How much does it cost to help veterans and active FSB officers

At the disposal of was the appeal of the labor collective of the closed enterprise JSC National Radio Bureau-T, working under contracts with the Ministry of Defense and the largest cellular operators. It describes in detail how budget funds are embezzled, and, most importantly, which of the special services is covering up the fraud.
“We work at National Radio Bureau-T JSC (NRTB, TIN 7706237910). The main activity of JSC "NRTB": a specialized enterprise for theoretical and experimental research and testing in the field of EMC.
The main customers are mobile operators in Russia. From 2017 to the present, JSC "NRTB" is the executor and co-executor of government contracts in the field of the state defense order (hereinafter SDO) of the Ministry of Defense, IAC "Vympel", OKB MEI.
We are forced to bring to the attention of competent persons the situation at our enterprise, which, in our opinion, is of a criminal nature, signs of embezzlement of state budget funds for state defense orders and corruption operations. The company's management forces us to accept our enslaving terms, as a result of which each of us is at risk of being accused of fraud, illegal and fictitious employment contracts, violation of secrecy regimes and corruption. Those who do not agree to work on dictated terms are subject to intimidation, illegal dismissal, libelous charges and criminal prosecution.
General Director of JSC "NRTB" Prikhodko V.V. has extensive contacts among high-ranking officials of government and law enforcement agencies (FSB RF for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Prosecutor's Office of Moscow, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, General Staff of the Air Force of the RF Ministry of Defense, UFNS RF for Moscow, research and testing institutes of the RF Ministry of Defense etc.), through which the enterprise under its control wins government contracts for the state defense order. The execution of state contracts is regularly disrupted in terms of terms and quality, thanks to his corrupt connections V.V. Prikhodko. avoids criminal prosecution.
We know that in the period from 2013 to 2015 JSC "NRTB" underwent the procedure for renewing the license issued by the FSB of the Russian Federation. During this period, for more than one and a half years, the company operated without a license (the term expired, a new one was not received). However, despite the lack of a license, the company performed work requiring special permission under contracts with cellular operators at military airfields of the Russian Defense Ministry, which is prohibited by Russian law.
JSC "NRTB", as part of contract work under contracts with mobile operators of Russia, periodically sends its employees on business trips to various regions and settlements of Russia, on the territory of which secure facilities are located - military airfields of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In the process of fulfilling contractual obligations, work is being carried out to study EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) in the area of a military airfield, interference created by cellular operators (from base stations of telecom operators and radio transmission repeaters) is identified, which are subsequently eliminated. When going on business trips, in addition to employees of JSC NRTB, employees of cellular operators, in whose interests the work is being carried out, and officers of the 5 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia located in Voronezh (TIN 3666033967) also take part in the work. At present, the said institute of the RF Ministry of Defense has been reorganized. This institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation coordinates the reliability and compliance of the performed and carried out works and services of JSC "NRTB" in the final reporting documents. Operators-customers are not entitled to accept for operation and for payment for the work of JSC "NRTB" without the approval of officials of the 5 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
One of the officers of the 5th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, who goes on business trips together with the employees of JSC "NRTB", is Sergey Yanshin, who is in a corrupt relationship with V.V. Prikhodko. and when accepting work and agreeing on acts, he is loyal to the quality of the performance of contract work, deficiencies and shortcomings.
Relationship of S. Yanshin with V.V. Prikhodko based on the remuneration that is paid to Yanshin S. in cash personally Prikhodko V.The. in your office. In 2019-2020. Prikhodko V.V. formalized his wife S. Yanshin, permanently residing in Voronezh, in the company JSC "NRTB" (Moscow), which lives in Voronezh. For fictitious employment, Yanshin receives a monthly salary, which is essentially a monthly bribe (commercial bribery) to the officer of the RF Ministry of Defense Yanshin S. . receives an amount in a certain amount of interest on the amount of contracts.
A similar scheme works for the rest of the Central Research Institute, which interact with the "NRTB". From 2017 to the present for the time being JSC "NRTB" is the executor and co-executor of state contracts in the sphere of the state defense order of the RF Ministry of Defense.
In 2017, the internal conflict of JSC NRTB poured into the media, caused by the departure from the company of a number of employees, including Vladimir Kalugin and Yuri Tvarovsky, who were at the origins of the creation of JSC NRTB. The conflict took place against the backdrop of refusal to participate in corruption schemes Prikhodko V.V. under the state defense order.
Prikhodko V.V. organized a system of regular embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for work under the implementation of contracts for the state defense order through the following methods:
- overestimation of the volume of the total number of required labor hours (labor costs) for the performance of work due to the hiring of persons who actually do not perform the work or do it partially. However, the total calculation includes all formally employed persons (the so-called "dead souls"). Moreover, there is reliable information that about 20 people who take part in the work on the state defense order are employees of other companies. It is easy to establish through the FIU (Pension Fund).
An employee of the company, Nikolai Nikolayevich Kozlov, has been listed in JSC "NRTB" for a long period of time. Never showed up at work. From the moment that JSC "NRTB" began to carry out work under the state defense order, Kozlov became an employee in this direction. However, he also never appeared at the workplace until August 2020. He never worked under the state defense order, but his salary was accrued from budget funds included in the calculation of the price of work.
