For a long time and, we are sure, many of our readers were expecting the results of the official audit appointed by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin. in relation to the Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Stavropol Territory Demin A.S. The reason for the appointment of an inspection was the materials prepared by us on corruption and other offenses committed by this "valiant" representative of the investigation. Considering that the appointment of an official check became known from the pages of the official website of the Investigative Committee of Russia, then its results should also be announced publicly. But, apparently they do not dare to publish such shameful results in the Investigative Committee of Russia, as well as to acquaint the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia with them.

Insignificant hopes for the objectivity of employees of the personnel management of the central apparatus of the IC of Russia during an official check in relation to Demin A.S. persisted for a long time, but absolutely in vain.
Replenishing the work of the Investigative Committee of Russia, we inform you - according to the results of the official check, violations in the actions of Demin A.S. not installed. Let's try to figure out why?
As promised by Demin A.S. persons from their environment (“with my capabilities, no one will dare to touch me, in a month or two, no one will remember anything”), patrons of Demin A.S. from the personnel department of the Investigative Committee of Russia were able to mislead the leadership of the Investigative Committee of Russia and personally the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Bastrykin A.S., using the methods of dishonest, but cunning investigators:
- Reception 1. At first, the check was clouded - "passions" subsided, many have already forgotten about Demin A.S. and his "gallant" adventures, while the latter "quieted down", having gone on a long vacation, and then on sick leave for the period of an official check;
- Technique 2. Then the check was filled with "rubbish" on a significant scale to show the imaginary volume of work performed and high efficiency;
- Well, and the third method, the final one - dexterity in collecting evidence: we file the necessary into the case, but we do not remember the unnecessary (not suitable for the leitmotif and the tasks set), or we pretend that they did not hear about it, so that it did not work out, as in the popular anecdote - "the main thing in the course of the investigation is not to get out on ourselves."
Apparently, such techniques were adhered to in the personnel management of the Investigative Committee of Russia during an official check in relation to A.S. Demin, without fear of A.I. Bastrykin himself.
As it became known to, the results of the official audit are actually built on one single piece of evidence - on the explanations of A.S. Demin himself. that the information presented in our numerous publications is false. In our opinion, this fact should be introduced into the daily work of all investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia, as a positive experience in investigating cases and conducting inspections. We share methodological recommendations - first of all we interrogate a potential accused and if he does not confess to a crime, we close the case. Why testimony, expertise and other nonsense?
At the same time, in the preparation of our materials, we used the results of many years of observation of the corruption manifestations of A.S.Demin, subjected to a thorough analysis the information received from former and current law enforcement officers and other evidence to which the officers of the Investigative Committee of Russia did not pay attention.
The results of the internal audit leave a lot of questions:
- How could you not interrogate any of the subordinate employees of Demin A.S., to whom he gave deliberately illegal instructions on the initiation, termination or "red tape" of cases and materials? This was what Demin A.S. feared most of all, and shared his fears with patrons from the personnel department of the Investigative Committee of Russia.ё

- How could it be possible not to question investigators and heads of investigative bodies who carried out illegal instructions on the criminal prosecution of the chairman of the SKHPK "Russia" Pyanov S.V., after all, Demin A.S. openly lobbied for the interests of Grinev A.V., of course not free of charge, about which we also wrote more than once? Do not find out who exactly prepared the decisions on the initiation of criminal cases against Pyanov S.V., one of which is Demin A.S. initiated personally with your signature? Demin A.S. himself, having "significant" investigative experience, which was reduced to zero, could not do this on his own, of course. We are sure that law enforcement officers who have access to the pre-trial detention center to A.V. Grinev - the customer of the unlawfully initiated cases against S.V. Pyanov will sooner or later receive testimony from him about how he “bought” A.S.Demin. and presumptuously counted on the protection of the latter.
- Why were not the investigators and the heads of the investigative divisions who received instructions from A.S.Demin questioned? on lobbying the interests of Romas E.G., Suvorov R.A. and other heroes of our numerous publications?
- For many months, no one bothered to check the falsified administrative materials of the accident, committed by AS Demin, which took place in July this year, when our drunk hero "put" his own driver behind the wheel of his car. It is generally possible to keep silent about the reclamation and analysis of the telephone connections of the defendants. Why bother yourself if you so want to help once again Mr. Demin A.S.?
And besides, no one paid attention to the fact that no more than a month later, in the property of a girl - a participant in an accident, who is not employed and does not have a constant source of income, a new car appeared, of foreign production - this is the payment of A.S. Demin. for silence and admission of guilt in the accident he himself committed.
