In winter, the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU told that a public representative of the electronic document management market between hotels and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, the head of the project "VipNet Report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs", the head of the department of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia on migration registration, was sent under house arrest, founder of "Railyan Consulting" Ekaterina Railyan. She is accused of fraud. As Rucriminal.info found out, Ekaterina Railyan has now applied to the first deputy director of the FSB of the Russian Federation with a statement. In it, she told what preceded her detention. According to Railyan, back in 2013, she met Oleg Kostin, deputy head of the Federal Migration Service for the Krasnodar Territory, at work, and friendly relations developed between them. Then Kostin was arrested for taking a bribe, was released in 2020 and continued to communicate with Railyan. As a result, Kostin said that he unofficially got a job as the head of the security service in a large structure. In the summer of 2020, Kostin turned to Railyan for help. He stated that StrotsPromInvest LLC helps with work as a security guard and admitted that since 2017 this company has been involved in the theft of billions of VAT, money laundering, etc. Now this company is undergoing a tax audit, the results of which will be disappointing. And Kostin was looking for opportunities to resolve the issue with the tax authorities. On all other lines, as Kostin admitted, everything is fine, the business he helps is “protected” by an employee of the FSB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory.

According to Railyan, then a conflict broke out between her Kostin, his owners and employees of the FSB KK, they began to threaten her, including the kidnapping of a child by planting drugs, arson of cars and apartments, and of course, a paid criminal case. In the end, she was arrested.
The criminal case was initiated on the night of January 19 of this year, and already a few hours later, namely on January 19 at 6 am, law enforcement officers broke into Railyan's apartment with a search, during which, of course, they did not find anything illegal, they only frightened the whole family with young daughter and neighbors, since in addition to the investigators, there were still 20 SOBR officers with machine guns.
Immediately, Ekaterina was taken to the investigative committee, where she presented objective information on the circumstances of interest to the investigators, but this version did not suit them, therefore they placed her in a temporary detention center “to think”.
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, under threats of detaining her for a long time and sentencing with a real prison term, as well as due to the lack of knowledge in criminal proceedings and the incompetence of the first lawyer, she agreed to give the “confessions” necessary to the investigation.
Investigative actions in the form of interrogations of her as a suspect, accused, as well as face-to-face confrontations with the defendants in the criminal case were carried out on the so-called "hot pursuit" during the day, almost without interruption, including at night - until 4 am January 20th.
Thus, the interrogation of Catherine lasted almost 22 hours!!!!
Despite the received “confession”, on January 21, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, at the request of the investigator, placed Railyan E.L. until 07/19/2022 under house arrest - the second most severe preventive measure after detention.
At the same time, the court, along with a ban on using the telephone and the Internet, communicating with certain persons, established a complete ban on leaving the premises, which is unreasonably cruel.
After contacting an acting lawyer, Ekaterina refused to unfoundedly admit that she was guilty of fraud, since the actual circumstances, including those established by the case materials, indicate the opposite.
Since the moment she retracted her confession, the investigator's attitude towards her has drastically changed for the worse.
The irrefutable evidence of Ekaterina's innocence presented by the defense, in particular, numerous screenshots of correspondence with the defendants in the case, has not yet been given a proper assessment.
The application for interrogations of persons whose testimony is essential for making a legal decision on the case, for confrontations with witnesses who, in the opinion of the defense, deliberately slander Catherine, was rejected (for obvious reasons).
The lengthy examinations carried out at the initiative of the investigator are rescheduled because their results point in favor of Ekaterina, thereby artificially prolonging the investigation period.
It also became known to Rucriminal.infi that “trusted persons” contacted family members several times with a proposal to deposit 10 million in order to get behind Catherine, since that side promised Railyan for the “landing” and they don’t care who to get money from, but need money.
Now Ekaterina is threatened to initiate some other criminal cases, the same fabricated ones, if she does not behave quietly and as the investigation wants.
Another petition of the investigator to extend the period of maintenance Ekaterina’s house arrest, upheld by the court on July 18, is evidence of this.
At the same time, the petition filed by the defense to mitigate this measure of restraint, providing for the possibility of Ekaterina leaving the house at least for a short time to undergo treatment for her health, which has shaken during six months of isolation from society, walks in the fresh air with her four-year-old daughter, accompanying her to kindergarten and sports sections, coldly ignored.
Moreover, on July 18, when considering the issue of extending the period of house arrest, the investigator handed Ekaterina a decision of the Presnensky District Court on the seizure of all her property, including mortgaged housing and leasing vehicles, information about the status of which the investigator deliberately did not provide to the court.
At the same time, the resolution itself is dated July 6, 2022, and it was handed over to Ekaterina and her lawyer after the ten-day period for appealing it had expired.
Despite this, the defense filed a petition to the court to restore the term for appealing against this decision, which will certainly be challenged in the court of appeal, as well as the court decision of July 18 to extend the period of house arrest.

To be continued
Timofey Grishin