As found out, the scheme of embezzlement of state property, which we disclosed in the Ramensky district, is actively used in the Leninsky urban district (the former Leninsky district) of the Moscow region.
Only even closer to the Moscow Ring Road, for a total amount of 50-60 times more and with a complete lack of interest from law enforcement agencies to investigate the scheme and punish those responsible.
We are talking about the embezzlement of land totaling over 87 billion rubles through shares of former collective farms in the Leninsky city district (formerly Leninsky district) of the Moscow region, 25 km from the Kremlin.
On the territory of the Leninsky urban district, thousands of hectares of land were transferred from state to private ownership by illegal court decisions of the Vidnovsky city court. The total cadastral value of the stolen land is over 87 billion rubles.
Many plots that fell into private hands were the lands of the forest fund and were reflected in the Forest Register.
Private hands also got plots on the water surface of water bodies and on their coastal strip, on the forest belt of the Experimental Research Base "Gorki Leninskiye", on the lands of the All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology of Horticulture and Nursery, in squares, parks, and even sidewalks of settlements ...
On the stolen land, illegal cutting of green spaces is already being carried out, water bodies are being filled up, and damage to the environment of the LGO is being done.
According to the source of, the federal judge of the Vidnovsky city court Svetlana Olegovna Kravchenko, officials of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, the ex-head of the LGO of the Moscow Region Ventsalya Valery Nikolaevich, the first deputy head of the Administration of the LGO Gravin Albert Alexandrovich are directly related to what happened to the state property, cadastral engineer Orlov Sergey Andreevich, Otvagina Maria Gennadievna, management and employees of BION LLC, executive secretary of the Public Chamber of LGO Vyacheslav Viktorovich Krasnonos, and a number of other persons.

The scheme of land theft is as follows.
In 2017-2019, Moskovia-Yug LLC, Camelot LLC, Sergey Andreevich Orlov, Sergey Vladimirovich Zubrin, Stanislav Alexandrovich Donskoy, Vyacheslav Viktorovich Krasnonos, Sergei Nikolaevich Bushev, Konstantin Sergeevich Volkov, Viktor Vasilievich Volodin, Valentina Nikolaevna Artamonova (hereinafter - Buyers) conclude preliminary agreements with shareholders of no longer existing collective farms (hereinafter referred to as the Sellers) on the sale of land shares to them. After the conclusion of preliminary contracts, the Purchasers conclude contracts with cadastral engineers (including from LLC "BION" INN 5003101408) for carrying out a land survey. At the same time, Orlov S.A. is a cadastral engineer and at the same time the founder of LLC "BION", and is also one of the Acquirers and the founder of one of the Acquirers - LLC "Moskovia-Yug".
Cadastral engineers, by order of the Purchasers, carry out land surveying on lands of undifferentiated state ownership, measuring about 2-2.5 hectares for each share of a land plot and preparing conclusions for each of the plots. The overwhelming majority of these sites are located outside the boundaries of the territory of the former collective farms. Upon the expiration of the terms of the preliminary agreements, the Acquirers send to the Vidnovsky City Court of the Moscow Region statements of claim for the recognition of their ownership rights to land plots, the description of the boundaries of which is contained in the conclusions of cadastral engineers.
All cases were sent for consideration only to the federal judge of the Vidnovsky City Court Kravchenko Svetlana Olegovna: 2-5371 / 2019, 2-5369 / 2019, 2-5370 / 2019, 2-5373 / 2019, 2-5372 / 2019, 2-1486 / 2019 , 2-2043 / 2019, 2-2041 / 2019, 2-2042 / 2019, 2-2850 / 2019, 2-2851 / 2019, 2-5374 / 2019, 2-4489 / 2019, 2-2061 / 2019, 2 -2039/2019, 2-2265 / 2019 (collective farm named after Ilyich) and 2-4496 / 2019, 2-4464 / 2017 (collective farm named after Gorky).
None of the sellers of shares of the former collective farms is not present at the court session, and does not submit written responses or objections. Representatives of the LGO Administration (an interested person) do not appear at the court session, they do not submit written responses or objections. Cases are considered without the participation of a prosecutor. Rosleskhoz, Rosimushchestvo are not involved in the affairs as interested parties.
In all cases, the court makes the same decision - to satisfy the claims of the Purchasers in full. Municipal land becomes the property of the participants in the scheme.
Rosreestr quickly and with pleasure puts plots on cadastral records!
The lands of the forest fund, lands in the water protection zone, public gardens in the city, even the land under bus stops in Vidnoye receive the type of permitted land use that customers need.
The Council of Activists of the Leninsky City District sent appeals to the Vidnovsk City Prosecutor's Office, the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region with a request to take measures of the prosecutor's response. Appeals did not lead to due diligence and proc urrian response up to the Prosecutor of the Moscow Region Zabaturin. The current situation allows us to assume the presence of a corruption component in the prosecutor's office.

To be continued
Arseny Dronov