The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and continues to acquaint readers with one large-scale and bloody criminal warrior - between the clans of thieves in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky) and Nadir Salifov (Loto Guli). The latter on the territory of Russia was actively supported by the "authority" Elchin Ismailov (Elchin Pitersky). Rovshan's interests were represented by his relative "authority" Zaur Akhmedov, who, after the murder of Rovshan, became his successor on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The fact that trouble does not come alone Elchin Pitersky was convinced from his own experience. A few months after the murder of his brother Maarif at the Sofia vegetable warehouse. In December 2016, in the city of Massaly in Azerbaijan, Fariz Ismailov, the second brother of Elchin Ismailov, was shot from a Uzi machine gun. True, during the break between these events in Istanbul in August 2016, Rovshan Lenkoransky and his bodyguard were riddled with automatic bullets. The funeral of Rovshan gathered thousands of mourners in his native Lankaran. The flag of the leader of the Rovshan clan ended up in the strong and reliable hands of his brother Namik Dzhaniev and close relative Zaur Akhmedov, who settled in the Food City market in Moscow. In addition to the colossal income and the increase in the criminal rating, Zaur, not without reason, felt mortal danger from being in a new status. After all, it is precisely this that can explain his movement exclusively in armored cars, surrounded by armed guards belonging to one of the respected government departments.

According to a source, in April 2017, in the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg, a killer with a pistol with a silencer waited for his victim for several days, sitting in the old tightly tinted Zhiguli. Showing fortitude akin to a samurai, the killer did not leave the car, taking food there and defecate in the containers he brought with him. However, his selflessness was not caused by ancient Japanese traditions, but was explained by personal acquaintance with the victim and fear of being recognized. The killer's patience was rewarded and at the exit from his own entrance, another close to Lot Guli and Elchin, Hasanov Jabir, was shot dead. The deceased was a resident of the capital and was forced to move to St. Petersburg for a while, only to hide from the killers who were hunting for him. The killer turned out to be a young man and the namesake of the victim (Gasanov), who managed to quickly leave the scene of the crime through Belarus and a week later he was already observed dissecting Baku on the new Range Rover.

As it turned out, initially Jabir hired Jamal to kill Rovshan Lenkoransky's brother Namik Dzhaniev. However, quickly realizing that betrayal is generously paid, Jamal came to Namik and told everything, having received a reverse order to kill Jabir. And soon Jamal's photo will hit the headlines in Turkey, Azerbaijan and Russia in connection with his detention in the suburbs of Istanbul, along with Namik Dzhaniev and several militants armed with firearms and grenades on the outskirts of the heavily guarded villa of Lotu Guli. As the Turkish press savored, the detained 11 people from among the Azerbaijani militants, as well as local Turkish gangsters, planned to storm the villa of Lotu Guli, cracking down on Guli and his guards. We do not undertake to judge what is wrong with the Turkish Themis, but Namik and Jamal were calmly walking around Baku six months after their arrest.
However, as the famous heroes of Dumas said, “the adventures continue” and in November 2017, in St. Petersburg, the patrolmen, due to suspicious behavior, decided to inspect a car with three natives of Azerbaijan. In the car, in addition to the “local” driver, there were Zaur Akhmedov’s brother, Akhmedov Emin, who arrived from Moscow, and his friend Iskanderov Gusein, who had an “ordinary killer’s kit” with them - a pistol with a silencer, two wigs, handcuffs, sets of working overalls. A video of the building of the Vsevolozhsk City Court of the Leningrad Region with the adjacent territory was found on Emin's phone. Why do visitors have such love for Vsevolozhsk architecture, you ask.

The answer is obvious - our old acquaintance Elchin Ismalov (aka "Petersky" aka "Mashadi"), who was accused of robbery and extortion, was supposed to appear at the verdict in this court. Why did the crime boss of one of the bloodiest ethnic organized crime groups go on foot to the Vsevolozhsk court, and did not come in a paddy wagon like his "colleagues"? The answer to this question should be sought from the Vsevolozhsk judge, who very unexpectedly changed the measure of restraint for Elchin Ismailov and her mother, a lawyer. However, the Muscovites would not have been able to arrange a massacre at the court, because. seasoned and cautious Elchin did not appear in court and was subsequently put on the wanted list. As it turned out, Akhmedov Emin, together with his partner, were capable and experienced guys, because. they were searched for by the Georgian police for shooting in September 2017 near the Puris Sakhli restaurant in Tbilisi, a close friend of Elchin and Lotu Gu li Mammadova Elshan. The deceased was previously known as the most radical of the Guli people, who served as an executioner for him. It was Elshan, together with the late Hasanov Jabir, who cheerfully and provocatively cut off the ear of the thief in law “Rafik Massalinsky” in Istanbul, filming the amputation process on video.

Then an amazing thing happens - the law enforcement agencies of Russia and Georgia, forgetting about the political differences of their countries, join forces to carry out the Tbilisi murder. Akhmedov Emin and Iskanderov Hussein received long terms of imprisonment for the murder of Mammadov Elshan by a Russian jury. Despite the heavy blow, Zaur was not going to give up, but his opponents were also determined ...
Timofey Grishin
To be continued