For several years now, Omsk businessman Artem Lavrishko has been trying to draw the attention of regional and federal security officials to a close-knit group for "cutting" Gazprom's funds. Dmitry Mironov, deputy general director of Gazprom's subsidiary, OOO Gazprom gazofnefteprodukt holding, acts as a cover for this group. And the leader is the "gas king" of Omsk Denis Krishkevich. A real hunt was launched for Lavrishko, he is constantly threatened. The calculation is now only on the media and federal departments. today publishes with small denominations the first part of Lavrishko's appeal to the head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrei Kurnosenko.

“On October 23, 2021, on my birthday at 8:42 am, an unknown person delivered a package to me at the address: Omsk, st. Sennaya, 30, apt. 113 with the following content: 8 carnations wrapped in paper, a cardboard box in gift paper containing a severed pig's head inside, covered with contraceptives with a "congratulatory" letter.
I regard such a “gift” with a cut off pig’s head with 8 carnations as a threat to the life and health of my entire family, and I assume that such a “gift” could only be presented to me by a community organized by Krishkevich D.V. on the territory of the Siberian Federal District, which can be qualified under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Around the house on the street. Sennaya 30, there are office buildings and OP-10 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Omsk, which have video cameras, therefore, due to possible threats to life and health, I ask you to find a courier who allegedly arrived in a silver-gold PEUGEOT station wagon and find out whose order he delivered .
Below I will give all the practically unpunished episodes of the illegal activities of the organized community of Krishkevich D.V. on the territory of the Siberian Federal District in recent years, which I think became the reason for such a “gift” to me, due to the fact that I focus the attention of law enforcement agencies on the illegal activities of this community of Krishkevich D.V.
In this community Krishkevich D.V. includes lawyer Yanin Stepan (who changed his surname Shchenov to Yanin, possibly for reasons related to corruption scandals in the judicial community in the 2000s) with a staff of lawyers, Shevchenko Yury Danilovich - deputy. director of Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC (former deputy head of the traffic police of the Omsk region, was a representative of SITEK LLC by proxy, worked in the mayor's office of Omsk), Zhivets Mikhail Vladimirovich - a former employee of the Federal Security Service for the Omsk region, who oversaw both the fuel and energy complex and military-industrial complex enterprises , now Deputy director of SITEK LLC, Kucherenko Sergey Viktorovich - former head of the fuel and energy department of the UEBiPK in the Omsk region, Ivdra A.V. - former head of the traffic police of the Karagsok district of the Tomsk region, now an employee of SITEK LLC and a representative of RSTLOGISTIKA LLC by proxy, Alexey Vladimirovich Eikhman and Denis Vladimirovich Koshman - directors and owners of ZapSibGaz LLC, also employees of Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC, Rumanov Pavel Anatolyevich - Director of Neftegaz Plus LLC, was also the chief engineer of Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC, Shitov Alexander Aleksandrovich - Director of gasket companies that worked with SITEK LLC, now Deputy Director of SITEK LLC, Andrey Sorokin Evgenievich - director of gasket companies that worked with SITEK LLC, now logistics manager of SITEK LLC, Lebed Irina Nikolaevna - chief accountant of the entire "empire" of Krishkevich D.V., aware of all transactions and postings with one-day firms for the last two decades.
