Once again, materials about corruption in the North-West Customs Administration are published in the media and information chats of messengers. This time, the main character of the publications was the head of the anti-corruption service of the North-West Customs Directorate, Colonel of the Customs Service, Maksim Anatolyevich Rozsypalo, who in the past was not far from serving in the state security bodies. Rozsypalo M.A. was detained by FSB officers red-handed while receiving a particularly large bribe. Information about Maxim Anatolyevich's addiction to alcohol abuse was not ignored. Confirmation of this is the controversial photos in which the head of the anti-corruption unit of the customs is in a sleeping state in the pose of a typical "sorted out" person, and there is also a video in which Rozsypalo receives an envelope from a certain person, after which he is detained.
The details and persons who gave the bribe are currently not disclosed, it is only known that Rozsypalo will be in one of the Moscow pre-trial detention centers.

Maxim Anatolyevich is the creature of the head of the anti-corruption department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Dmitry Nikolayevich Muryshev, also a native of the security agencies. It was on his recommendation that Rozsypalo was appointed first deputy head of the anti-corruption service to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, and after that, acting the head of this unit.
The tasks of the service are to combat corruption and malfeasance, to identify werewolves in green shoulder straps.
Maksim Anatolyevich didn’t work to counteract corruption, he had to head it. But even here it did not grow together. They "lit" their own, so to speak. The position of the head of the anti-corruption service of NWTU is again vacant. By the way, with regards to this position, Rucriminal.info conducted a detailed analysis of past years and heard the opinion of former and current managers of NWTU and their opponents, so to speak. And now, before us is a chessboard, with its pawns, queens, kings and pilots shot down. Read carefully.
Before M.A. Rozsypalo appeared on the customs chessboard, from October 2019 to November 2020, Colonel Ruslan Alekseevich Rustamov, who arrived in St. Petersburg from the Siberian Customs Department, was in charge of the anti-corruption service of NWTU. It would seem that Rustamov was appointed, Rustamov worked, retired, but Rustamov did not retire so easily. Ruslan Alekseevich narrowly escaped the status of a defendant in a criminal case on abuse of office.

