On September 8, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow continued the consideration of the case of ordinary police colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, who, as the investigation insists, provided patronage to the 1520 Group of Companies and received billions of rubles for this. The details of this meeting, as well as the testimony of a classified witness in the case, who is under state protection, are in the material of Rucriminal.info.
The meeting began almost 5 hours late. And the quality of the future verdict raises concerns if our justice is as effective in general as in such details as, for example, the delivery of the defendants to the trial (it was precisely because of problems with delivery that there was a delay).
All the participants in the court session were already so impatient that Zakharchenko from the cage was keenly interested in what the state prosecutor Milan Digaeva had prepared this time. He even invited her to sing, assuring the audience that the prosecutor's vocal abilities allow her to even participate in the Voice show on Channel One. However, Digaeva did not sing, and the prosecution did not present any "super-witnesses".
As the correspondent of Rucriminal.info reports, the former security guard of the banker Stankevich Aleksey Dolgushin was the first to speak. He immediately announced to the court that he did not know anyone. He was engaged in "cash collection" and was the chairman for 45 thousand rubles in some legal entities that belonged to Stankevich.
In response to such inconsistency, his earlier written testimony was read out. In them in great detail, with the indication of names, positions and addresses, it was told that the witness, on the instructions of his boss, transported millions of rubles and dollars across Moscow, as well as the daughter of Colonel Zakharchenko to the riding section. It even happened to repeatedly call into the GC "1520".
Judge Artyomov asked what was the reason for such a forgetfulness of the witness and whether anyone had written testimony in his place. Then Dolgushin confirmed that everything read by the prosecutor was true and was written from his words. However, after several questions from the defense, it turned out again that the witness did not know anyone, did not confirm written testimony, “but he heard about company 15 for the first time. He remembered only the godmother of the daughter of Zakharchenko, whom he saw once. The lawyers asked to describe her. “A beautiful woman with white hair,” Dolgushin said.
Then the very woman was invited to the courtroom. Judging by the story of the witness Alexandra Tuchkova, her career had developed successfully before. Zakharchenko was an acquaintance of her friend, Motorin interviewed her, she worked as a client manager for him, she provided accounting services to Belevtsov, and Stankevich invited her to work in Cyprus. But now she, like the previous witness, does not work, and she cannot recognize anyone in the correspondence with clients shown to her by the state prosecutor. “This correspondence is for 2013. What is it now? 21st ", - she clarified with Milana Digaeva.
Then the reading of the financial documentation attached to the case began. But everyone was already so tired that they did not pay much attention to her. The defendants sat down to read the book, and the rest watched with interest the escort dog that revived in the evening. This idyll was interrupted by Judge Artyomov, who proposed to continue the session on September 22.

While there was another two-week break in the meetings, it was time to get acquainted with the testimony of Pyotr Chuvilin, a well-known businessman in narrow circles of the capital on the landslide front of work, who told the investigation a lot, and then asked to take him under state protection in this regard, which was done. For this reason, the interrogation of Chuvilin in the Presnensky court took place behind closed doors. Rucriminal.info publishes one of the protocols of his interrogation, in which he describes the hierarchy established in the Russian Railways group and talks about the role of the former president of all Russian railways, Vladimir Yakunin.
Investigator's question: Explain what you know about the personalities of Gorbuntsov G.V., Markelov V.A., Usherovich B.E., Krapivin A.V., Krapivin A.A.?

Answer: With regard to these persons, I can clarify the following:
- Gorbuntsov German Valerievich: he met him in about 2004, under his control were the following banks: Inkredbank, Interprogressbank, Capital Trade Bank, ZATO-Bank, Baltika, Universal Bank of Moldova (on the territory of the Moldavian Republic). As I know from the words of G.V. Gorbuntsov, as well as Markelov and Usherovich, the Russian Railways group (that is, Krapivin, Usherovich, Markelov) were Gorbuntsov's strategic partners in all these banks either in official status (through shares in the authorized capital), or in as large clients, at the expense of funds placed on the settlement accounts of these banks belonging to the Russian Railways group. According to my personal feelings, Gorbuntsov G.V. did not take any active and constant participation in control over the work of his banks, but gave such control to the mercy of the following persons: S.V. Mendeleev. (he was the Chairman of the Board of Capital Trading banyu "), Yana Lvovna Lefler (she was the Chairman of the Board of" Inkredbank "), Oleg Leonidovich Vlasov (he was the Chairman of the Board of" Bank Baltika "), Marina (was the Chairman of the Board of" ZATO-Bank "). Vlasov O. L. actually answered to G.V. Gorbuntsov. for the reporting of both Baltika Bank and ZATO-Bank ", the rest of the persons were responsible each for their own bank. As far as I know, G.V. Gorbuntsov reporting on the current activities of the bank was provided both in paper form and via electronic communication channels, that is, G.V. Gorbuntsov. he was always aware of how much he had left in banks on correspondent accounts on one date or another. In addition to the official reporting on the activities of the banking group, G.V. Gorbuntsov also provided information on the "black" accounting of the back office, as far as Gorbuntsov G.V. provided by Stankevich and Stolyarova. The specified information about G.V. Gorbuntsov and persons connected with him I know both from himself, as well as from other persons with whom I have communicated in one way or another over the past 10 years. In April 2009 Gorbuntsov G.V. he called me, said that he had big problems and he had to leave, and that then, after solving the problems, he would return to Russia. After about a couple of months, when I flew to G.V. Gorbuntsov. for a meeting in Munich, I informed him that his banking group had serious problems, there was a big hole in the banks' budgets and there was nothing to settle with creditors, all the people from the management of banks and the back office (Lefler, Stankevich, Vlasov, Mendeleev and many others) came under the control of the Russian Railways group represented by Markelov and Usherovich. As a result, Gorbuntsov G.V. he returned to Russia again, for about a year he tried to solve his problems with creditors and partners, but nothing came of it, a very large number of his assets in the form of legal entities took this time to the Russian Railways group and to some other persons, more precisely Gorbuntsov G.V. he didn’t tell me. As I myself saw, G.V. Gorbuntsov. after his return to Russia, for some time he continued to come to his office in the bank, but he was not a manager, no one reported anything to him, and G.V. Gorbuntsov himself. I did not give any instructions to the employees of the banking group. Regarding the legal, which from Gorbuntsov G.The. passed under the control of the Russian Railways group, I can name the following: Flat and Co LLC, Raduga-1 LLC, Raduga-2 LLC, Azarovo Severnoye LLC, Azarovo Yuzhnoye LLC. In addition to legal entities, a large amount of collateral, which was previously owned by the banking group Gorbuntsov G.V., came under the control of the Russian Railways Group. The property, which came under the control of the Russian Railways group, included apartments in residential buildings on Vavilov Street in Moscow (in houses No. 6 and 7), cottages in the cottage settlements Rublevskie Prostory-1, Rublevskie Prostory-2, "Nikolino" and others.

