As Rucriminal.info has learned, the Federal Treasury has come up with and is implementing a scheme where, in times of severe budget deficits, it is possible to cut as much as possible through the subordinate Federal Treasury Institution, the Center for Supporting the Activities of the Russian Treasury (FKU TsOKR), without drawing attention to the department itself and with minimal liability.
This institution is formally delegated procurement powers, but in fact and according to regulations, the budget and technical requirements for procurement in the field of information technology are formed in the Federal Treasury. The main persons determining the budget, technical requirements and who will ultimately win Government contracts are:
1. Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Albychev Alexander Sergeevich

2. Head of the Information Infrastructure Department of the Federal Treasury Igor Vladimirovich Kalchenko
3. Deputy Head of the Information Infrastructure Department of the Federal Treasury Dmitry Lvovich Volkov
According to a source of Rucriminal.info, the scheme of kickbacks under State contracts for almost billions of rubles with the active support of the Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Alexander Albychev Sergeevich is based on the long-standing friendship of the Deputy Head of the Information Infrastructure Management of the Federal Treasury Dmitry Lvovich Volkov with the manager for working with strategic customers of the company ZAO OPEN TECHNOLOGY 98 Gershman Sergei Gennadievich, whom Volkov met at a time when he himself was working in a commercial organization.
With the approval and support of Albychev, Volkov, being an official knowledgeable and taking an active part in justifying the allocation of the necessary amounts of funding, drawing up technical specifications and forming the initial maximum contract price for concluding government contracts in the field of information and telecommunication technologies of the Federal Treasury, for the remuneration received from Gershman, creates conditions that ensure victory for the organizations of JSC Open Technologies and LLC INTEGRATED SERVICES GROUP controlled by it in government procurement, and also provides them with general patronage and connivance in the service during the implementation of government contracts.
Thus, immediately after Albychev and Volkov assumed public office (in 2017), the Open Technologies 98 company and the INTEGRATED SERVICES GROUP LLC controlled by it began to dramatically win (since 2018) in competitions for the supply of IT equipment for the Federal Treasury.
Examples of GCs where Open Technologies are executors of GCs
and others
In total there are 11 GCs for the amount of GCs utilized about 3.7 billion rubles.
In addition, the JSC Open Technologies group uses the company Intenrated Services Group, which is completely dependent and is involved, for example, to circumvent the requirements of 44-FZ on the involvement of small and medium-sized businesses.
TIN 7725272710
Examples of GCs where Intenrated Services Group is used as a subcontractor by Open Technologies 98 as SMP
Examples of GC where Intensive Services Group is used as the main executor of the GC
Intensive Services Group is completely dependent and controlled by Open Technologies. Most of the employees of the Integrated Services Group also work in the Open Technologies 98 company.
Only 3 for the amount of disbursed GCs about 1.8 billion rubles.
In total, Albychev/Volkov D provided Open Technologies 98 and the controlled organization with the development of about 5.3 billion rubles. The rollback amount is 10-15% of the GC price
The scheme is as follows.
Volkov D.V. (in agreement with AlbychevAS) when preparing technical specifications in agreement with Gershman S, in the technical specifications of the competitive procedure, specifies special requirements that can only be fulfilled by JSC Open Technologies 98.
If, during the competitive procedure, one of the participants still manages to find a way to take part in the procedure and win, then I create strict barriers for the unapproved participant to implement the contract and the contract is terminated
https://zakupki.gov.ru/epz/co ntract/contractCard/common-info.html?reestrNumber=1770989550922004529
and of course, this contract, after termination through manipulation of the technical specifications, ensures victory for Open Technologies 98, but under more favorable conditions (the purchase price was left the same, and the quantity was reduced from 13351 units to 12903)
Or if it turns out that there is no guarantee of victory for Open Technologies 98 or inconvenient questions arise at the procurement stage (clearly indicating a restriction of competition), then the procedure is either canceled in order to finalize the technical specifications to eliminate the risk of losing Open Technologies 98:
Example - The procedure was canceled after inconvenient questions from the supplier.
The amount of illegal remuneration received by Albychev/Volkov from the management of Open Technologies 98 (personally from Gershman) during these purchases over the past 5 years is at least 600 million rubles.
In the Treasury, during personal meetings, they directly say that all supplies of equipment are assigned to Open Technologies 98 and with all ideas you need to go to Gershman SG. Everything is similar to how it was with Technoserv and the Pension Fund.
Distribution of roles in the implementation of a criminal scheme.
Albychev AS
General management of the criminal scheme
Approval of budgets for purchases at inflated prices
3. General patronage of Volkov
4. Distribution of illegal rewards between participants
5. It is possible to transfer part of the illegal reward higher in the hierarchy
Volkov DL
1. Preparation of an overpriced financial and economic justification for the purchase, taking into account kickbacks
2. formation of technical specifications with the addition of redundant requirements to exclude inconvenient procurement participants and ensure victory OT 98
3. Bringing those requirements to the lower organization (TSOCR) carrying out the procurement
4. General patronage of OT 98 with participation in competitive procedures and implementation of Government contracts by Open Technologies
5. Receiving cash reward from Gershman and transferring it to Albychev
Gershman SG
1. Participation in justification of the budget. Namely, to formulate a procurement budget, the customer must involve third-party organizations that send commercial proposals on the basis of which the procurement budget is justified. Gershman presents Volkov (or his trusted subordinates) with a list of organizations to which a request for a commercial proposal must be sent to obtain the required price (the request is not sent to organizations that can give real prices)
2. Forms a draft of technical specifications (taking into account the requirements blocking other participants) for procurement and transfer to Volkov for inclusion in procurement
3. Ensures, together with the management of Open Technologies, the formation of illegal rewards in cash
4. Transfers remuneration based on the result of payment to GC Volkov D
Roman Trushkin
Source: www.rucriminal.info