The story was as follows. Rustamov R.A. moved. Petersburg from Novosibirsk, moved into his assigned office apartment, parked his personal Toyota car nearby. On one of the autumn days in St. Petersburg, the car of the newly appointed head of the SEC was slightly damaged, the wing was crumpled, which upset Ruslan Alekseevich very much. Without further ado, Rustamov did not think of anything better how to send operatives of his service in search of the guilty person. The latter, taking Rustamov's instructions as a signal for action, immediately scribbled requests for information to the management company serving Rustamov's house and to the police. They demanded to provide video from surveillance cameras and provide information about the owners of the cars parked next to Rustamov's car. At the same time, the inquiries naturally referred to the need for service, the presence of fictitious operational material in the production and these clauses of the articles of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On operational-search activity". Everything is as it should be, according to the letter of the Law. Among other things, on the direct instructions of Rustamov, a crew of operatives was on duty around the clock for a week in the courtyard of their boss's house, hoping to find out the driver and the car that caused moral suffering to Rustamov. How the story of the search for the villain ended is silent, most likely not found, but there was something for the operatives from Liteiny 4 and investigators of the North-West SUT of the Investigative Committee of Russia to catch on.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, information about Rustamov's abuse of authority leaked from his subordinate, who was in charge of the search activities. About his personality and motives a little later. Let's just say that the last six months of Rustamov's service as head of the SPK NWTU were not sweet. The operatives of the service were “dragged” through interrogations and confrontations; they received direct and anonymous threats from Rustamov and unidentified persons. One of the operatives, who was the most aware of those events, had to go on sick leave and ask for help from "senior" colleagues. Inside the SEC, the collective was divided into two camps that were unfriendly to each other, those who sympathized with Ruslan Alekseevich and those who were awaiting his resignation and the status of a defendant in the criminal case. The atmosphere on Shpalernaya 14 was depressing, first of all, for ordinary workers, who were obliged by the service to identify corrupt officials and in addition to fight back from behind-the-scenes conflicts that can be wasted and put an end to a career.
Alas, but Rustamov did not succeed in sitting in the chair of the chief, Moscow, in the person of the higher anti-corruption department, did not save him. The result is an application for retirement, the king's piece lay on its side, check and checkmate. For the good of Ruslan Alekseevich, he was prosecuted in the case of his abuse on steel. Gentlemen.
The next in line, or rather in the line of the heads of the own security service (this was the name of the anti-corruption service of the North-West Customs Directorate until 2012), is the colonel of the customs service Miroshkin Mikhail Semyonovich. What was noted by Mikhail Semenovich and why we will tell about him.
Miroshkin arrived at NWTU in 2015 as a transfer from the Anti-Corruption Department of the central office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, where he served as a senior detective for particularly important cases of the operational service.
Having become the head of the SPK SZTU, Miroshkin immediately realized that he needed to put his relatives and confidants in key management positions, as well as recruit promising Leningrad guys within his own service. What did this give the customs service? Absolutely nothing, there were no results in identifying customs corrupt officials in the Northwestern Federal District under Miroshkin, the statistics on the initiation of corruption and official criminal cases in the region fell several times. But what did this give Miroshkin himself? According to Rucriminal.info sources close to NWTU, Miroshkin through his proxies, the heads of the operational departments of the SEC, who oversaw all the smuggling. It should be noted that according to the information of all the same informed sources, in the service Miroshkin presented himself as an implacable fighter against corruption, was not noticed in expensive suits, shoes and accessories, did not arrange luxurious holidays, and traveled in official vehicles with a driver. By the way, he occupied an office living space, in which after Miroshkin his replacement Rustamov moved in.
Our hero Mikhail Semenovich had a special feature, to receive material benefits "for free." Subordinates from the border customs regularly brought premium alcohol to the chef directly from duty free (duty-free shops in alcohol and perfumery). Sometimes they did not hesitate to carry boxes along the corridors through the entire administration to the 4th floor, where the headquarters of the anti-corruption of the North-West is located.
Now about corruption. After his appointment to the post of head of the SPK SZTU, Miroshkin brings from Moscow a promising operative of the OBEP on transport, Alexander Nikolayevich Gurov. Appoints Gurov as a curator - head of the operational department of "all" Baltic customs of the NWTU. Whoever is in the subject knows that the Baltic Customs is famous throughout Russia for the inconceivable scale of smuggling and bribes. And who is not in the subject, "google" - the Baltic customs, corruption, smuggling, Gurov.
On our chessboard, a bishop piece is reserved for Gurov. What can be said about Gurov? A young, energetic, charismatic man at the dawn of years and strength. During the management of the operational department, he made personnel reshuffles, so to speak, "for himself", only trusted persons served in the department, but otherwise, you need to earn ... more precisely, earn and share ... and earn.
With the arrival of the first winter, Gurov got the nickname "Fur coat", as he was christened in the North-West Technical University and the Baltic customs. And the fact is that Alexander went to work in a mink sheepskin coat, which emphasized his dense physique and good financial situation. The service went on, there were no results, the unofficial portfolio was getting thicker. Many people envied Gurov. Who and why? His colleagues from other departments were jealous, because Aleksandr Nikolayevich could not hide his wealth, open the door of Miroshkin's office without knocking, while others “knocked”, and most importantly, there was all the “tasty Baltic” under him. But all luck once comes to an end, especially when the curators from the security agencies and their auxiliary apparatus are working tirelessly behind their backs. The sad end of Gurov and his leader can now be seen also on numerous information sites.
In short, the story is that the capital's security officers take the head of the department for combating economic customs crimes of the Central Operational Customs for patronizing the contraband channel, which in turn testifies against Gurov, apparently the caravan went through the Baltic customs. Gurov under the arms and convoyed to Moscow. This ended the chain. Gurov did not testify against Miroshkin, nor did he admit to what he had done. As a result, Alexander served the entire duration of the investigation in the pre-trial detention center, received a rather soft term by the court's decision and, taking into account the holidays in the pre-trial detention center, was released. His conscience is clear both before the law and before Miroshkin. By the way, the latter was very lucky. his portrait clearly loomed on the scheme of the development of the Chekists. So, Gurova no, the elephant is lying on its side.
Let's go back to Miroshkin. Miroshkin finished his customs career as head of the SEC of the Central Customs Directorate, where, against his will, he was transferred under the pretext of rotation. The point of Miroshkin's career was the unexpected resignation of his own free will, despite the just concluded service contract for three years. Many people understand in what cases bosses make a spontaneous decision to leave the service. The options are obvious: the choice is either a pension or, in the short term, become a person involved in a criminal case. Checkmate.
Two previous heads of SPK NWTU Bukhantsev Boris Terentyevich and Kurlapov Andrey Pavlovich took their feet to retire at their own request, also before the expiration of the contract. The exact details are not known, but there are many versions. They say that the older brothers convinced the senior management in the central office of the FCS to make the right personnel decision. As a rule, such recommendations are heeded.

Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info