Readers of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel got a unique opportunity to see what the killers of TV journalist Vladislav Listyev look like in 1995 now.
The channel published a “fresh” photo of Andrei Ageikin, who, together with his brother Alexander, ambushed Listyev at the entrance of his house on Novokuznetskaya on March 1, 1995 and shot him. Afterwards they were sent to sit out in Israel. Alexander Ageikin was the “weakest link” in the group of killers. In addition to the fact that he was on drugs, he began to be tormented by remorse. He told his friends that he repented of Listyev’s murder, he felt sorry for this man. He obviously would not remain silent during interrogations. As a result, he was found dead in a hotel in Israel. The official cause of death was overdose. Unofficial – eliminating the “weak link”. It was believed that the other perpetrator of Listyev’s murder, Andrei Ageikin, had disappeared and had also been dead for a long time. But, as the Cheka-OGPU found out, this is not so. After serving time, he quietly returned to Russia.

Andrei Ageikin successfully invested the fee for Listyev's elimination - in 1995, he bought a luxurious apartment on Taganka, registering it not in his name. Andrei Ageikin is still registered on Orekhovoy Boulevard, but lives in that same apartment on Taganka with his wife (the property is registered in her name) and son Alexander (named after his brother-accomplice in eliminating Listyev).
According to leaks, Andrei ordered delivery to this apartment from his phone number. Ageikin's phone number is recorded by some users as “Andrey Security”. Whose security is Ageikin organizing? The Cheka-OGPU found this out. According to our data, since ancient times Ageikin has been the bodyguard and security guard of the authority of the Assyrian organized crime group and a close relative of the late thief in law Yaponchik (we will talk about him later).

The channel also showed what Igor Dashdamirov (Dushman), the organizer of the murder of Vladislav Listyev, looks like. It was he who sent the killers to the TV journalist. The investigator found out that the “customer” of the murder, Sergei Lisovsky, and the organizer, the “authority” of the Solntsevo organized crime group, Igor Dashdamirov (Dushman), were introduced by the leader of this group, Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas). Lisovsky and Dashdamirov themselves denied acquaintance and even simple communication with each other during interrogations. However, during one of the searches, Lisovsky’s notebook was seized, which contained Dushman’s phone number. There were witnesses who saw them together. Under the weight of evidence, Lisovsky and Dashdamirov admitted the fact of acquaintance. It was established that before Listyev’s murder they met several times. It was also established that during the same period, Dushman met with the foremen of Solntsevskaya, for whom the killers brothers Alexander and Andrei Ageikin worked. Namely, they were the perpetrators of the murder. Dashdamirov left the Russian Federation after the murder and was detained in Georgia in 1996. However, there was a political decision not to bring the “Listyev case” to the end, therefore, after extradition to the Russian Federation for the murder of Listyev, Dashdamirov was charged only with rape, he received 3.5 years in prison and was released in 1999.
In recent years, Dushman has gone deep to the bottom. Judging by various leaks, Gosha (as he is written by many users) is still in Moscow and lives with registration in Solntsevo. He got rid of numbers with the letters MR, which, as is commonly believed, indicate belonging to the security forces. Otherwise, this man lives almost without leaving a trace. After his business related to the ritual sphere collapsed after the massacre at the Khovanskoye cemetery (all legal entities in which Dashdamirov appeared were liquidated), no new marks in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with his name have appeared until now.
Rucriminal.info has been talking about Listyev’s killers since its creation. Today we will once again remind you who killed the most famous journalist and why.
To begin with, based on the materials of the case, we will tell you what the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation managed to establish (it was she who led the investigation). From the testimony of witnesses and operational materials, this picture of what happened emerged.
By 1995, First Button was leading a rather poor existence, despite the abundance of advertising. The thing is that advertising on the main channel of the country went through intermediary companies completely controlled by two businessmen - Sergei Lisovsky and Boris Zosimov. It was they who received the lion's share of the proceeds. The first was also a member of the Kremlin; in 1996, he became a member of the headquarters of Boris Yeltsin’s presidential election campaign and the organizer of the national election campaign “Vote or Lose.”
