In mid-May, Russian businessmen living in Miami, Oleg Patsulya and Vasily Besedin, were arrested in the United States. They are accused of supplying aircraft parts to Russia in circumvention of sanctions. Patsulya is the hero of the investigations of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info about the theft of money from Russian Railways and money for the construction of a zoo in Perm (RZDstroy acted as a contractor). Today we will talk in more detail about Patsul.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, Oleg Patsulya has risen in the supply of turbines for Gazprom. Therefore, his first organization was called “Turbine Engineering”. The scheme was simple and working: they bought a turbine from Power Machines and sold them to Gazprom several times more expensive.
Having connections in Gazprom, Patsulya was recommended by Russian Railways for laying gas pipelines. The first objects were in Kazan to prepare for the Spartakiad.

In 2012, Patsulya was detained at the Kursk railway station in Moscow on suspicion of fraud in the supply of turbine blades. But, as he repeatedly boasted in front of everyone, he managed to write a message to Kirill Seleznev's assistant (at that time a top manager of Gazprom) that he had been detained. And when a day later, when he was taken to court for arrest, the judge completely took his side and the arrest did not take place.
The case was hushed up, and he got away with it. But he was removed from the list of Gazprom's suppliers.
Patsulya became close friends with the head of the DKRS Moscow, Vladimir Stalenovichi Volkov.
Of the significant facilities that were built by Turbine Engineering, under Volkov, there was work on laying cable routes to traction substations Podmoskovnaya, Streshnevo. Cable routes were built when there were no substations yet. All the documents were signed, the money was paid to Turbine Engineering, and when they started checking half a year later in 2015, they realized that a quarter of the cables had simply not been laid.
But Patsuli was lucky again - Belozerov came to replace Yakunin. And to show this state of affairs to the new leadership - to be immediately fired. As a result, we decided to “pressure” the contractors so that everyone would chip in for a new cable.
As a result, a new cable was bought at the expense of contractors, and Patsul came out unscathed.
By the way, Patsuli's friend, Vladimir Borisovich Kopeichenko, deputy head of DKRS-Moscow, was not prevented from paying Patsuli a 5% guarantee deduction for the construction of cable routes in 2016. But there the payments went in several tranches, and Kopeychenko gave some of them to Patsul.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, Patsulya was very friendly with Andrey Kabanov, a confidant of Talashkin, the first deputy general director of RZDstroy, on many issues.
And he is friendly with Sergey Alexandrovich Ershov, the founder of SK Rustrest LLC.
During the pandemic, Patsulya tried to supply masks to Ukraine, but in the end he received an advance payment and was like that.
At one time, Patsulya divorced Agunda Makeeva, fictitiously married in the United States, where he received citizenship.

The second detainee, Vasily Besedin, used to be Patsuli's wife's fitness trainer, and then became a business partner.
To be continued
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info