- for what reason was it instructed to carry out verification actions within the framework of an official check by the personnel department to the employees of the investigation department in the Stavropol Territory - subordinates of A.S.Demin, under the direct control of the leadership of the investigation department? What objectivity can we talk about in this case? In this regard, there is an old saying - "A raven will not peck out a crow's eyes."
- How could Bastrykin A.I. about the obvious discrepancy between the costs Demina A.S. his modest civil servant income? There is also a solid car park of several luxury cars and motorcycles, a huge mansion with an area of more than 500 sq. M. (Demin A.S. reiterated that it was built by his eighty-year-old grandmother on a hard-earned pension, apparently from school she had already begun to postpone construction from dinners for future construction), commercial real estate in Stavropol and Krasnodar, lordly rest on the most expensive resorts and much, much more.
With the annual declaration of income Demin A.S. a couple of years ago, he did not indicate in the relevant certificates that he and his family members had several cars, apparently got confused in their total number. Please be advised that A.S. Demin owns the property. and his spouses are: BMW 530 M, Mercedes Sprinter, BMW X7, Porsche Cayenne - all 2019-2021 cars produced, according to the most conservative estimates, with a total value of more than 30 million rubles, which significantly exceeds the total income of A.S. Demin. and his wife - an entrepreneur who declares the minimum amount of profit (either not so successful in business, or the representatives of the tax service should think about it). At the same time, we indicate only cars officially registered for the Demin couple, since they have much more vehicles in use.
It is noteworthy that these cars under the control of A.S. Demin. you can meet with the same state registration plate "U 002 OO 26 region", which he constantly rearranges on his cars, sometimes several times a week, without performing the appropriate registration steps, which does not quite correlate with the halo of a respectable minister glorified by him law.
For the information of employees, now probably the prosecutor's office, which are also obliged to monitor the observance of anti-corruption legislation by civil servants, there is no hope for the anti-corruption department of the personnel department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for a number of objective reasons, we report the following information.
The Deminykh family also owns an apartment in the most picturesque place of the city center of Krasnodar on the Kuban River embankment, in an elite residential complex "Evropeyskiy" at number 26 on the street. Tannery. The starting price of apartments in this residential complex of similar area starts from 20 million rubles. We can assume that her Demina A.S. Probably grandfather gave it now.
The employees who checked the declarations of Demin A.S. about income and expenses over the past couple of years, either they don't get along with math at all, or don't know or don't know how to use calculators? But this is already a question for the departments of material support of the Investigative Committee of Russia.
- For whatever reason, for all the facts set out by us, not a single procedural check was carried out in relation to Demin A.S., with obvious signs for their appointment, and not a single criminal case was initiated, but to Demin A.S. himself. not conducted a polygraph test? Although, as we can see, by the decision of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, such procedural checks are appointed and criminal cases are initiated on all, even insignificant informational reasons, voiced on the Internet and in the media.
- And finally, how could you fail to notice a direct conflict of interest that hinders an impartial service?
Recall that in the subordination of Demin A.S. For years, his cousin has been working as the head of the territorial investigation department, and the father of the latter holds the post of chairman of one of the city courts in the Stavropol Territory.
From this it is possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion to all the heads of the investigation departments of the Investigative Committee of Russia - the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee of Russia, with the submission of the brave agent "002" Demin A.S. and the connivance of A.S. Bastrykin's subordinates, authorized employment with direct subordination of children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and other close relatives.
Is it because the results of the service check are so sad that then the heads of the personnel responsible for the audit of the personnel management departments (official audits and anti-corruption) of the Investigative Committee of Russia are wholly "in the hands" of AS Demin? These employees are familiar with A.S. Demin. for many years, while he constantly met them on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, resettled and paid for rest in sanatoriums on the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Apparently, this allowed A.S. Demin. justifiably be confident in your privileged position and not be afraid of the justified anger of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin.
Recently Demin A.S. shies away from open communication with his former colleagues, but many still remember that not a single appointment in the investigation department for the Stavropol Territory could take place without the approval of A.S.Demin, who at that time held the position of assistant head of the department for personal security. With the connivance and patronage of A.S. Demin. during the period of the so-called provision of "security and anti-corruption" to them, many corruption crimes were committed by employees of the Investigation Department in the Stavropol Territory.
In addition, many remember the joint fun pastime of A.S. Demin. in the family nest of the Arashukovs "Adiyukh-Palace" of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with other employees of the investigation department for the Stavropol Territory. So the "misdirected Cossack" of the Arashukovs - Demin A.S. while he is still continuing his gallant service in the Russian IC system with the hopes of achieving success worthy of his father, having risen to the rank of general, only he chose not the most reliable methods - bribes, intrigues, gossip and other dirty tricks ...
To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin