The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to publish letters from the defenders of the Police Ombudsman and the authors of the film about the grossest violations and falsifications committed by operatives and investigators in the case of Vladimir Vorontsov. As a result, it was because of this film that the defenders themselves were sent to prison on a perfect invented case. We publish a new letter from Vasily Fedorov.

"Especially for the Cheka-OGPU
Hi all! This is the creator of the film "Save the Police Ombudsman": Vasily Fedorov. The three of us are still in jail (almost 9 months).
There will be a bit of a slow start.
A couple of years ago I came home to Kent and we moved out to hang out. On the way to the elevator, he reached into the mailbox to check for the bill. Instead, he found a smartphone there. He pressed the "ON" button, but the phone showed the initial splash screen and went out. Kent asked if I needed it, and I threw it into my bag. A week later, I felt it in my bag, passing by the workshop next to the house, brought it in and left it with the words, fix it or keep it. They fixed it. Then I understood why he was thrown out. It turned out to be an ancient "Explay". After some time, I stumbled upon it in a box with wires and I don’t remember why I decided to introduce it into use. I installed a cart on it, logged into my account and began to install WhatsApp. It didn’t work out, the vatsap said “I won’t ride this dinosaur, I’m not your cart.” Explay went to the box with wires again.
After the release of our video, paranoia covered me and I remembered that a phone with an accessible account from telegrams was lying in the wires. I removed the cart and returned the phone to the box. On July 28, 2022, we are received with special forces (where would we be without it) and during a house search they seize this Explay, as well as my wife’s iPhone 13 and her sister’s (Natashka’s) iPhone12 (yes, we live together). A smart watch was also removed from Natasha, it was obvious to the investigator that it could contain evidence of a crime committed by me. They seized everything that could move, from a school certificate to a studio microphone. Well, they acted according to a clumsy scheme, "withdraw everything that has memory, then we'll figure it out." Under the threat of "give us the passwords to your phones or we will crack them," the girls gave out passwords, since the word "crack" sounded especially scary in relation to gadgets with a total value of more than 270 K, some of which are on credit.
Then the pre-trial detention center, investigation and familiarization with the case. Information was extracted from all the seized gadgets and recorded on disks. They were invested in the case, and the gadgets were returned, as they were not recognized as material evidence. Why then a bunch of disks with unnecessary information in the case, I don’t know, but everything seems to have a meaning.
Zhenya and I considered it necessary to familiarize ourselves with the contents of the disks and, by filing petitions, forced Yegorka to come to us in the pre-trial detention center with a laptop, disks and a disgruntled face. According to the protocol of Egorka's examination of that ancient Explay, there was some information on it, although I did not use it from the word "absolutely". I became interested in this fact and began to get acquainted with the disk first from him. There was a mountain of some memes, pictures and photos on the disk, which were allegedly copied from Explay, but I never saw them on it. Maybe because I didn’t climb in it, or maybe for some other reason. Scrolling alternately through this dump of chaotic images, I came across a photo of Vova Vorontsov with the inscription "Freedom to Vorontsov", at first I fell into a stupor in trying to understand where it could come from. In addition, it was clear that I did not do it, since it was made on the knee in the cheapest image editor and by hands that did it for the first time. I came to the conclusion that the cart itself saved this photo on the device while it was installed on this phone, since when installing telegrams on your phone, you must immediately turn off the autosave function of media files to your phone or the cart will save all media files from all chats and channels to which you are subscribed. And so with the image of Vova with a stretch, but figured it out. After all, I really could have been subscribed to a police-themed channel and this photo could have been published in it. I began to scroll further and scrolled down to exactly the same photo, the same bastard quality, with the same font of the inscription, but instead of Vova, Navalny was depicted there. But I have never been subscribed to his channels and it is unlikely that in a police public, they would have posted his photo with such a slogan. It is obvious that these pictures, either the phone itself or already on the disk, were simply thrown, and then this phone was shaken in the face of some boss, proving to him that we were APPOSITIONAL (this is how this word was written in the report of the head of the CSS Lyamzin) cell and we need to to keep in a pre-trial detention center under an article under which not a single previously convicted person received a real prison term, but only multi-episode repeat offenders received a condition for which the condition is simply not provided for by law. And I am still silent about whether we have committed p. 3 of Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which they are pulling (and not pulling) to us, and even more so I am silent about who the real criminal is. Everyone already knows everything. Scrolling through the photo with Navalny and heaps her other game, I came across a few pictures with porn, this is rarely shown to you by an investigator in a pre-trial detention center. I don't subscribe to porn channels either. Porn is full of Internet without them, but after Navalny I was no longer surprised by anything. The disk with images from Explay was put aside and I began to inspect the disk with the files of my wife's phone. The result of medical tests, a few pictures in underwear, which she once sent me ... "In general, nothing like that," I thought. Then I moved on to studying the contents of Natasha's phone. And if my wife had nothing unusual in the phone, then Natasha also had nothing unusual, nothing unusual, for a girl free from relationships. Which would hardly of her own free will show me what I saw against her will, but at the behest of the senior investigator of the 12th SC GSU of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow E. Fedorov. For 4 years of living together with my wife and her sister, I have never seen Natasha's boobs. And who would have thought that Fedorov would fill this gap by showing me their image in the pre-trial detention center. Well, and medical tests, of course, Natasha dreamed of sharing their results not only with me, but with the entire investigation team of 8 people. The acquaintance ended, the case was transferred to the Presnya court, and the agonizing wait for the trial began. And now, sitting in the cell, I think: "And why the devil will everyone be staring at my wife and her sister?" We met with Fedorov at the appeal and it turned out that he also saw all of the above and porn too. He also complained that during Fedorov's demonstration of pornographic photos, his morals were greatly affected, as a result of which he walked around the cell for several hours, frightening his cellmates with his high "mood". Looking into the criminal code, I saw that the demonstration of pornographic materials falls under Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. There is only up to two years in prison, which, of course, no one will deprive Yegorka of, but on the other hand, the dissemination of information constituting a personal or family secret using one's official position falls under Part 2 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by up to 4 years in prison, which, in contrast to Part 1 of Art. 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is a crime of medium gravity. It is obvious that investigator Egorka committed a total of 4 episodes under Part 2 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and 2 episodes under Art. 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and all this is documented by him, in our criminal case. This is exactly the case when, while pulling one crime to three innocent people, he himself committed six. And at the same time, absolutely strangers suffered, who spent 4 months without phones, which had nothing to do with them in a criminal case, as well as their intimate materials and materials constituting a medical secret, now they are watching everything from the hands of the investigator. The good news is that only part 1 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is an article that is initiated only at the request of the victim, while Part 2 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is initiated at anyone's request. It is good that there is plenty of time to think over all the details and competently draw up an application to the RF IC.
SPECIAL THANKS to the administration of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info