пятница, 10 декабря 2021 г.

Scam of the century 25 km from the Kremlin

How a judge left the state without assets worth 87 billion rubles

As Rucriminal.info found out, the scheme of embezzlement of state property, which we disclosed in the Ramensky district, is actively used in the Leninsky urban district (the former Leninsky district) of the Moscow region.

Only even closer to the Moscow Ring Road, for a total amount of 50-60 times more and with a complete lack of interest from law enforcement agencies to investigate the scheme and punish those responsible.

We are talking about the embezzlement of land totaling over 87 billion rubles through shares of former collective farms in the Leninsky city district (formerly Leninsky district) of the Moscow region, 25 km from the Kremlin.

On the territory of the Leninsky urban district, thousands of hectares of land were transferred from state to private ownership by illegal court decisions of the Vidnovsky city court. The total cadastral value of the stolen land is over 87 billion rubles.

Many plots that fell into private hands were the lands of the forest fund and were reflected in the Forest Register.

Private hands also got plots on the water surface of water bodies and on their coastal strip, on the forest belt of the Experimental Research Base "Gorki Leninskiye", on the lands of the All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology of Horticulture and Nursery, in squares, parks, and even sidewalks of settlements ...

On the stolen land, illegal cutting of green spaces is already being carried out, water bodies are being filled up, and damage to the environment of the LGO is being done.

According to the source of Rucriminal.info, the federal judge of the Vidnovsky city court Svetlana Olegovna Kravchenko, officials of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, the ex-head of the LGO of the Moscow Region Ventsalya Valery Nikolaevich, the first deputy head of the Administration of the LGO Gravin Albert Alexandrovich are directly related to what happened to the state property, cadastral engineer Orlov Sergey Andreevich, Otvagina Maria Gennadievna, management and employees of BION LLC, executive secretary of the Public Chamber of LGO Vyacheslav Viktorovich Krasnonos, and a number of other persons.

The scheme of land theft is as follows.

In 2017-2019, Moskovia-Yug LLC, Camelot LLC, Sergey Andreevich Orlov, Sergey Vladimirovich Zubrin, Stanislav Alexandrovich Donskoy, Vyacheslav Viktorovich Krasnonos, Sergei Nikolaevich Bushev, Konstantin Sergeevich Volkov, Viktor Vasilievich Volodin, Valentina Nikolaevna Artamonova (hereinafter - Buyers) conclude preliminary agreements with shareholders of no longer existing collective farms (hereinafter referred to as the Sellers) on the sale of land shares to them. After the conclusion of preliminary contracts, the Purchasers conclude contracts with cadastral engineers (including from LLC "BION" INN 5003101408) for carrying out a land survey. At the same time, Orlov S.A. is a cadastral engineer and at the same time the founder of LLC "BION", and is also one of the Acquirers and the founder of one of the Acquirers - LLC "Moskovia-Yug".

Cadastral engineers, by order of the Purchasers, carry out land surveying on lands of undifferentiated state ownership, measuring about 2-2.5 hectares for each share of a land plot and preparing conclusions for each of the plots. The overwhelming majority of these sites are located outside the boundaries of the territory of the former collective farms. Upon the expiration of the terms of the preliminary agreements, the Acquirers send to the Vidnovsky City Court of the Moscow Region statements of claim for the recognition of their ownership rights to land plots, the description of the boundaries of which is contained in the conclusions of cadastral engineers.

All cases were sent for consideration only to the federal judge of the Vidnovsky City Court Kravchenko Svetlana Olegovna: 2-5371 / 2019, 2-5369 / 2019, 2-5370 / 2019, 2-5373 / 2019, 2-5372 / 2019, 2-1486 / 2019 , 2-2043 / 2019, 2-2041 / 2019, 2-2042 / 2019, 2-2850 / 2019, 2-2851 / 2019, 2-5374 / 2019, 2-4489 / 2019, 2-2061 / 2019, 2 -2039/2019, 2-2265 / 2019 (collective farm named after Ilyich) and 2-4496 / 2019, 2-4464 / 2017 (collective farm named after Gorky).

