Over the past year, the damage from corruption crimes in Russia amounted to more than 37 billion rubles, and their number increased by 10% compared to the previous year, according to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Recent corruption cases point to widespread corruption in the private and public sectors. According to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, one of the serious investigations, apparently, is planned in relation to the Orenburg road construction company SU-56, whose activities are already being checked by the TFR.

The company developed and implemented a whole corruption scheme - it received funds under government orders and then transferred them to the accounts of organizations that were inefficient from an economic point of view. In total, in this scheme with a total volume of questionable transactions of more than 1.5 billion rubles. 32 organizations were involved, including state-owned companies.
The largest amounts were received by affiliates and subsidiaries:
• LLC “BUILDING AND INSTALLATION DEPARTMENT No. 3” (TIN 5638073577) – 498 million rubles;
• LLC “SPETSTRANS” (TIN 7814770361) – RUB 370 mln;
• IP Grushetsky Nikolai Vladimirovich (TIN 560902147123) – 25 million rubles;
• IP Grushetsky Alexander Nikolaevich TIN (561011997870) - 20 million rubles.
As part of the execution of contracts, LLC SU-56 also transferred funds to the accounts of private "technical" organizations, and here the amounts are also impressive - the company LLC Welding and Monolithic Trust (TIN 7814745372) was transferred 370.6 million rubles, IP Safronov Denis Mikhailovich (TIN 564600151829) received 50.1 million rubles, BashSvetTorg LLC (TIN 0274065200) received 32.3 million rubles. Investigators recorded 21 such organizations and 587 billion rubles. funds transferred to them.
Funds came from customers under government contracts, among which were government organizations and officials:
• MKU UGH Sol-Iletsk city district (TIN 5646031891, director Druzhchenko Alexey Vladimirovich);
• MKU "Komservis" (TIN 5609175824, heads Alexander Sergeevich Kolpakov, Sergey Yuryevich Zolotov);
• DGIIZO of the administration of the city of Orenburg (TIN 5610139980, head of department Bochkareva Elena Sergeevna);
• Financial Administration of the City of Orenburg (USDKh of the Administration of Orenburg) (TIN 5610127078, heads of department Bochkareva Elena Sergeevna, Girin Vladimir Alexandrovich, Baygelova Dina Askerovna).
• State Institution “Main Department of Road Facilities of the Orenburg Region” (TIN 5610070022, directors Khusid Dmitry Leonidovich, Serbin Dmitry Viktorovich).
To imagine the scale of embezzlement of budgetary funds, we compare the amount of corrupt transfers with the cost of vital goods, for example, ventilators, which are used not only by patients with COVID. One of the cheapest ventilators - A-IVL-E-03 - currently costs 182,950 rubles. For the entire amount of corrupt transfers of 1.5 billion rubles, almost 8,199 devices could be bought. This number would meet the need for ventilators in more than half of seriously ill patients in 40 regions of Russia experiencing problems with the issuance of medical equipment, including in the Orenburg region, where the above companies operated.
The very organization of the corruption scheme should also be noted, which includes private and public officials interacting with each other on a long-term basis through friendly ties. Thus, the informal side of the activity of the SU-56 company can be traced much earlier than 2022: in 2020, it repaired several pits on a road 6 km long. under state order No. 2561007002220000059 of 09/08/2020 44-FZ, for which more than 222 million rubles were spent! And the head of this company Denis Zotkin from Orenburg, according to media reports, has long and well known his "colleagues" - private traders and government officials not only in his native city, but also in St. Petersburg, where he also has a business. Among the entrepreneurs associated with Zotkin, Vyacheslav Bogatov, who has a nickname in narrow circles "Bogatik", and Sergey Nikolaevich Grushetsky, Zotkin's business partner at Spetstrans LLC, play a special role. According to journalists, they started their activity in the 90s. methods of that time and now are closely connected with local authorities and leaders of the oil and gas industry.
This situation suggests not just one of the recently identified corruption schemes, but rather the formation and development of corruption networks, one of which was revealed in the Orenburg region. And as the investigation shows, officials are also involved in these corruption networks. Therefore, the question of the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies is as acute as the need to form a strong civil society with an active public position of every citizen.
