At present, an extremely negative atmosphere is developing in the subdivision of Mezhregiongaz Makhachkala. During the management of the enterprise by A.V. Davydov, catastrophic violations were committed in matters of management, personnel policy, and control over gas sales. Appointments were made to administrative positions of persons who do not have work experience not only as administrative managers, but also as specialists in the gas industry, which led to a deterioration in the results of the Company's work, in particular, the financial damage caused by the activities of previous managers (Davydov, Khachirov) is estimated more than 7.4 billion rubles, more than 20 heads of territorial departments were dismissed, illegal dismissals of employees caused damage to the Company by more than 24 million rubles. Details are in the Rucriminal.info investigation.
As our sources said, at present, after the appointment of a new leader Mansurov, the situation continues to deteriorate. Taking advantage of the fact that the new leader has not yet fully entered the situation in the region, the employees of the Company remaining after Davydov continue to appoint close people to key positions in order to create a sustainable scheme for illegal personal enrichment, due to the received official powers.

The process of appointing "their" people is under the control of the Deputy Head for Legal Affairs Gusebov I.A. and a seconded officer of the FSB for Dagestan Makhtibekov K.A., who, hiding behind personal relations with the deputy head of the IWG on security issues R.A. Sedov, appoints close (controlled) people who will later be used for illegal activities for the purpose of personal enrichment, the scheme the work of the Makhtibekov-Gusebov ligament looks like this - an approximate candidate is selected, after Gusebov, as deputy director for personnel, prepares the necessary package of documents, after which he approves the candidate from Makhtibekov, if one of the deputy directors is against the candidate, Makhtibekov says that this is a candidate from Sedov R .BUT. And the question of his appointment was personally approved by Sedov R.A. at the head of the IRG Gustov S.V.
Recently, the number of people appointed "personally by Sedov" has gone off scale. For each vacant position in the Company, both for leadership positions and for positions of the second echelon, the Makhtibekov-Gusebov ligament issues three candidates, these are the same people whom they are trying with all their might to employ.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, recently the Makhtibekov-Gusebov bunch has been actively trying to appoint not only candidates - "Sedov's people" to positions in Gazprom Gas Distribution Makhachkala, but are also trying to coordinate contractors to carry out work on the region's gasification program. Companies without work experience, without equipment, without specialists, companies ready for any working conditions, the goals of which are simply to win a contract, and not the result of work, this information is confirmed by the list of companies approved by Makhtibekov as companies "recommended by Sedov and agreed with Gustov personally." The purpose of these approvals is to obtain a contract for the execution of work for a controlled company.
Makhtibekov's imperial habits, aimed at seizing and controlling power in the Society, are determined not only by his personal desire to head the Society, but also, as he has repeatedly stated that he has some financial obligations to "Peter". These ambiguous statements by Makhtibekov, in his opinion, increase his authority in front of the employees of the Society, but cause enormous damage to the authority of the leadership of the IWG, personally to Sedov R.A. and Gustov S.V.
At present, an extremely negative atmosphere is developing in the IWG, a bunch of Makhtibekov-Gusebov create an extremely nervous environment aimed at sabotaging and destroying all the decisions of the new leader, rumors are spreading that Mansurov L.N. temporary leader and did not come for a long time "until the new year" and Makhtibekov K.A. will personally head the "Society" in the new year.
All these rumors are spread under the auspices of coordination with "Peter" and personally with Sedov R.A., who, according to Makhtibekov, gives him "personal support" and approves all the actions of Makhtibekov-Gusebov.
All these rumors would not matter if they did not cause real damage to the activities of Gazprom IRG in the Republic of Dagestan.
Makhtibeov, using his status as an FSB officer, blocks all Mansurov's decisions on the appointment of new specialists and approves only those people whom he himself recruits for work in the IWG. the candidate must be ONLY KUMYK, “gas in the republic belongs to the people of Karabudakhkent” - this is Makhtibekov's favorite phrase.
But this is not the main problem created by Makhtibekov in the IWG, the most important thing is that Makhtibekov got involved in the commercial activities of the IWG, or rather, got into the program of additional gasification of Dagestan. He personally approved companies for general contracting and subcontracting, companies of his relatives and friends, hit is interesting that all companies are headed by Kumyks.
In particular, one of the heads of subcontracting companies, the notorious former head of Dagestangazservice Dzhanakaev Rashid Sirazhutdinovich, worked under the management of another no less famous Kumyk, Sultan’s own nephew Neftebaza (Magomedov Magomed-Sultan Beybolatovich) Magomed Ilyasov, everyone knows how their reign ended , initiated criminal cases and removal from office. By the way, the Karabudakhkent district, headed by another nephew of the Sultan "Neftebaz" Amiraliev Mahmud Huseynovich, is in last place in terms of payments, with a total debt of more than 2 billion rubles, the new head of the Karabudakhkent TU MRG is also a protege of Makhtibekov.
The companies agreed by Makhtibekov are empty shells that have neither equipment, nor work experience, nor employees, and therefore they will not be able to fulfill the contract for the regasification of the Republic. All these facts cause bewilderment, is it really that the current employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation for RD did not check these companies or was it deliberate sabotage and disruption of the program for regasification of RD. If this is so, then Makhtibekov is acting absolutely in his own and someone else's interests, implementing a plan for another change of power in the IWG.
To date, Makhtibekov, as the head of the Corporate Security Department, has reduced all his activities to lobbying the interests of the Kumyk lobby, the activities of OKZ, as the Company’s security department, have been reduced to zero, everything is aimed at eliminating objectionable employees, mostly non-Kumyks, and appointing new employees , mostly Kumyks, reports on the activities of the OKZ are fiction, there is no interaction with law enforcement agencies of the Republic. Makhtibekov personally keeps the materials of checks, with revealed facts of violations, using their compromising evidence on objectionable employees and covering up people he likes. The lack of interest of Makhtibekov in the implementation of materials about the facts of violations detected in the technical conditions under his control (Derbent technical institution, Makhachkala technical technical institution, Kayakent technical technical institution, Karabudakhkent technical technical institution, Caspian technical department, Buynakskiy technical department), according to these materials, he personally makes a decision and "in his opinion, there is no composition in the materials crimes." This position of Makhtibekov led to an absolute failure in the judicial claim work, in connection with which the assets of creditors that could be recovered were withdrawn from the Company's circulation, with the tacit consent of the Makhtibev-Gusebov ligament.
The damage caused to the IRG by the actions of the Makhtibekov-Gusebov ligament amounts to billions of rubles.
In connection with the above facts, we ask you to check the indicated facts and make a decision to stop the violent illegal activities of Makhtibekov K.A. damage to the Republic and the disruption of one of the main government programs for the additional gasification of Dagestan.
Alexey Ermakov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info