None of the sellers of shares of the former collective farms is not present at the court session, and does not submit written responses or objections. Representatives of the LGO Administration (an interested person) do not appear at the court session, they do not submit written responses or objections. Cases are considered without the participation of a prosecutor. Rosleskhoz, Rosimushchestvo are not involved in the affairs as interested parties.

In all cases, the court makes the same decision - to satisfy the claims of the Purchasers in full. Municipal land becomes the property of the participants in the scheme.

Rosreestr quickly and with pleasure puts plots on cadastral records!

The lands of the forest fund, lands in the water protection zone, public gardens in the city, even the land under bus stops in Vidnoye receive the type of permitted land use that customers need.

The Council of Activists of the Leninsky City District sent appeals to the Vidnovsk City Prosecutor's Office, the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region with a request to take measures of the prosecutor's response. Appeals did not lead to due diligence and proc urrian response up to the Prosecutor of the Moscow Region Zabaturin. The current situation allows us to assume the presence of a corruption component in the prosecutor's office.

To be continued

Arseny Dronov

Source: www.rucriminal.info

Афера века с видом на Кремль

Как судья оставила государство без активов на 87 млрд рублей

Как выяснил Rucriminal.info, схема хищения государственной собственности, которая была нами раскрыта в Раменском районе, активно применяется и в Ленинском городском округе (бывшем Ленинском районе) Московской области.

Только еще ближе к МКАДу, на общую сумму в 50-60 раз больше и с полным отсутствием интереса у правоохранительных органов к расследованию схемы и наказанию виновных.

Речь идет о хищениях земель на общую сумму более 87 миллиардов рублей через паи бывших колхозов в Ленинского городском округе (бывший Ленинский район) Московской области, в 25 км от Кремля.

На территории Ленинского городского округа были переведены из государственной в частную собственность по незаконным судебным решениям Видновского городского суда тысячи гектаров земель. Суммарная кадастровая стоимость похищенных земель – более 87 миллиардов рублей.

Многие участки, попавшие в частные руки, являлись землями лесфонда и отражались в Лесном реестре.

В частные руки также попали участки на водной глади водных объектов и на их береговой полосе, на лесополосе Экспериментальной научно-исследовательской базы «Горки Ленинские», на землях Всероссийского селекционно-технологического института садоводства и питомниководства, в скверах, парках, и даже тротуарах населенных пунктов.

На украденных землях уже массово ведется незаконная вырубка зеленых насаждений, засыпаются водные объекты, наносится ущерб экологии ЛГО.

По словам источника Rucriminal.info, к произошедшему с государственной собственностью имеют прямое отношение федеральный судья Видновского городского суда Кравченко Светлана Олеговна, чиновники Комитета лесного хозяйства Московской области, экс-главы ЛГО Московской области Венцаля Валерий Николаевич, первый заместитель главы Администрации ЛГО Гравин Альберт Александрович, кадастровый инженер Орлов Сергей Андреевич, Отвагина Мария Геннадьевна, руководства и сотрудников компании ООО «БИОН», ответственного секретаря Общественной палаты ЛГО Красноноса Вячеслава Викторовича, а еще ряда лиц.

Альберт Гравин

Схема хищения земель такова.

В 2017-2019 годах ООО «Московия-Юг», ООО «Камелот», Орлов Сергей Андреевич, Зубрин Сергей Владимирович, Донской Станислав Александрович, Краснонос Вячеслав Викторович, Бушев Сергей Николаевич, Волков Константин Сергеевич, Володин Виктор Васильевич, Артамонова Валентина Николаевна (далее – Приобретатели) заключают предварительные договора с пайщиками уже не существующих колхозов (далее – Продавцы) о продаже им земельных паев. После заключения предварительных договоров Приобретатели заключают договора с кадастровыми инженерами (в т.ч. из ООО «БИОН» ИНН 5003101408) на проведение землеустроительной экспертизы. При этом Орлов С.А. является кадастровым инженеров и одновременно учредителем ООО «БИОН», а также является одним из Приобретателей и учредителем одного из Приобретателей - ООО «Московия-Юг».

Кадастровые инженеры по заказу Приобретателей проводят межевание земельных участков на землях неразграниченной государственной собственности, отмеряя на каждый пай земельный участок около 2-2,5 Га и готовят заключения по каждому из участков. Подавляющее большинство этих участков находится за границами территории бывших колхозов. По истечении сроков предварительных договоров Приобретатели направляют в Видновский городской суд Московской области исковые заявления о признании за ними прав собственности на земельные участки, описание границ которых содержится в заключениях кадастровых инженеров.

