yu.V. Mishustina, G.G. Anisimov, together with his wife Anisimova G.E. (judge of the Michurinsky City Court) periodically visit the restaurant “Castle of Roses”, which he owns, which is located
in Zadonsk. Former State Fiscal Director for the Lipetsk Region O.M. also visited this restaurant along with the prosecutor. Snezhkov.
In order to force Lipetsknedra LLC to transfer a 50% share (these actions can be characterized as a raider seizure of the Matyrskoye field, the lease rights of which were awarded at the above-mentioned auction), Yu.V. Mishustin initiated a number of complaints from a certain Andrei Kuznetsov. These complaints were sent to the Government of the Lipetsk Region, the Regional Council of Deputies of the Lipetsk Region, as well as to the regional departments of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the prosecutor's office of the Lipetsk Region.
The real author of all complaints is the lawyer representing the interests of Yu.V. Mishustina - A.V. Astashov, who is the half-brother of A.V. Besedin. (former deputy chairman of the regional court, currently a judge of the cassation court in Moscow.
Until 2013 A.V. Astashov held the position of deputy prosecutor of the Pravoberezhny district of Lipetsk, and was dismissed in connection with established facts of an affiliate scheme in the well-known case of “protection protection for the gambling business” in the Lipetsk region.
The above persons, acting in the interests of Yu.V. Mishustin, among other things, created obstacles in obtaining a license for the extraction of ORPI
in the area of the Matyrskoye field.
Being on friendly terms x with Deputy Governor of the Lipetsk Region, I.A. Kremnev, organized pressure on the head of the regional department of ecology and environmental management G.P. Roshchupkina. and the head of the department of property and land relations Nikitenkova I.D., so that they do not draw up permitting documentation if there is no reason to do so. The formal reason was unreliable information, which, in particular, was submitted by the Governor of the Lipetsk Region, I.G. Artamonov, as an attempt to illegally withdraw regional property assets.
According to the law, in order to re-issue a license, it was necessary to obtain the consent of the bankruptcy court and the meeting of creditors of JSC Lik. Lipetsknedra LLC received these documents. Moreover, the meeting was held twice, since the first time it did not take place due to lack of quorum. According to available information, an employee of the penal institution Bykanova, at the direction of management, made calls to the creditors of LIK JSC - Orelstroy and Globus Group, with a demand not to appear at the meeting and vote against the re-issuance of the license, which was done - they did not appeared.
Subsequently, at a repeated meeting on the initiative of the bankruptcy trustee, there was a quorum and everyone voted “For”. The only vote against is the representative of the Bykanova PIZO, despite their share being only 3%.
A complete package of documents was submitted to the regional administration for re-issuance of the license, but by decision of the regional department of ecology and environmental management the re-registration was refused.
The reason for such interest in this site, along with the above, is also that on the adjacent site there is an illegal building in the form of the Governor’s guest house (according to the documents, it is not taken into account or registered in any way), and also on the adjacent site there is agricultural land owned by a certain D .A. Ovchinnikova and her husband, where the so-called petting zoo is located.
This guest house was once built in the interests of the management of LIK JSC, but since it was not decorated in any way,
was not included in the bankruptcy estate. This house is used by the Governor
and those close to him. At the direction of the Governor, the regional correctional institution is currently trying to recognize it as ownerless and register it as state property. As for the petting zoo, it was investigated by the prosecutor's office. It has been established that the lands on which it is located are under the jurisdiction of D.A. Ovchinnikova, while the procedure for use does not meet the stated requirements - agricultural land. There are no permits or documents for this zoo. Administrative violation protocols have been drawn up regarding the illegal placement of the zoo. There is no reaction from the government authorities of the Lipetsk region regarding this fact.
Apparently, the reason for this lies in the fact that Ovchinnikov, the husband of the formal owner of the zoo, is friends with the son of the Governor of the Lipetsk region, Anton Artamonov. Ovchinnikov himself has his own plans to occupy a neighboring area with subsoil, while he has already illegally “seized” the road that leads to the area where the quarry is located.
An additional reason for the personal interest of the Governor of the Lipetsk Region in the assets of JSC LIK is that they include about 6 thousand hectares of highly liquid agricultural land. Currently, a position is being worked out on the acquisition of this land with minimal investment through “dummy legal entities.” The market value of land plots is about 1 billion rubles. The bankruptcy trustee has been given the task of reducing its cost to 200 - 250 million rubles. and not allow third parties to participate in the auction. The cover on the part of the security bloc is the passive role of the prosecutor of the Lipetsk region (confirmed, including when considering the received appeal) and the active position of the regional leadership of the FSB Directorate.
