Relatives of a man killed in Moscow by a crowd of immigrants from Armenia contacted the editors of Rucriminal.info. They claim that a number of employees of the RF Investigative Committee are helping the organizer of the murder to avoid criminal liability. At the same time, the relatives turned to the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. We are publishing this appeal.

“On January 17, 2024 at 11.00 a meeting will be held in the Basmanny Court of Moscow (case 3/12-1018/2023, room 15, judge Kozlova E.A.), at which the issue of recognizing illegal the inaction of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) will be considered ) Russian Federation Bastrykina A.I.
This is the third meeting. Representatives of the RF IC did not appear at the previous two meetings and did not provide any materials or reviews.
The reason for consideration is Bastrykin’s connivance with corrupt employees of the RF IC from among the managers and employees of the Investigation Department (ID) for the North-Western Administrative District (NWAD) of Moscow of the RF IC, who for several years have been “saving” Armenian citizen Harutyunyan Socrates from criminal liability Samvelovich - the organizer of the murder of my son.
Previously, I had achieved in court that the inaction of this unit, expressed in the failure to consider my application to prosecute Harutyunyan, was illegal, but over the past year, since the court decision to recognize the inaction as illegal, not a single step has been taken to verify my application. . The epic “consideration” of my application allows me to assert that the only goal of the leadership of the Investigative Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the city of Moscow is to save S.S. Arutyunyan at any cost. from criminal liability.
10/04/2023 by me to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin. an application was filed to bring to criminal responsibility the heads of the Investigative Department for the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow, who have committed and continue to commit crimes under Part 2 of Art. 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expressed in malicious failure to comply with a judicial act that has entered into legal force, declaring the inaction of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation illegal) and part 2 of Art. 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expressed in the concealment of a particularly serious crime not promised in advance).
However, despite the diligently created myth that Bastrykin supposedly reacts sensitively to citizens’ appeals and complaints, procedural decisions have never been made based on my statements sent personally to him.
In accordance with Art. 29 of the Federal Law "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation" verification of a report of a crime committed by an employee of the RF Investigative Committee and initiation of a criminal case against him are the exclusive competence of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee. Thus, only Bastrykin can decide to bring to justice the corrupt employees of the Investigative Committee who are defending the criminal, but in every possible way avoids making any decision on my application.
It is noteworthy that a number of managers and employees of this unit of the RF IC (Investigation Department for the North-Western Administrative District of the Moscow Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation) are currently involved in a high-profile, but not advertised criminal case regarding bribes to officials of the Investigative Committee for the North-Western Administrative District of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow and employees of the FSB of Russia.
The ex-officers are accused of committing a number of crimes, including organizing a criminal community using their official position or participating in it (Article 210 of the Criminal Code), as well as receiving bribes on an especially large scale (Article 290 of the Criminal Code). This case involves the former head of the Investigation Department for the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow of the RF IC Sergei Romodanovsky, the son of the ex-head of the FMS Konstantin Romodanovsky, whom the investigation considers one of the leaders of the alleged organized criminal community. Some members of this organized criminal group were recently arrested by the Basmanny Court. However, my statement about a crime in which S.K. Romodanovsky may be involved is being ignored for unknown reasons.
Below I summarize the chronology of previous events:
On April 12, 2018, my son, Albert Andreevich Baranov, born in 1995, was killed in Moscow. His killers were a crowd of migrants from Armenia, who, numbering more than 20 people, attacked him, intimidating those present with shots in the air and knives, inflicting a large number of stab wounds and kicks on Albert. I assert that a crime of such audacity, committed in a public place in the capital of the country, most likely has never happened before. However, as a result of the investigation, only one of the killers, S.S. Manukyan, was brought to justice. (case 1-0032/2020 in the Tushinsky Court of Moscow). The cynical brutal murder of a defenseless person by a crowd of criminals turned into a “one-on-one fight” in the indictment.
During the consideration of the case in court, additional information was obtained about the organizer/instigator of the murder, who is tsya Harutyunyan (Vardazaryan - before changing his last name) Socrates Samvelovich, citizen of Armenia. This information was received after that by S.S. Harutyunyan. (detained as a suspect) was for unknown reasons released, despite the fact that he was repeatedly convicted in Russia (including for a serious crime) and was illegally on Russian territory, having been convicted of illegally crossing the Russian state border.
