17 years have passed since the murder of Krasnoyarsk businessman Andrey Nekolov on January 18, 2022. During this time, a new generation of Russians managed to grow up, who only saw videos about criminal Russia on Tik-Tok and programs with Kanevsky, and heard about the fact that people were killed in the “90s” only in a song by the singer Monetochka. But contract killings without a statute of limitations continue to resurface in the memory of eyewitnesses and active participants in the events of those years, turning into specific accusations against the same person - an authoritative businessman and a wolf in the philanthropic shoes of Anatoly Bykov. Details are in the Rucriminal.info investigation.
Last time, we told you the plot of the story about how Bykov painted targets on the heads of two people at once in the fall of 2004, ordering two murders from the Struganov group Alexander Zhivitsa, nicknamed Bul, two murders: his yesterday's close associate Andrei Grabovsky and objectionable businessman Andrei Nekolov. Both in their own way did not give Bykov peace, each for his own separate reason.
Our regular readers know that the first pancake at Zhivitsy came out lumpy and Grabovsky managed not only to survive the assassination attempt, but also to escape from the wrath of authority to Moscow. The second victim was so unlucky.
It is noteworthy that Bykov passed the death sentence on the businessman because of Nekolov's unwillingness to bow his head and conduct business according to imposed rules.
Nekolov, himself previously convicted of a serious crime, after his release went into business, declaring himself one of the prominent restaurateurs of that period, who owned the Jolly Roger and Matrosskaya Tishina establishments. Naming by concepts, interesting interior solutions and the atmosphere of the establishments have won success with a fairly serious audience of visitors.
But what really aggravated the conflict was that another area of Nekolov's business activity was directly related to Petrovich's sphere of interests, namely, the processing of aluminum production waste. Bykov could not bear that with his status as the "aluminum king" someone dares to attempt to feed himself and make good money on the adjacent field. Even more irritated the authority that the same Moscow businessman Pestov helped Nekolov documented and legally bypass his henchmen in this business. The same one, for meeting with people from whose environment Grabovsky fell into fierce disfavor.
Zhivitsa killed Nekolov on the morning of January 18, 2005, the day after the noisy celebration of Bykov's 45th birthday. Whether it was a birthday gift - history is silent. According to Rucriminal.info, Zhivitsa monitored the victim in advance and already knew that this morning he would head to the garage as usual between 9 and 10 o'clock. Arriving at the scene of the murder in an inconspicuous Zhiguli, which did not at all fall under the category of cars that the Krasnoyarsk bandits flaunted, the killer ambushed Nekolov near the transformer box. After waiting for the victim, he fired at least four bullets at the businessman from a TT pistol. Nekolov had no chance to survive. So from a lively and enterprising person, he became another brick in a huge pyramid of corpses, which has been growing with the efforts of Bykov and his team since the 90s. In the foundation and walls of which many yesterday's comrades of authority have already laid down.
Zhivitsa, who did not miss this time, however, was disappointed in the form of a five-fold devaluation of the promised fee. The fact is that because of the first unsuccessful assassination attempt on Grabovsky, Bykov's confidence in the killer was seriously shaken. Instead of the promised 50 thousand dollars, Zhivitsa taught only 10.
All these events that once shocked Krasnoyarsk have now been reduced to dry paragraphs on the pages of testimony and indictments. But those who witnessed them, who conducted an honest and impartial journalistic chronicle of those years, who suffered personal losses from Bykov's lawlessness, who struggled to solve these cases, experience a delayed, but no less desirable sense of satisfaction from the fact that the court will put a point in the bloody stories of the past. And Andrei Nekolov's relatives today got a chance under the law to receive compensation for non-pecuniary damage. In their favor, back in July last year, the court seized Bykov's property, worth more than 50 million rubles, including his three-story cottage in Udachny and the Zaglyadene recreation center with its own stable and guest houses. The investigation of the case has not yet been completed, the materials will soon be sent to the prosecutor for approval of the indictment.

To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info