According to the source of Rucriminal.info and the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, the current criminal cases in the Ministry of Defense and its involved structures, including those associated with the Main Directorate for Troop Support, may raise the old “skeletons” of the department associated with the current “gray eminence” "state contracts for renovation in Moscow, ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Kosovan and his group "Regionzhilstroy".
Formally, the construction giant for cutting Moscow's renovation money belongs to his son Oleg and the social spendthrift daughter Yulia, who spends her life not in Russia, but in Monaco. We told earlier about the details of the luxurious life of military children. Kosovan himself, the eldest at the age of 84, has still been listed for 12 years as an adviser on Tverskaya 13, and seems to have nothing to do with the activities of his family feeder, which is attached to the budget and to its sawing contracts for tens of billions with the Civil Administration construction" of the capital's mayor's office. In the Ministry of Defense itself, Kosovan Sr., a native of the Krasnodar Territory, was in charge of construction and quartering, where he “earned” his first billions, being directly subordinate to the then Minister of Defense.

Having left the Ministry of Defense on corruption grounds and miraculously avoided imprisonment, back in 2008 Kosovan Sr. headed the capital’s department dealing with urban planning policy and immediately created the construction company Regionzhilstroy exclusively to replenish the family budget of the Kosovan clan. Back in 2012, the capital police personally opened a criminal case against ex-Deputy Minister Kosovan related to the theft of budget funds in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles, which were allocated from the city treasury for the reconstruction of an unfinished building in the west of Moscow. But the issue was “resolved” and the case fell apart.
Giving bribes when pressured, and professionally taking kickbacks when the position allows, this is what Kosovan Sr.’s life has taught him since his time in the army and work in the mayor’s office. In addition to the mediocre spendthrift children, another 2% of the capital in Regionzhilstroy belongs to the ex-head of the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka, Major General Alexander Rylsky, who also left the Ministry of Defense on suspicion of cutting the military budget together with Kosovan, but also escaped punishment. The current claims against Kosovan, the eldest, according to the source, are unlikely to hit him hard due to his age, but they absolutely affected his construction holding, registered in the name of children who have passports from various Western countries and who have been helping their parents for many years to withdraw government funds through gray schemes, allocated under the renovation program to personal accounts abroad.
According to the source of Rucrminal.info, Kosovan Sr. in previous years was a frequent guest at military parades on Victory Day, as a disguised veteran, since he was born 4 months after the start of World War II in October 1941. and was unlikely to participate in hostilities. But the animal fear of punishment for cutting in the Ministry of Defense and the withdrawal of state funds from the capital’s mayor’s office forces the ex-military to buy awards on the Internet and play “veteran”, in the hope of avoiding claims from supervisory and regulatory authorities against his business, pretending to be a harmless grandfather interested in a pension and city program "Moscow Longevity".

According to the interlocutor, under the house of the ex-army general in the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, worth more than 3 billion rubles, there is an underground storage bunker built by soldiers, in which Kosovan Sr. stores “earned” from the renovation and service of the Ministry of Defense, and subordinates in companies call him nothing more than “Scrooge” and are amazed why a pseudo veteran in his ninth decade needs so much cash. “Not trusting anyone from his circle, Kosovan Sr. hides his cache of corruption even from his relatives, illegitimate children and grandchildren, not wanting to share anything, even being at the end of his life cycle, forcing numerous relatives to try to divide the loot of “Scrooge” between themselves and to destroy the company during the lifetime of the swindler and swindler Kosovan,” a source told Rucriminal.info.
Yuri Prokov
To be continued.
Source: www.rucriminal.info