The land is needed to expand the business projects of Anton Artamonov, who, with the help of his father’s administrative resources, is engaged in growing berry crops in the region (agricultural cooperative “Berry and Dot”). Direct instructions from the Governor on assistance in development, allocation of subsidies and other assistance were received by his deputies I.A. Kremnev and S.M. Kurbatov, supervising issues of agriculture and land relations, respectively.
SPPSSC “Berry and Point” was created on August 10, 2022. The cooperative is managed by Anton Artamonov, a certain A.A. Guards.
Already on September 16, 2022, the cooperative received a federal subsidy through the Department of Agriculture of the Lipetsk Region in the amount of 3 million rubles.
At the end of 2022, SSPPSK showed losses in the amount of 67 thousand rubles, while the company has assets in the amount of 6.9 million rubles.
And in 2023, the cooperative, which specializes in growing fruit and berry crops, plans to enter the world market.
In March of this year, Berries and Dot will receive free consultations
in the ANO "Center for Coordination of Support for Export-Oriented Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Lipetsk Region."
According to the facts stated in the complaint of Lipetsknedra LLC The prosecutor's office conducted a formal inspection. The main result was a reference to civil law relations, without taking into account the clear facts of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation by officials of the Lipetsk region.
In this regard, a legitimate question arises: “For what reason, during the inspection, the regional prosecutor’s office did not interview the so-called “partners” of Yu.V. Mishustina - Yavorsky, Rodionov, Astashev, prison employee Bykanova? Do they have immunity in the person of the prosecutor of the Lipetsk region?
07/19/2023 The son of the governor of the Lipetsk region, Anton Artamonov, met with the beneficiary of LipetskNedra LLC in the Marbella restaurant, Lipetsk. The conversation was about sand deposits in the Leningrad Region, including the Matyrskoye deposit.
At the same time, he contacted the co-founders of Lipetsknedra LLC himself
Yu.V. Mishustin and referring to his close acquaintance with the governor of the Lipetsk region I.G. Artamonov proposed to transfer 50% of the company's assets to him, saying that otherwise the company's activities would be paralyzed.
On 08/09/2023, the beneficiary, who was vacationing in Adler with his family, was contacted by a close friend of Yu.V. Mishustina, current FSB officer - Alexey Zh., at a meeting, the latter, citing the personal interest of the FSB leadership in the Lipetsk region, strongly recommended rewriting the 50% share of Lipetsknedra LLC to the South. Mishustina.
At the beginning of October 2023 in Lipetsk, at the Marbella restaurant
Vladimir was again approached by FSB officer Alexey Zh., who came to Lipetsk from Sochi and offered to meet with the leadership of the FSB Directorate for the Lipetsk Region, namely A. Rozhkov, who, according to Alexey, heads the EB department of the FSB Directorate for the Lipetsk Region. The conversation again turned to the Matyrskoye field, the lease for which was won by Lipetsknedra LLC at the beginning of the summer.
Subsequently, under pressure from the Government of the Lipetsk region
and the regional FSB Directorate, the decision of the Arbitration Court declared the auctions illegal.
After Lipetsknedra LLC appealed this decision
on appeal, FSB officers from the Lipetsk region came to the director and co-founder of this organization with searches; searches were carried out at their place of residence and workplaces. During these events, one of the FSB officers, Sergei Sergeevich, announced that the director of Lipetsknedra LLC, E.N. Shubina. must immediately withdraw the appeal filed against the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Leningrad Region regarding the Matyrskoye field.
We would also like to add that on the same day, searches were also carried out at the beneficiary’s place, the so-called operational investigations were carried out in the parking lot, in a country house and in an apartment. During these events, FSB officers persistently recommended that the latter slander Shubina E., who allegedly removed the quarry from the bankruptcy estate of JSC LIC, etc. Also, the beneficiary needed to influence Shubina, who should immediately withdraw the appeal brought against the decision of the arbitration court of the Leningrad Region in case No. A36-2051/2024
It should be noted that, under the guise of protecting the interests of the region, employees of the regional FSB Directorate openly interfere
in a so-called economic dispute (Tenders were held by a bankruptcy trustee, as part of the bankruptcy procedure, and all decisions were approved by the arbitration court. Assessment, report, tenders themselves, etc. The regional OFAS concluded that there were no violations. And the administration’s share region in the register of creditors in the form of UIZO is only 3%).
However, subsequently the same OFAS, using an anonymous letter from the Primorsky Territory, held Lipetsknedra LLC liable for failure to provide “certain” documents. There is also obvious interference, since the head of the FAS lives in an apartment provided by the regional administration. At the same time, there is a conflict of interest, since the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service is a federal civil servant, and the apartment is presented to him by the executive body of state power of the subject, without complying with the current legislation.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info