Все дела направлялись на рассмотрение только федеральному судье Видновского городского суда Кравченко Светлане Олеговне: 2-5371/2019, 2-5369/2019, 2-5370/2019, 2-5373/2019, 2-5372/2019, 2-1486/2019, 2-2043/2019, 2-2041/2019, 2-2042/2019, 2-2850/2019, 2-2851/2019, 2-5374/2019, 2-4489/2019, 2-2061/2019, 2-2039/2019, 2-2265/2019 (колхоз им. Ильича) и 2-4496/2019, 2-4464/2017 (колхоз им. Горького).

Ни один из продавцов паев бывших колхозов на заседание суда не является, письменных отзывов или возражений не представляет. Представители Администрации ЛГО (заинтересованное лицо), на заседание суда не являются, письменных отзывов или возражений не представляют. Дела рассматриваются без участия прокурора. Рослесхоз, Росимущество в качестве заинтересованных лиц к участию в делах не привлекаются.

По всем делам суд выносит одинаковое решение – удовлетворить исковые требования Приобретателей в полном объеме. Муниципальные земли переходят в собственность участников схемы.

Росреестр быстро и с удовольствием ставит участки на кадастровый учет!

Земли лесного фонда, земли в водоохранной зоне, скверы в городе, даже земля под остановками в Видном получают нужный заказчикам вид разрешенного использования земель.

Совет Активистов Ленинского городского округа направил обращения в Видновскую городскую прокуратуру, Прокуратуру Московской области с просьбой принять меры прокурорского реагирования. Обращения не привели к проведению надлежащей проверки и принятию мер прокурорского реагирования вплоть до Прокурора Московской области Забатурина. Сложившаяся ситуация позволяет предполагать наличие коррупционной составляющей в органах прокуратуры.

Продолжение следует

Арсений Дронов

Источник: www.rucriminal.info

How the governor cut the reserve

To bring the mansion of the head of Krasnodar beyond its borders

Rucriminal.info continues to talk about the secrets of the ex-first vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Andrei Alekseenko, who "dived" into the chair of the head of Krasnodar. The next story will be about a seemingly outstanding event in the southern nature protection - an increase in the area of ​​the Agriysky reserve located in the Tuapse region. But much more interesting were not those lands that will be attached to the reserve, but those that, according to the new, "refined" borders from the reserve, according to the governor's decree, will be withdrawn forever. It is on them that the dacha of the mayor of the Kuban capital Andrei Alekseenko is located.

In October last year, the pro-government mass media of the Krasnodar Territory burst out with the message: “In the Tuapse region, the protection regime of the Agriysky landscape reserve has been strengthened. The corresponding decree was signed by the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratyev.

It was emphasized that before the preparation of this decree, work was underway to clarify the boundaries and tighten control over the protection of the natural landscape reserve. Because before that, the existing regime did not provide all-round protection of the facility ... And now a year later, and after seven sweats stemming from "as always highly effective bureaucratic work", the epic with Agria reaches the home stretch. The final documents are being prepared. The regional Ministry of Natural Resources will soon organize tenders for the reserve. Getting acquainted with the preliminary data, social activists note that the area of​​the reserve turned out to be even larger than the original one. Is everything superb? Or is there a “super” in this, as it almost always happens in the Krasnldar Territory, a “second bottom”?

Quote from the Internet description of the territory: “Agriysky reserve is a wooded area of ​​several mountain ranges. The vegetation cover consists of relict plantations of Pitsunda pine, an oak-beech forest with berry yew and abundant butchery thickets; on the south- and south-western slopes, the soil cover of mountain ranges is abundantly covered with common ivy. It also includes such natural objects as Cape Agriya, a waterfall on the Zaychina River, and two springs. The main task of the reserve is to preserve the unique landscapes of steep rocky shores overgrown with Pitsunda pine ”.