Boris Berezovsky also had his eye on ORT. He was not going to "exchange" for access only to advertising money. The oligarch wanted to get the entire TV channel and began to implement his next cunning scheme. At first, Berezovsky convinced Yeltsin to corporatize the main television channel. And then he made an unconventional move - he proposed appointing Vladislav Listyev as head of ORT Steva. Boris Abramovich was absolutely sure that with the darling of all of Russia under his control, the TV channel would soon be in his pocket.

According to rucriminal.info, as usual in such “games,” Berezovsky went into the shadows, relegating himself to the role of puppeteer. He wanted decisions that were extremely unpleasant for Lisovsky to come exclusively from Listyev. So that if something happens you can throw up your hands: “Well, what can I do, it’s all Vlad.” After all, Berezovsky and Lisovsky were connected by many years of close communication and joint very piquant hobbies, which our publication talked about.
As a result, Listyev initiated a procedure for ORT to completely renounce advertising. And after this pause, completely different players should have come for advertising money, and not Lisovsky and Zosimov. For the latter, it was tantamount to a disaster. All their other business projects were designed for advertising money, they were included in the budgets. The collapse of their business empires would begin. The Prosecutor General's Office established that Lisovsky and Zosimov repeatedly met with Listyev, convincing him not to take rash steps. At the same time, Lisovsky was a dangerous person; his “enemies” were sent to the next world more than once. But Listyev was sure that no one would dare touch him, the favorite of the whole country.
Listyev discussed his steps with his inner circle - Konstantin Ernst, Leonid Yakubovich, Alexander Lyubimov. According to rucriminal.info sources, the latter not only convinced Vladislav that he was great and “immortal.” But they also pushed the idea of “dumping” Berezovsky. After the “pause”, take over the entire advertising market, especially since they had their own advertising agency “InterVID”. And then you look and the entire channel will be crushed.
As a result, Listyev openly “sent” Lisovsky and Zosimov. And, most importantly, Berezovsky also lost interest in him, he realized that Listev did not turn out to be a puppet. But Berezovsky was actually Listyev’s “guardian angel”. Bypassing Boris Abramovich, Lisovsky would not risk doing anything against the TV presenter.
The situation was heating up every day. As a result, Lisovsky met with Listyev and they had an extremely unpleasant conversation; in fact, direct threats were already made. This is recorded in the case. According to rucriminal.info, Listyev told a close friend about the unpleasant meeting with Lisovsky.
Soon after this conversation, Lisovsky went to see Berezovsky (and this is recorded in the file). Berezovsky refused to testify about the essence of this conversation. According to operational data, Lisovsky explained his position in the conflict with Listyev and that he was putting him in a hopeless position. And Boris Abramovich, as they say, “washed his hands of it.” He told Lisovsky: “Do as you please.” And Berezovsky guessed what Lisovsky would do. But in his new plan, the change in the general director of ORT was only beneficial. And the plan worked. Berezovsky eventually managed to take over the TV channel.
Here Vladislav Listyev finally saw the light. He began to realize that, apart from “people’s love,” he no longer had someone significant to back him up and his life was under threat. On February 28, 1995, he met with Berezovsky. (During interrogations, the oligarch initially denied the fact of this meeting, then, under the weight of evidence, he admitted it, but refused to tell its essence). According to operational data, Listyev expressed his concerns to Berezovsky due to the conflict with Lisovsky. The oligarch, apparently, already understood that he was seeing Vlad for the last time. On March 1, early in the morning, Berezovsky flew on a charter plane to London. On the same day, Listyev was shot at the entrance of his own house on Novokuznetskaya Street. Vladislav was “led” from his place of work, when he entered the entrance, two guys came down to meet him. They took out a pistol and a submachine gun. The first bullet hit Listyev in the shoulder. he started running up the stairs. But they immediately caught up with him. The second bullet was in the head, and it turned out to be fatal.
