On February 9, civil aviation will celebrate its centenary. It is on this day that Putin will gather honored people in the field of civil aviation in the Kremlin, one of whom will be the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko. In what light will it appear in the investigation Rucriminal.info

Alexander Neradko has been in charge of his position for more than 22 years, but on the day of the centenary, he personally has absolutely nothing to celebrate. All the successes of the Federal Air Transport Agency belong to the Minister of Transport Vitaly Savelyev, since all the allocated subsidies for the rescue of aviation (172 billion rubles in 2022) are his merit.
Rosaviatsia, on the contrary, looks flawed, the control and supervisory functions of Rosaviatsia are transferred to Rostransnadzor on March 1, 2023, in fact, Rosaviatsia lost its supervision of air carriers.
The shortage of personnel, the purge of deputies Oleg Storchevy, Alexei Novgorodov and Andrei Belyakov left Neradko alone with himself. In addition, 8 heads of key departments resigned in 2022. According to the source of Rucriminal.info, Neradko literally went into a binge, even fell in a state of intoxication from a bicycle under a passing car.
Criminal cases have already become a kind of meme; in 2022, 9 criminal cases were initiated, ranging from embezzlement through fraud to the creation of an organized criminal community. It all started with a hacker attack, the cause of which was a company founded by Neradko (Infavia LLC) and an indefinite circle from among the leadership of the Federal Air Transport Agency, who ignored the letters of the FSB of Russia and forgot about critical infrastructure facilities. Further, receiving a bribe by his closest friend, subordinate Maxim Kostylev, who for 5 years collected money from airlines and pilots who wanted to get a certificate.
In April 2022, due to a loss of confidence, Igor Moiseenko was removed from the position of the Director General of the largest sub-subsidiary of the State Air Traffic Control Corporation of the Federal Air Transport Agency. In May, Galina Tsveleva, deputy head of the flight safety department, was convicted, whose actions caused damage in the amount of 70 million rubles to a Russian airline. In September, Maxim Pavlyuk, the head of the flight operation department, was arrested on the fact of receiving a bribe. In December 2022, the personal creature of Neradko, Deputy Head of the Department of Digital Transformation and Provision Alexander Matyushkin, was dragged away in connection with taking a bribe.
Also in 2022, the head of the department of the central regions of the Federal Air Transport Agency was convicted on the fact of receiving a bribe from 102 air traffic controllers in order to issue certificates.
All this dynamics of affairs in the Federal Air Transport Agency sets a new countdown for Neradko, how many days are left for him after a century.
Yaroslav Mukhtarov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info