Episode 1:
In 2014 Krishkevich D.V. meets Gagin S.V. (Novosibirskneftegazpererabotka LLC and Tomskneftegazpererabotka LLC are subsidiaries of Tomsgazprom JSC and Vostokgazprom JSC, which are engaged in the sale and transportation of liquefied gas from the Myldzhinskoye gas condensate field) and creates SITEK LLC, registered at the place of its residence and business in the city of Omsk. SITEK LLC receives an exclusive contract from the Myldzhinskoye field for the supply of gas at a price of 3,000-4,000 rubles per ton and, with the help of employees of Tomskgazprom and Novosibirskneftegazpererabotka, organizes a logistics chain for exporting gas from the field and sells all volumes of this gas to the Siberian Federal District on a commercial basis. price. At the same time Krishkevich D.V. in 2015, he takes SITEK LLC from Omsk to Moscow in order to evade taxes, creates IP Krishkevich D.V. (a transport company with a patent system) and during 2015-2019 creates gasket companies (which operate for 2 years and are liquidated and through them the sale of gas from the Myldzhinskoye field passes from SITEK LLC) with directors controlled by him Shitov A.A. and Sorokin A.E. Status Group LLC (TIN 5517200573), TECHNOIMPEX LLC (TIN 5501179189), PERSPEKTIVA LLC (TIN 5501256041), Regiongaz LLC (TIN 2443044931), Trader LLC (TIN 5501186002), Vector LLC (TIN 5501260030). Half a billion and billions of turnovers from the sale of gas from Myldzhinsky places pass through these gasket companies births from SITEK LLC, taxes are not paid and the companies are liquidated. Monthly Krishkevich D.V. exported an average of up to 18,000 tons of gas from the Myldzhinskogo field, according to available information, part of the gas was not accounted for at the plant, which was sold to small private gas buyers in the Siberian Federal District for cash.
After receiving national resources for a penny and receiving a lot of money from their sale, Krishkevich D.V. and his community there was a clouding of reason and confidence in their impunity, since there was confidence that you can buy all the people in all structures and authorities.
Episode 2
Being a co-owner of Sibgaz LLC in Novosibirsk and being responsible in this company for gas supplies (a network of gas and multi-fuel gas stations Grand) Krishkevich D.V. apparently decides to lead the company to a negative economic result and become the sole owner of this gas station network. All his actions to supply gas at inflated prices from SITEK LLC to SIBGAZ LLC do not quickly lead him to his intended goal, and then he illegally sells his share in the network of gas stations to an unknown Novosibirsk resident in gas circles (who does not even have the financial opportunity to buy these objects) to Mityukov A.A., who then with a group of people, just like him from the community of Krishkevich D.V., begin to interfere with the activities of the enterprise and offer the remaining founders to buy out their share for much more money. Raider seizure of the gas station network from the community of Krishkevich D.V. does not work and the Arbitration Court of the Omsk Region cancels the illegal transaction for the sale of the share of Krishkevich D.The. Mityukov A.A., but the law enforcement agencies of the Omsk region do not properly consider the statements of the founders of the gas station network about the fraudulent actions of Krishkevich D.V. and his accomplices, including notaries who conducted this illegal transaction and registered it.
Episode 3

At the end of 2017, having possible corrupt ties with employees of subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom (with Mironov D.A. and Reed R.V.), Krishkevich D.V. leases the entire gas supply network of the population of the Omsk region, together with more than 25 filling stations, which previously belonged to Omskoblgaz JSC, to its created and renamed LLC Omsk Regional Gas Company, in order to receive huge volumes of gas for the population in 2018 at a preferential price of 13,300 rubles per ton, sell them through gas stations, make a huge profit, and then, from a part of this profit, actually buy out all the gas supply property in the Omsk region for free, which Krishkevich D.V. and carries it out by buying out all property with land plots, more than 25 gas stations, equipment and buildings at an illegally held auction in Kazan from a Gazprom subsidiary for only 56 million rubles. For an allegedly competitive auction, he substitutes a company familiar with the address, which some of his aforementioned one-day firms also had: Omsk, st. Maloivanovskaya, 47. Having received about 12,000 tons of gas for the population in 2018 at a reduced price of 13,300 rubles per ton, only about 5,000 tons of gas were sold directly to the population, the remaining gas Krishkevich D.V. and his companies sold for personal gain through gas stations. Since 2019, law enforcement agencies of the Omsk region have been considering the materials of KUSP 10575 on these facts, but so far they have not opened a criminal case, although all the facts and evidence are present in the materials, in which I also see possible corruption connections of the community of Krishkevich D.V. with some rather high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region.
