The blatant chaos in the ritual sphere of the Leningrad region has reached such a scale that it ended up on the pages of the official publication of the government of the neighboring subject - St. Petersburg. In the “Petersburg Diary”, details appeared about the terrible realities of the most mournful subjects: painted monuments, broken fences, heaps of construction waste and other gloomy details in the churchyards of the Leningrad region are mentioned as the results of the activities of a representative of petty cemetery criminals in the person of the director and actual owner of the company “Iriy” Roman Ikizli.
The bodies of the deceased, mixed up in an underground morgue, an unimaginable thirst for profit and other manifestations of disregard for both laws and moral standards on the part of Ikizli, to which the VChK-OGPU telegram channel has already drawn attention, continue. Now the media has caught the horrors from the Tikhvin and Boksitogorsky districts, the distance from which to St. Petersburg is measured in hundreds of kilometers, and where the supervision of the central authorities is practically zero.
A 36-year-old native of Moldova, who fled to Russia from criminal prosecution under an article of hooliganism almost 20 years ago, not only continued his criminal activities, but also does not hesitate to commit economic crimes. Well, media attention forces the head of “Iria” to begin to disguise his suddenly illuminated shadow business. So, in March, Ikizli registered and headed Business Consult LLC, under which he has a clone legal entity headed by his longtime acquaintance. Money is withdrawn to numerous individual entrepreneurs, such as IP Loseva (TIN 613903142406), IP Morozov (TIN 780716345006), IP Anisova (TIN 781801108985) and others, which allows Ikizli not only not to attract attention to his person, but also to evade paying taxes for tens of millions of rubles annually.
The legal founder of Iriya, Roman Ikizli’s “right hand” and close friend, Yana Fakhrutdinova, is not above fraud. The Avito archives contain Fakhrutdinova’s attempts to sell supposedly luxury items. For example, under the guise of an arctic fox for 600 thousand rubles, she tried to sell virtual buyers an ordinary fur coat, which she later offered at a price 100 times lower. If she managed to sell at least one thing worth more than 2,500 rubles using this scheme, then it is simply impossible to classify it differently than under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
It would seem that the security forces of the Leningrad region could not help but notice a criminal group whose activities fall under a dozen different articles of the criminal code, but black cash from cemeteries that ends up with werewolves in pursuit works real miracles. Currently, checks on Ikizli’s activities in the police and prosecutor’s office of the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region, where bandits almost carried out a massacre in the cemetery right during the funeral, seem to have come to a standstill. The local Investigative Committee is also not very active. Well, Roman Ikizli literally says on every corner that “he has everything under control” and promises his friends that he will soon take control of the entire cemetery industry in the Leningrad region.
Funeral services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region have long been popular, unfortunately, those who inevitably encounter their representatives know firsthand that burying the deceased is like falling into a trap, from which it costs a lot of money to get out.
Over the past few years, stories about ritualists, especially in the Leningrad region, have constantly appeared in the news and always with a negative message.
Rucriminal.info will try to introduce readers to the full picture of the criminal syndicate formed in the ritual and cemetery system of the Leningrad region.
A prominent representative of the cemetery criminals is Roman Ikizli. However, it is obvious that Roman Ikizli is still convenient, but just another puppet firmly placed on the hand of an experienced puppeteer.
Let's figure it out - who is Roman Ikizli and what is his functionality and to what extent is he an independent management unit?
It seems that he came out of nowhere, just yesterday the name of Sergei Mikhailov (Miskarev) “Broiler” flashed in the headlines about cemetery problems, and now there is a sharp change in the Roman Ikizli arena.
He is talkative, ambitious and deeply vain. Strange for a manager in such an industry? Yes, but it conveniently takes the spotlight away from those who are really in charge. And this is not Roman Ikizli at all.
According to a source from Rucriminal.info, the management team of this area is usually called the “Minakovskys”, due to the fact that they all come from the team of Igor Minakov, the monopolist of the St. Petersburg ritual market, who died in 2018 at the age of 59 from cancer and his business partner Valeria Larkina.
Larkin’s protege in Vsevolozhsk is Oleg Shutov, known in certain circles as “Penguin”, and also the owner of the Volkovsky, Kanoveevsky and Bogoslovsky cemeteries in St. Petersburg, who is also a deputy of the city of Vsevolozhsk.
But Shutov’s main task in Vsevolozhsk is complete control over the system of cemeteries and ritual services of the city itself and Vsevolozhsk Olozhsky district.
The group under the control of Oleg Shutov is structured as follows:
Shutov Nikolai Olegovich (son). Shutov assigned the role of inspector of new territories and tax collector to his son Nikolai. At the same time, they promised him career growth in the district - the position of head of the district administration. Thus, Nikolay exercises control over the group members and the transportation of funds.