- Valery Markelov: was a member of the Russian Railways Group, oversaw all commercial issues related to the conclusion, execution and closure of contracts with Russian Railways. Markelov was also responsible for interaction (including corruption) with law enforcement officers, which he needed to cover and ensure his activities to receive funds from Russian Railways. In addition to Markelov, the Russian Railways group included A.V. Krapivin. and Usherovich B.E., while Krapivin A.The. provided administrative resource in making significant decisions by the head of "Russian Railways" Yakunin V.I., with whom Krapivin A.V. there was some kind of special relationship, and Usherovich B.E. he was responsible for providing security coverage (if necessary) for the actions of the Russian Railways group, as well as for communication with some clearly criminal structures. One of Markelov's connections in law enforcement was D.V. Zakharchenko. After the death of Krapivin A.The. Markelov became the head of the Russian Railways group. To maintain relations with law enforcement officials, Markelov played football with them every Friday on a football field in the Rublevka area, not far from the Barvikha Luxury Village shopping center.
- Usherovich Boris Efimovich: I met him at the same time as Markelov. Usherovich B.E. was a member of the Russian Railways group, was responsible for interaction with criminals and for the security of some actions. As Usherovich boasted, his connections in the underworld were criminal authorities from various groups (Solntsevskaya, Luzhnetskiy). Interaction of B.E. Usherovich with thieves in law was fully reflected when Gorbuntsov G.V. in 2009 he left Russia, and literally the next week in the bank together with B.E. Usherovich. Representatives of the aforementioned criminal groups appeared and watched the inventory of GV Gorbuntsov's assets, which, in the opinion of the Russian Railways group, should have been transferred to them. In the ownership and actual use of Usherovich B.E. There is a large amount of expensive property (apartments, yachts, airplanes, land plots) both in Russia and abroad.
- Krapivin Andrey Viktorovich, was a member of the Russian Railways group, in my personal opinion - was the most important in this group in relation to Markelov and Usherovich. Have Krapivina A.V. there was a close relationship with the former president of "Russian Railways" Yakunin V.I., there were cases when he called Usherovich and Markelov together with Gorbuntsov G.V. to his office in the village of Usovo, Moscow region, G.V. Gorbuntsov on one of these visits he took me with him. I also saw Krapivin A.The. in restaurants, where he met with Gorbuntsov G.V., Markelov and Usherovich. From the manner of communication Krapivina A.V. with the others (Markelov, Usherovich, Gorbuntsov), it was clear that he perceives all these persons as his subordinates, to whom he can and has the right to issue instructions. It was during one of such meetings that A.V. Krapivin. I called V.I. Yakunin in our presence. and negotiated something, about which - I do not remember, since the beginning of a conversation with V.I. Yakunin. was with us, and then Krapivin A.The. left for further discussion in another room. Communication Krapivina A.V. and Yakunin V.I. for me was confirmed when I was present at the game at the stadium "Locomotive" in Moscow, in one of the boxes adjacent to the one where I was, just V. Yakunin was present. and Krapivin A.V., the latter constantly said something to V.I. Yakunin. with the air of a persuasive person or a person giving advice. Also, the connection between Yakunin V.I. and Krapivin A.The. B.E. Usherovich boasted many times. In my opinion, based on life experience, it would have been impossible for the Russian Railways Group to obtain such a significant number of contracts with Russian Railways without performing them in a proper manner and without being prosecuted. As Usherovich B.E. boasted, thanks to A.V. Krapivin. they (ie, the Russian Railways Group) have strong influence in all spheres of government.
- Krapivin Alexey Andreevich: while Krapivin A.V. was alive, his son, in my opinion, did not play any decisive role in the Russian Railways group. With A.A. Krapivin I talked repeatedly, but all the time - on some everyday surface topics, so I can't explain anything significant about his personality.

Roman Trushkin
To be continued