The regional decree on Agria appeared after a year ago, on a governor's order, a seemingly authoritative commission worked in the region, which was entrusted with bringing order to land use. The social activists and ecologists included in this commission, first of all, were interested in finally stopping the cutting of forest lands in the region, and finally and irrevocably suppressing capital construction in the recreational zone. But, in the end, social activists were actually wiped out from the formation of reports on the results of the commission's work. And even then there was a suspicion that all this action was nothing more than another imitation of concern.

It is probably not surprising that the Expert Council for Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Krasnodar Territory was formed ... a year after the commission's work in the Tuapse region. - In September 2021. It turns out that the observations of officials who surveyed the area, and even more so the opinions of independent ecologists, were of little interest to anyone at that time?

However, in the case of the Tuapse nature reserve, the newborn Council worked quite quickly. In just a couple of months, the question was practically prepared for the Agriysky reserve. Today the borders are being finalized. The estimates are being prepared and will be forwarded to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Territory.

But here a very simple question arises. The reserve was established in 1989, and in Soviet times, the boundaries of protected natural zones were always clearly, concretely and firmly established. And then what kind of "clarification of boundaries" can we talk about now? Because they want to annex a part of the adjacent territory to the reserve? Noble. When additional slopes, meadows, gorges are supposed to be included in the PAs - specially protected natural zones - is that great? Moreover, the protected area is increasing!

But the proposed scheme, alas, is not so unambiguous. It is understandable with the annexed lands, but much more interesting are those "clarifications" of the boundaries, thanks to which, part of the land that was part of the reserve in 1989 will now leave the lands of the specially protected natural areas forever.

And here the piece of land “gouged out” from the borders of the 1989 model is interesting. Dachas-estates, some high-ranking regional and Krasnodar officials have already been built on it. On some of the formed sites, construction is in full swing today.

It is curious that all this land is now being used, as it were, according to the law. The issues of withdrawal of "fat" plots from the reserve and alteration of the designated purpose of the land for convenient construction purposes have long been resolved. Although these "old" decisions today should raise many questions from the controlling structures. According to a Rucriminal.info source, the actual owner of one of the already rebuilt facilities is just the former First Vice Governor Kras Nodar Territory, and now the Vice-Governor Andrey Alekseenko. The issue of changing the purpose of this piece of land was resolved by him through the court during his work as deputy head of the administration of the Tuapse region. When you have friendly relations with the judges, problems in resolving such issues in the Kuban never arise in recent years.

Although, the judicial decision simply could not correspond to any norms of the law. Indeed, according to Article 95 "Lands of Specially Protected Natural Areas" ... of the Land Code of the Russian Federation "dated 10.25.2001 N 136-FZ (as amended on 07/02/2021) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 09/01/2021) , “Within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, the change in the designated purpose of land plots or the termination of rights to land for needs that contradict their designated purpose is not allowed."

That is, this means that it is prohibited by law to isolate plots for any development from the lands of the reserve. But, as it turned out, this can be done easily in the Tuapse region. And they isolated, and through the court, in their own way, solidified.

It is obvious that the current "happy owners" of the former reserved land are aware that with any change in the political situation in the region, it is very likely that, although their plots have been formalized through the courts, another judge, not familiar with Tuapse's specifics, may have previous decisions colleagues to cancel. And then what is the only possible solution to potential problems? That's right - officially change the boundaries of the reserve. Having convinced the regional authorities that the Soviet environmentalists were wrong, defining the borders of Agria, and only the current generation of officials managed to figure out and redefine the borders.

According to a source of Rucriminal.info, the head of the Tuapse region V. Mazninov is also involved in the final and irrevocable transformation of "illegal" into "legal" in Agria. Indeed, among the current owners of the plots that have already been removed from the lands of the reserve are all his friends and patrons. And Andrei Alekseenko is generally the first friend, since the time of their joint army service.

Although, it is clear that handing the final version of the reserve's boundaries to the governor for signature is beyond the powers of the Tuapse head, but to convince any governor's commissions, any expert council, that the land was cut according to the law and in the interests of “protecting the Kuban nature” - it is quite within his powers.

And it turns out that Governor Kondratyev's concern for nature, by clarifying the boundaries of reserved lands, really means a farewell land gift to his faithful first deputy, whom the governor was forced to dismiss by the Krasnodar mayor.

Roman Trushkin

To be continued

Source: www.rucriminal.info