Episode 4
From May to July 2019 LLC "SITEK" Krishkevich D.V. under an agreement with JSC Tomskgazprom, it selects gas from the Myldzhinskoye field and engages in illegal business activities (transferring gas without a license) in Myldzhino and Novoseltsevo, Tomsk Region. In the Tomsk region, a criminal case is being opened on this fact under Part 2. Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (since SITEK bought at least 4,000 tons of gas from Tomskgazprom every month and the amount of illegal entrepreneurial activity is especially large), but then they go through red tape, then for unknown reasons they are reclassified to part 1. Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and closed, which is an illegal and egregious fact of possible corruption and abuse of power. According to available information, the Tomsk transport prosecutor Detkov, who is possibly corruptly connected with D.V. Krishkevich, was involved in this fact. Norma Krishkevich D.V. and his community is the following scheme of actions with corrupt employees of all law enforcement agencies and authorities: at the first stage, Krishkevich D.V. bribes such employees, but then begins to blackmail and such corrupt employees of law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office are then forced to “protect” and cover up the illegal activities of the D.V. Krishkevich community.
Episode 5
In Khakassia on Krishkevich D.V. a criminal case under Part 2 was initiated. Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on similar facts indicated in the previous episode, only on the territory of Khakassia. The case went to trial, but In the community of Krishkevich there is also a huge number of lawyers who, including having corrupt ties in the judicial community, drag out the consideration of cases in order to ruin the case as much as possible, delay the deadlines and avoid liability. About 40 meetings have already been held in Khakassia and the consideration has been going on for a year, but Krishevich D.V. eludes legal punishment.
Episode 6
The burning of a bridge by employees of SITEK LLC in the Tomsk region is generally a blatant case that speaks of the real existence of the community of Krishkevich D.V. and about the danger to society that this community carries. A criminal case has been initiated, charges have been filed, but the employees of SITEK LLC, together with lawyers, are playing for time and avoiding familiarization in order to again delay all procedural actions and avoid responsibility.
Episode 7
OOO "SITEK" Krishkevich D.V. jointly by prior agreement with LLC
"RSTLOGISTIKA" caused damage to the budget of the Tomsk region in the amount of more than 27 million rubles, having won the auction for land, using this land for almost all recent years, but without paying a penny to the budget. On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to the employees of SITEK LLC, but the main beneficiary is the head of this community Krishkevich D.V., who has not been held accountable, and this whole fraudulent scheme with land can also be qualified under part 4. Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Episode 8
Since the 2000s, Promservice LLC (hereinafter it was renamed Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC, under a fake agreement with Russian Railways, occupied a land plot in Omsk and placed a gas filling station on it, received a license from Rostekhnadzor based on fake documents. More than 15 years actually conducted illegal business activities, and in 2012, due to illegal filling of cylinders at this gas filling station, people died, the operator was brought to criminal responsibility (colony-settlement), and the owner Krishkevich D.V. generally avoided liability. Now they are considering, but also dragging on by lawyers from the community of Krishkevich D.V., the case in the Arbitration Court of the Omsk Region on the claim of Russian Railways against Omsk Regional Gas Company LLC for the recovery of just over a million rubles for the illegal use of land is just for the last 3 years, and not for 15 years of actual illegal possession. but, then suspended. Criminal case under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was initiated, but closed, apparently due to the fact that Krishkevich received a license using fake documents, and the license is considered an official document, although it was issued under a fake contract. According to Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for some reason, a criminal case is not started. As a result, having defiled the land plot for 15 years, having received huge profits from the activities of the gas station, Krishkevich D.V. and its community will pay zero to the budget of the Russian Federation and just over 1 million rubles will someday be paid to Russian Railways and will again go unpunished. Also, none of the employees of Russian Railways and the Federal Property Management Agency associated with this story with the gas filling station of Krishkevich D.V. was not held liable for exceeding official authority and causing damage.

To be continued...
Denis Zhirnov