It is not the first month that the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia have been checking the work of the Ministry of Education in connection with the ministry's favorite subdivision - FGAOU DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia". Today Rucriminal.info will talk about abuse and import substitution.
Part one. Colleagues not only at work.
For ignorant people, such citizens as Pavel Kuzmin and Bogdan Legostaev are not known, but they are widely popular in the narrow circles of Moscow education, and now they have become familiar to the entire Russian education system. Today, the first head of the FGAOU DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia", and the second is his deputy.
The history of this cooperation began almost 10 years ago. In ancient times, Pavel Kuzmin headed the MCKO, when, unexpectedly for everyone, the career of the young Bogdan Legostaev began to develop in this structure. For several years, a young man at the age of 25 became the deputy director of the largest department of the Moscow Department of Education.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, this accident is due to personal relationships with the director of the institution. During his dizzying career growth until 2018, Bogdan Legostaev lived in the apartment of Pavel Kuzmin. Now, of course, Bogdan Legostaev is a wealthy person, has his own apartment and managed to change more than one car by the age of 30, working all his life only in the public sector.
This couple was transferred under the control of the FGAOU DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia", whose annual budget is 3.2 billion rubles.
The company at the FGAOU DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia" really gathered together - since 2020, the president of the institution is the odious Isaac Kalina, and all the leadership of the institution came from the Moscow education. What results have been achieved?
Part two. Abuses of Moscow practices.
Moscow education was famous for centralization and lack of control over the parties of the inspection bodies. These successful management practices were used and transferred to the federal level.
We have already talked about how the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia issued decisions on the presence of corruption factors in the acts of the Ministry of Education of Russia, by which powers were actually transferred to the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia.
The legal grounds for financing the Ministry of Education of Russia for this institution and the formation of the Federal Register of additional professional programs are currently being checked, which allow the FGAOU DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia" to actually control the huge market for additional professional education of teachers.
Such a special love of the Ministry for this particular sub-department causes jealousy of the directors of other sub-departments, who objectively note that FSAEI DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia" does not have the opportunity to carry out its work according to the law - since 2021, 8 inspections have been carried out by Rosobrnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the labor inspectorate, which resulted in violations identified in all areas of the institution's work, and from 2022 to 2023 the institution did not pay suppliers more than 40 million rubles of their purchases.

For such high achievements in education, in July 2023, Pavel Kuzmin, Director of FSAEI DPO "Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia", was awarded the gratitude of the President of Russia.
Part three. Import substitution in Moscow.
Since 2020, with the arrival of the new Minister of Education of Russia, Sergey Kravtsov, no one has paid attention to his new deputy, Tatyana Vasilyeva, who previously worked as Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science in Moscow. Yes, for many years she was Isaac Kalina's deputy for the purchase of equipment for Moscow schools, which she continued to do at the federal level.
Tatyana Vasilyeva's first training was the approval of a number of orders that established requirements for equipment purchased by the subjects of the Federation at the expense of federal money. Thanks to the intervention of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the public, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia conducted the necessary inspections of the Ministry of Education of Russia, as a result of which violations of the antimonopoly law were revealed. Then Minister Sergey Kravtsov had to turn to the head of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, apparently with a request not to ruin his career and stop attacks on his ministry, however, Tatyana Vasilyeva, who had been the main candidate for the position of Sergey Kravtsov just yesterday, was removed and sent to oversee general education.
Thus, the Moscow management team, which entered the Ministry of Education of Russia, learned their lessons and decided to continue their work, but this time doing everything by proxy. Thus, the Digital School Standard was approved, which was already signed by the Minister of Education of Russia Sergey Kravtsov and the Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of Russia Maksut Shadayev.
And thanks again to the attention of the public, the FAS Russia found a number of violations of the provisions on restricting competition in this act, this time not only from the Ministry of Education of Russia, but also from the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia.

This situation clearly demonstrates how the federal government actually supports Russian equipment manufacturers, and how much the lack of control can cost the Russian budget.

Denis Zhirnov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info