Since only one person was charged with committing a crime - S.S. Manukyan, the question of the guilt of S.S. Harutyunyan The Tushinsky District Court of Moscow did not consider case No. 1-0032/2020 when considering case No. 1-0032/2020; he was not mentioned in the indictment; Neither the court nor the investigation provided a procedural assessment of his actions. The court did not make any conclusions about his guilt or innocence. The victim’s request to return the case to the prosecutor was rejected due to the position of the state prosecution, which was that arguments about the involvement of another person (other than the accused) in the commission of a crime are not grounds for returning the case to the prosecutor, but should be the subject of consideration of a separate application for crime
Due to the fact that during the consideration of the case in court, new circumstances were identified and documented, obviously indicating that the organizer or instigator of the murder of my son was S.S. Harutyunyan, I addressed the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin . an application was submitted to attract S.S. Harutyunyan. to criminal liability.
In response, I received a free-form letter signed by the investigator for especially important cases, M.V. Itkina. Investigation Department for the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which contains deliberately unreliable statements that “The conclusions of the investigation about the non-involvement of Arutyunyan S.S. to the investigated crime were confirmed by the verdict of the Tushinsky District Court of Moscow against Manukyan S.S. that entered into legal force. dated 02.25.2020 (Case No. 1-32/20).”
I considered the sending of this letter to me instead of a properly executed procedural decision as evidence of evasion from consideration of my application in order to assist S.S. Harutyunyan. so that he could avoid criminal liability and appeal the inaction to the Khoroshevsky court.
By the decision of the federal judge of the Khoroshevsky District Court of Moscow, Budigin D.V. On 12/05/2022, my complaint about the inaction of officials of the Investigative Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District of the Main Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the city of Moscow was satisfied when considering the application to bring S.S. Arutyunyan to criminal liability. - the organizer and instigator of the murder of my son.
The court found that neither during the investigation of the criminal case, nor during the consideration of the case in court, a procedural assessment of the actions of S.S. Harutyunyan, which I point out in my statement and which are documented in the materials of the criminal case, was given.
The investigator’s conclusion that S.S. Harutyunyan was not involved. to commit a crime was made on February 15, 2019, when the information I provided about the involvement of S.S. Harutyunyan. the crime was not yet known to the investigation. The only reason for stopping the prosecution of S.S. Harutyunyan was the “confession” of the accused Manukyan S.S.
In addition, at the time of arrest S.S. Harutyunyan was illegally on Russian territory. In 2015, by the verdict of the Sovetsky District Court of Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) dated October 27, 2015 in case No. 1-654/2015 Harutyunyan (Vardazaryan) S.S. S.S. was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation.” At the same time, the court found that Vardazaryan S.S. changed his last name to Harutyunyan and received a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Armenia in the name of S.S. Harutyunyan. After changing his last name and receiving a new document, Harutyunyan S.S. (formerly Vardazaryan S.S.) crossed the State border of the Russian Federation, through the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint and entered the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, Harutyunyan (Vardazaryan) S.S., being a foreign citizen whose entry into the Russian Federation is obviously not allowed for the culprit, crossed the State border of the Russian Federation.
I am convinced that the decision to terminate the criminal prosecution of Harutyunyan (Vardazaryan) S.S. and his release from custody, taking into account the fact that he has two previous convictions, the obvious fact of illegal presence on the territory of Russia, the results of the operational investigation, the testimony of the accused, indicates, at a minimum, the negligence of the investigative authorities, but, most likely, the deliberate assistance in his evasion from responsibility.
02/07/2023 The Moscow City Court upheld the Resolution of Judge D.V. Budigin of the Khoroshevsky District Court. dated 12/05/2022, which satisfied my complaint about the inaction of officials of the Investigative Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the city of Moscow at ra consideration of the application to bring S.S. Harutyunyan to criminal liability. and they are entrusted with the responsibility to correct the violations committed.
However, no action has been taken to verify my application to prosecute S.S. Aroutyunyan. it is never implemented.
10/04/2023 by me to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin. an application was filed to bring to criminal responsibility the heads of the Investigative Department for the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Moscow, who have committed and continue to commit crimes under Part 2 of Art. 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expressed in malicious failure to comply with a judicial act that has entered into legal force, declaring the inaction of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation illegal) and part 2 of Art. 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (expressed in the concealment of a particularly serious crime not promised in advance).
Bastrykin’s inaction in considering this application is the subject of consideration of my complaint by the Basmanny Court on January 17, 2024.”
Source: www.rucriminal.info