Former employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB, as well as the acquaintance of Andrey Viktorovich Khorev, Shendrik Viktor Viktorovich with Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg, created an organized community (OS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment, which Rucriminal.info has repeatedly told about.
There is a whole group of persons out of selfish motives, consisting of: Andrey Viktorovich Khorev (Mosenergo PJSC, Gazprombank JSC, RusKhimAlliance LLC, TGC-1 PJSC), Zaurbek Islamovich Dzhambulatov (Gazprom Energoholding LLC, MOEK PJSC ”, RusKhimAlliance LLC), Viktor Viktorovich Shendrik (RZD OJSC), Sergey Sergeevich Erashov (MOEK TsTP LLC, MOEK PJSC), Alexey Shamilevich Sharafutdinov (MOEK PJSC, formerly MOEK TsTP LLC) , Feyzulin Damir Zagidovich (PJSC Mosenergo), Orlov Vladimir Viktorovich (JSC Mosvodokanal), Matyushkin Vitaly Viktorovich (PJSC Mosenergo), Moiseenko Igor Eduardovich (LLC Gazprom Energoholding), Dzhambulatov Bers Zaurbekovich (formerly LLC TsTP MIPC”, criminal case No. 1-391/2021).
Most of the OS members worked under the leadership of Andrey Viktorovich Khorev (Deputy Head of the Department for Moscow of the Federal Drug Control Service, First Deputy Head of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) and Dzhambulatov Zaurbek Islamovich (ORB No. 6 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), previously worked together in the Federal Drug Control Service for Moscow.
Some former security officials prudently bought dissertations and received academic degrees for solidity. Almost all members of the OS have real estate abroad and even a residence permit (for example, Khorev Andrey Viktorovich has hotels in Montenegro). In addition to several apartments in Moscow, a house in the elite cottage village "Monolith" in New Riga, Sergei Sergeevich Erashov owns real estate in the United States. The entire Erashov family, including the eldest daughter, a student at Sechenov University, travels in Mercedes-Benz AMG cars with “beautiful” MMM license plates. Erashova's sister owns a transport company in Penza. The listing can be continued indefinitely.
In a new publication, Rucriminal.info continues the story of the OS top managers working in Gazpromenergoholding and in the MOEK CTP.
Today we will reveal only one of the sources of income of Erashov-Dzhambulatov. This is friendship with the owner of the Tashir Group of companies, Samvel Karapetyan, who, using his old friendship with the CEO of Gazpromenerholding Denis Fedorov, illegally connects his facilities to heat supply, significantly underestimating the cost of connection.
In particular, Rada Capital JSC, which is part of the Tashir Group of Companies and manages the RIO Shopping Center on Leninsky Prospekt, carried out unauthorized work to install new heat-consuming equipment with an increase in heat loads. After an audit carried out by Gorenergosbyt, an act of non-contractual consumption was drawn up in the amount of 210 million rubles, which Rada Capital had to pay. However, at the convincing request of Samvel Karapetyan, this amount was illegally reduced to 5 million rubles by Sergei Erashov, and apparently not without the knowledge of Fedorov and Dzhambulatov. How much Karapetyan had to transfer to the Holding's employees unofficially, one can only guess
According to a Rucriminal.info source, according to the same scheme, from 179 million rubles to 12 million, the payment for connecting to the heat supply of the multifunctional center TPU Seligerskaya Street, also included in the Tashir Group of Companies, was reduced
And from 41 million to 9 million at the facility of Nai-nome-Invest LLC, which is building the Legacy residential complex on Michurinsky Prospekt, naturally, part of the Tashir Group of Companies.
And this is only a small part of the examples of Samvel Karapetyan's "cooperation", and, as he likes to say, his "pocket holding".
Perhaps that is why the general director of Gazpromenergoholding Denis Fedorov, his deputy Zaur Dzhambulatov, the director of the MOEK CTP Sergey Erashov so often like to visit Karapetyan, to his homeland, Armenia, where they are met with a truly royal scale and showered with gifts.
And the secret of such friendship with the management of the holding apparently lies in Samvel Karapetyan’s long-standing and close relationship with the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom, Director of the Corporate Protection Service Sergey Khomyakov (by the way, also a native of Armenia), who at one time recommended Karapetyan to Fedorov.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info