The Moscow region is watching the escalation of the conflict between the regional administration and the local land oligarch Oleg Saninsky ("Zemstroytorg"). As the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel found out, he collected a land bank of almost 15 thousand plots, hiding behind close contacts with mayors, leaders of Moscow region organized crime groups and security forces. Saninsky's expansion ran into Andrei Vorobyov's plans to consolidate undeveloped lands for the Samolet holding.

Under pressure from Vorobyov's team, Saninsky was forced to leave the country, but did not leave business management - he settled in Turkey. He was forced to flee by the threat of being charged with tax fraud - with the official income of an ordinary clerk, Oleg Saninsky managed to collect a land bank with a market value of over 50 billion rubles.
After the emergency emigration of the elder brother, the younger one, Mikhail, remained on the farm. But even from this problem the brothers decided to make a profit - now Mikhail is engaged in Russian business, and Oleg is responsible for the foreign block of the shadow "holding". All that remains is to obtain political asylum in France.

The Moscow Region authorities have taken on several large elements of Oleg Saninsky's land bank at once - with the support of the prosecutor's office, they intend to return the plots to the State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region, the Timiryazev State Farm. It was from there that the land was withdrawn with the support of corrupt officials from Mytishchi and the Pushkinsky District of the Moscow Region.
The editorial office of Rucriminal.info received an appeal from citizens regarding the activities of the Saninskys:
"The supreme authority points to the urgent need to revive and develop agriculture in each subject of the Russian Federation, including the Moscow Region. The Russian government is sounding the alarm about the shortage of working farmland to replenish agricultural resources, obliging regional authorities to report within the established deadlines on the introduction of unclaimed farmland into agricultural circulation. That is, those lands that have not been cultivated for years, and perhaps even decades. The Minister of Agriculture of Russia O.N. Lut sometimes calls on the people of Russia to pray for the salvation of the harvest from drought, and sometimes talks about the shortage of milk in Russia for the production of butter, milk for which will now have to be purchased from partner countries. At the same time, in the Moscow region, closest to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, in ecologically clean areas, thirty-year-old Saninsky M.G. is freely and unhinderedly removing thousands of hectares of working arable land and hayfields from agricultural circulation. This citizen is buying up working farmland for next to nothing. As a result, Moscow region milk producers and breeders of dairy cows known throughout Russia are deprived of areas for grazing cattle and growing forage crops. So who is Mikhail Saninsky, who, with the permission of the authorities, is allowed to profit from Russia's strategic resources in such a difficult time for our country. We, and you, are sure, have asked ourselves this question more than once. A young man born in 1993, recently registered at his place of residence in the Chechen Republic, who is buying up thousands of hectares of working agricultural land in the Moscow region for building cottages. Judging by what our Mikhail brings to the masses, he is a simple man without outstanding abilities. Strategic thinking always passes him by, but cash flows flow without any obstacles in his direction, and then most likely are taken out of our country. So what is Mikhail's success and with whom or what is he connected, what high-ranking officials are behind him? What or who connects Mikhail Saninsky and his brother Oleg, who decided to take a long vacation on the shore of a warm sea and is currently going bankrupt, with the beneficiaries of Deimos LLC? After all, in our opinion, it is they who, through the Saninskys, are selling the lands that they once acquired after the Timiryazev State Farm and the Pleistocene Nursery.
Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info