The work of the property block of the city - the Committee of Property Relations (KRO) of St. Petersburg - raises many questions. Of course, law enforcement agencies should ask them. But while they are silent, Rucriminal.info will ask them
What the KIO does in relation to city property can be told for hours.
Here is one example for readers to start with.
St. Petersburg, Dumskaya street, 1-3, letter A, room 4-H (city center).
An agreement was concluded with a not very well-known organization OOO Tolstoy Fraer-3 (TIN 7802398942)

However, upon closer inspection, we find a familiar media personality. Yes, that's him. The same Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum.
Everything would be fine, business in Russia is not prohibited for singers, however, Comrade Chansonnier, using his "position", moves the issue of extending the lease agreement. Yes, and here it is not particularly forbidden, but to ask the governor "as an exception" to conclude an agreement for commercial premises in the city center, because he is a "singer" .... Sorry (

If you read the letter in general, it seems like everything is in order, but here is the dry data.
1) The kit was submitted in violation of the administrative regulations of the KIO dated 04/15/2019 45-r. (within the framework of 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition").
2) The kit had to be submitted back in 2016, when the same state preference for the Organization ended, in accordance with paragraphs. 13, paragraph 1 of article 20 135-FZ. KIO SPb, forgot about this case, and the Organization illegally, violating the Federal Law, continued to rent the above premises, deriving profit from it.
3) Further, Comrade Rosenbaum, realizing that something was “not right”, decided to use his position to reach out to the officials, wrote a letter to the governor.
Okay, KIO sent the kit to the Federal Antimonopoly Service to obtain consent to grant the Organization a state preference. The FAS sent a refusal to the KIO, it was explained to the Organization that due to the fact that the FAS refused, the KIO decides to hold a tender for the right to conclude a lease agreement for the premises (tentatively September October 2022).
All OK ? Not really, on the basis of such a Notification, the KIO is obliged to send a notice of refusal of the lease agreement (and so illegally overstayed Organization) and prepare the object for bidding.
However, this did not happen, the object continues to be used, the Committee gave the go-ahead with its answer that they say "occupy the premises on Dumskaya before the start of the auction, and if you lose, then, alas, you will have to release."
4) However, I know the tendency to rig "bidding for the right to lease premises in the city" (especially such delicious ones), and given the former employees of JSC "Property Fund of St. Petersburg”, Rucriminal.info believes “the truth” will be on the side of “Alexander Yakovlevich” and he will continue to sing wonderful PATRIOTIC songs about Russia to us, without talking about his wonderful business, and how he illegally uses city property under the guise of KIO St. Petersburg!

Everything is simple here, after this letter, the order of the KIO St. Petersburg to the GKU "Property of St. Petersburg" was to "send a notice of refusal of the contract and accept the object according to the act of acceptance and transfer" ... But alas .., the Committee manages to nightmare smaller businesses much easier than giving legal instructions within the framework of one's position....
Source: www.rucriminal.info