Yuri Prokov
Source: www.rucriminal.info

The company developed and implemented a whole corruption scheme - it received funds under government orders and then transferred them to the accounts of organizations that were inefficient from an economic point of view. In total, in this scheme with a total volume of questionable transactions of more than 1.5 billion rubles. 32 organizations were involved, including state-owned companies.
The largest amounts were received by affiliates and subsidiaries:
• LLC “BUILDING AND INSTALLATION DEPARTMENT No. 3” (TIN 5638073577) – 498 million rubles;
• LLC “SPETSTRANS” (TIN 7814770361) – RUB 370 mln;
• IP Grushetsky Nikolai Vladimirovich (TIN 560902147123) – 25 million rubles;
• IP Grushetsky Alexander Nikolaevich TIN (561011997870) - 20 million rubles.
As part of the execution of contracts, LLC SU-56 also transferred funds to the accounts of private "technical" organizations, and here the amounts are also impressive - the company LLC Welding and Monolithic Trust (TIN 7814745372) was transferred 370.6 million rubles, IP Safronov Denis Mikhailovich (TIN 564600151829) received 50.1 million rubles, BashSvetTorg LLC (TIN 0274065200) received 32.3 million rubles. Investigators recorded 21 such organizations and 587 billion rubles. funds transferred to them.
Funds came from customers under government contracts, among which were government organizations and officials:
• MKU UGH Sol-Iletsk city district (TIN 5646031891, director Druzhchenko Alexey Vladimirovich);
• MKU "Komservis" (TIN 5609175824, heads Alexander Sergeevich Kolpakov, Sergey Yuryevich Zolotov);
• DGIIZO of the administration of the city of Orenburg (TIN 5610139980, head of department Bochkareva Elena Sergeevna);
• Financial Administration of the City of Orenburg (USDKh of the Administration of Orenburg) (TIN 5610127078, heads of department Bochkareva Elena Sergeevna, Girin Vladimir Alexandrovich, Baygelova Dina Askerovna).
• State Institution “Main Department of Road Facilities of the Orenburg Region” (TIN 5610070022, directors Khusid Dmitry Leonidovich, Serbin Dmitry Viktorovich).
To imagine the scale of embezzlement of budgetary funds, we compare the amount of corrupt transfers with the cost of vital goods, for example, ventilators, which are used not only by patients with COVID. One of the cheapest ventilators - A-IVL-E-03 - currently costs 182,950 rubles. For the entire amount of corrupt transfers of 1.5 billion rubles, almost 8,199 devices could be bought. This number would meet the need for ventilators in more than half of seriously ill patients in 40 regions of Russia experiencing problems with the issuance of medical equipment, including in the Orenburg region, where the above companies operated.
The very organization of the corruption scheme should also be noted, which includes private and public officials interacting with each other on a long-term basis through friendly ties. Thus, the informal side of the activity of the SU-56 company can be traced much earlier than 2022: in 2020, it repaired several pits on a road 6 km long. under state order No. 2561007002220000059 of 09/08/2020 44-FZ, for which more than 222 million rubles were spent! And the head of this company Denis Zotkin from Orenburg, according to media reports, has long and well known his "colleagues" - private traders and government officials not only in his native city, but also in St. Petersburg, where he also has a business. Among the entrepreneurs associated with Zotkin, Vyacheslav Bogatov, who has a nickname in narrow circles "Bogatik", and Sergey Nikolaevich Grushetsky, Zotkin's business partner at Spetstrans LLC, play a special role. According to journalists, they started their activity in the 90s. methods of that time and now are closely connected with local authorities and leaders of the oil and gas industry.
This situation suggests not just one of the recently identified corruption schemes, but rather the formation and development of corruption networks, one of which was revealed in the Orenburg region. And as the investigation shows, officials are also involved in these corruption networks. Therefore, the question of the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies is as acute as the need to form a strong civil society with an active public position of every citizen.
Yuri Prokov
Source: www.rucriminal.info