Kotlyarov Vladimir Anatolyevich – Director of the MBU “Funeral services” VMR LO. Provides general direct supervision. Controls shadow financial flows - the flow of funds from cemeteries and from schemes for theft of budget funds. Responsible for the implementation of the “financial plan”.
A veteran of the so-called “Minakov community”, not burdened by education and not spoiled by intellect. He has been in the ritual-criminal sphere since the 90s. And throughout his entire conscious activity he specialized in ousting and dealing with competitors in the funeral services market. In connection with this, he acquired the nickname “Vova the Killer” or simply “Kotelok” for his friends. It’s interesting how representatives of criminal communities like to award themselves various titles and regalia.
The well-known “Broiler” eventually became a professor. And “Kotelok”, from among the senior lieutenants in the reserve, as a result of simple manipulations with documents, promoted himself to “retired colonel”.
Vladimir Yakovlev – “Vova-Omonovets”. Engaged in “resolving issues” with law enforcement agencies.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Voropaev is an active police officer. Former Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region. Patronizes the activities of the group on a corrupt basis. Acts together with Vladimir Yakovlev (“Vova Omonovets”).

Vlasov Sergey – financial courier. Engaged in the transportation of funds.

Kizilshtein Evgeny Mikhailovich. Former employee of the Baltic Customs of the North-West Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service - Deputy Director of the MBU "Funeral Services" VMR LO. The main task is to create schemes for withdrawing budget funds and cashing them out (holding competitions with a predetermined winner, manipulating the staffing table, fictitious services, etc.).

Tabunov Rodion Konstantinovich. Organizes fundraising at cemeteries in the Vsevolozhsk district and Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg.

Komarov Vladimir - Responsible for raising funds at Vsevolozhsk cemeteries No. 1, 2, Ryabovsky. Friend and classmate of Nikolai Shutov.

Radionov Andrey is a former employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Responsible for collecting funds at the cemetery of the Leskolovsky settlement (village of Nizhnie Oselki) and Agalatovo. And also, cemeteries of the Kuyvozovsky settlement.

Anton Viktorovich Lukyanov “Hacker” - consultant to Shutov O.N. on information security issues. Receipt of funds from customers of services is carried out by senior officials in areas of responsibility - in the administrative buildings of Vsevolozhsk Cemetery No. 2, Leskolovskoe Cemetery.
Funds are collected on Tuesdays, by one of the financial couriers (Vlasov, Tabunov or Nikolai Shutov).
After collection, all funds are delivered to the office building of Onyx LLC (near the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg) and transferred to O.N. Shutov. with a report on cemeteries compiled by Tabunov. After checking, Shutov O.N. deals with their distribution among group members.
Such a simple scheme, it is worth noting that it works flawlessly. And an objective question arises: Where is Roman Ikizli in it?
Ikizli leads the so-called “power wing”. Together with Magomed Abdulaev, nicknamed “Maga,” he ensures the peace and security of the management team.
The duties of Ikizli and his accomplices include intimidating the obstinate. Be it intractable officials of the Vsevolozhsk administration or people who are unable to bury their loved ones at the group’s exorbitant rates.
The first example includes the situation with the attack by Magi and his accomplices on one of the officials of the Vsevolozhsk district, in the fall of 2021 on a municipal official, an employee of the administration of the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region - Pavel Rudenko, while performing his official duties, namely restoring order, on behalf of the head of the administration, in one of the cemeteries in the area, an armed attack was committed.

“Maga” Abdulaev beat the official with a cold weapon. The criminals did not stop there and threatened him with violence even during investigative actions, absolutely not embarrassed by the presence of employees of the Main Investigation Department of the State Administration of St. Petersburg and the UBEPiPK who detained Abdulaev, who had previously been convicted of “unintentional” murder. After all, they are untouchable, says Ikizli.
The case received resonance not even in the region, but throughout the country. It was discussed at one of the commissions of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, after which the prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region received instructions to search for and capture criminals and take measures to protect officials.
A criminal case was initiated, the criminals were identified, and a search for them began. And so, the criminals were found, detained and exposed.
But by this time, the prosecutor’s office was no longer staffed by those who sought to catch criminals and punish them. AND unexpectedly, the opinion of State Duma deputies is an empty phrase for them.
As our source in the prosecutor's office of the Leningrad region told us, when the regional prosecutor Sergei Zhukovsky was informed about the case, that it was initiated by State Duma deputies, he replied that they were “to be sneezed at,” especially since Zhirinovsky, who appears among them, “after no one cares about death.” And “his whole farce has already been published and means nothing.” And “you don’t need to touch these guys. They are useful guys." It remains to find out who exactly is interested in this benefit.
As a result, the efforts of the Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region were not in vain: on April 17, 2024, the investigation came to the Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg with a petition to select a preventive measure in the form of detention for Magomed Abdulaev, as the main participant in the attack, but Judge V. G. Polyvyan was refused. petitions. Which is no wonder, since the prosecutor didn’t even come to the meeting.
The result of the trial was the chosen measure to prohibit certain actions. For a crime against the person, which contradicts all common sense.
As for people who do not agree or are simply unable to pay the extortionate tariffs of criminals and decide to install their monuments, it is even easier - the monuments are simply destroyed on the orders of Ikizli and under the control of Abdulaev.
And here it is necessary to rightly note - did the Broiler organized crime groups really retreat so easily from their habitual cemetery feeding trough? Is it true that Sergei Mikhailov (Miskarev) retired?
Of course not. Not wanting a protracted conflict between the “Minakovsky” and “Broiler”, the main interests of these teams came to an agreement: “Minakovsky” - cemeteries; "Broiler" - morgues. This is a gentleman's agreement.
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info