During the investigation, it was possible to quickly identify the perpetrators of the crime. According to rucriminal.info, they were brothers Alexander and Andrey Ageikin. And from them such a “chain” emerged. The brothers were part of a brigade (Solntsevo group), which was headed by gangsters Mikhail Kudin (Kvakin) and Andrei Skrylev (Skryl). Both were subordinate to the “authority” of the Solntsevo group, Igor Dashdamirov (Dushman). And Dashdamirov, as recorded in the case, is an old and good friend of Sergei Lisovsky. Bingo. It would seem that the case is solved. All that remains is to detain the suspects and secure the evidence. That’s what the operatives and employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office did.
Immediately after Listyev’s murder, absolutely all those involved in the case left Russia. In particular, the Ageikins flew to Israel. An operation to detain them began to be prepared, but a leak occurred at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. As a result, the weaker and more talkative Alexander Ageikin was found dead in Tel Aviv. He allegedly died from a drug overdose. Andrey Ageikin from Israel disappeared. Hidden also suffered the same fate as Alexander. He was found dead in Europe; he allegedly also died of an overdose.
But In the summer of 1996, Igor Dashdamirov was detained in Georgia. Officially he was put on the wanted list for rape, but after his extradition to Moscow they began to interrogate him about the circumstances of Listyev’s murder. At the same time, Lisovsky was being interrogated. Both denied knowing each other. Then they were pinned down by evidence. During the search, Lisovsky was found to have a notebook containing Dashdamirov’s phone number. There were witnesses who confirmed meetings between Lisovsky and Dashdamirov on the eve of Listyev’s murder. According to rucriminal.info, a lot more evidence was collected showing that the Prosecutor General's Office was able to identify all participants in the crime - from the perpetrators to the customer. The question arose about arresting Lisovsky and bringing charges against him.
And then the following happened. Remember, rucriminal.info mentioned that Lisovsky was part of Yeltsin’s election headquarters? So, the president’s daughter Tatyana Dyachenko (Yumasheva) considered that the planned arrest of Lisovsky was an “undermining” of her father. After all, Lisovsky was in the electoral stamp and financed Yeltsin’s election campaign. This is exactly how she “put everything” into Yeltsin’s ears. And he imposed a categorical ban on Lisovsky’s arrest and further investigation against him. As a result, a paradoxical situation has arisen: there is a fully solved case of the most notorious murder of the 90s, but there are no accused in it.
As for Boris Berezovsky, his role was also determined in the case. He knew that Listyev was going to be killed, but did nothing. However, he himself was not the customer or organizer of the crime. The same role in the case was assigned to Boris Zosimov. However, there is a certain understatement with him. Probably, nevertheless, he not only knew about the impending reprisal, since it was also about his money.
The version of the Prosecutor General's Office was fully confirmed in the Interpol report, which conducted an investigation into the Solntsevo group.
As for Sergei Lisovsky, he did not go to prison. He even became a senator. However, according to rucriminal.info, an indelible “stigma” fell on this person. Which he has been trying to get rid of for almost a quarter of a century.
At first, at the instigation of Lisovsky, they tried to set the investigation on the wrong trail, reducing the murder to an everyday version. Listyev had an affair with a girl who was at the same time dating a very evil “authority”, who was responsible for many human lives. They say that the “authority” gave his fighters the command to eliminate Vladislav.
Then, during a special operation, employees of the 10th department of the Moscow RUBOP and SOBR detained a group of professional killers in Central Asia, led by Andrei Chelyshev. They carried out many high-profile crimes, including the liquidation of the vice-mayor of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Manevich. rucriminal.info talked about this in detail. A specially rented plane was used to transport them to Moscow. And then, during interrogations, Andrei Chelyshev unexpectedly confessed to Listyev’s elimination and gave detailed testimony. The Prosecutor General's Office began to check them, which took a lot of time. Then it became clear that Chelyshev was lying and leading the investigation on the wrong trail. But why did he do this? This soon became clear. It turned out that the head of the 10th department of the RUBOP, Vitaly Serdyukov, studied with Sergei Lisovsky and they were old friends. It was Lisovsky who paid for the plane to transport Chelyshev’s group. And at the same time, the latter was convinced to “take over” Listyev and thereby move the Prosecutor General’s Office away from the real perpetrators of the murder and the “customers.”
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info