Employee Shubin Evgeny Sergeevich was hired by JSC "NRTB" under the state defense order. He was brought by Kuzminsky (director of OOO NRTB -sistema). After employment, he did not appear at work, he was listed for a short time. It was taken into account in labor costs under the state defense order.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Tolochko was specially hired to work with the state order order, is responsible for the economic block in the state defense order, organizes corruption schemes for accepting work with the customer, performs the role of organizer, negotiator and administration of illegally withdrawn budget funds.
- transfer of part of the work to outsourcing under a co-execution (subcontracting, outsourcing) agreement with legal entities, while in fact the work is performed independently. Fictitiously attracted legal entities perform the function of cashing out funds and transit them back V.V. Prikhodko. Andrei Anatolyevich Yudin, Deputy Director General for Finance, NRTB, and Irina Sergeevn Prokhorova, NRTB Chief Accountant, is responsible for this direction in the company.
State contract: No. 1820187240632452466002356 date of contract 10/09/18 customer: Ministry of Defense. Amount: 107,024,655.25 rubles, completion date: 02/04/20. The cost of work performed on our own: 50,730,212.33 rubles. Cost (outsourcing) of the work of co-contractors: 56,294,442.92 rubles.
State contract: No. 1820187240632452466002356 date of contract 10/09/18 Customer: Ministry of Defense. Contract amount: 110,713,824.41 rubles Completion date: 10/11/20. The cost of work performed on our own: 95,045,991.16 rubles. Cost (outsourcing) of co-contractors' work: 15,667,833.25 rubles
State contract: No. 1921187308601452246000309/117/19 contract date 03/04/2019. Customer: IAC "Vympel", PJSC. Amount: 7,143,041.4 rubles, completion date: 10/11/20
State contract: No. 1921187308601452246000309/117/19 date of contract: 03/04/2019 Customer: IAC "Vympel", PJSC. Contract amount: 3,759,827.28 rubles.
State contract: No. 1821187340651452466001594 / 35-18 / 5 date of contract: 18/04/2019. Customer: OKB MEI. Contract amount: 74,992,897.38 rubles. Completion of work: 31/01/20. The cost of work performed on our own: 20 844 830.81 rubles. Cost (outsourcing) of the work of co-executors: 54,148,066.57 rubles.
State contract: No. 1821187340651452466001594 / 35-18 / 5 date of the contract: 18/04/19 Customer: OKB MEI Contract amount: 381,447,000.00 rubles, completion of work: 30/03/21 Cost of work performed on our own 103 567 530.68 rubles. Cost (outsourcing) of the work of co-executors: 277 879 469.32 rubles.
The co-executor for a number of government contracts is the Scientific and Production Enterprise SPETS-RADIO JSC.
For reference:
Legal address: Belgorod, st. Industrial 4. INN: 3123018525. The amount under the contracts is more than 200 million rubles. General Director - Kirill Anatolyevich Selenya. In August 2020, he was detained and arrested by FSB officers. According to the investigation, the accused Selenya was involved in the theft of 18.7 million rubles from the Scientific Center for Applied Electrodynamics (NCPE) and the attempted theft of 55 million rubles. EKB-Neva (Vadim Lysenko) imports electronic components for the needs of the military-industrial complex. NCPE, in which Selenya previously worked, was one of his customers. After leaving the Scientific Center, the arrested functionary headed the Belgorod enterprise "SPETS-RADIO".
According to available information, the company "SPETS-RADIO" actual did not perform work for JSC "NRTB" and served as an intermediary link for the withdrawal ("laying") of funds from the state defense order. All documentation for reporting by JSC SPETS-RADIO on the performance of work for JSC NRTB was prepared by the employees of JSC NRTB and NRTB-Sistema. Prikhodko V.V. together with the director of LLC "NRTB Sistema) Kuzminsky A.F. several times flew to Belgorod for cash. This can be verified through their purchase of airline tickets.
JSC NRTB also has other schemes for withdrawing funds.
LLC "SvyazInvestStroy" INN 3123388526. Legal address: Belgorod, st. Promyshlennaya 2. The company is "one-day". In 2018, more than 70 million rubles were withdrawn through it through fictitious outsourcing schemes.
Outsourcing and subcontracting schemes at JSC NRTB, in addition to the withdrawal of state budget funds in the course of the execution of the state defense order, were also used to understate the taxable base and evade taxes.
The work was subcontracted from JSC NRTB to OOO NRTB-S (NRTB - Sistema), but was actually carried out by the company itself.
LLC "NRTB - Sistema", INN: 7722773404. General Director: Kuzminsky Alexander Frantsevich. Founders: V.V. Prikhodko, JSC "NRTB", Kuzminsky, Panov.
Most of the employees of the company "NRTB-S", including the general director, are employees of JSC "NRTB". LLC "NRTB-S" is officially registered in Skolkovo and is its resident, in connection with which it has tax benefits. In addition, part of the money is regularly withdrawn to other legal entities under fictitious contracts (without actually performing work and providing services).
The following persons took part in cashing out funds: LLC SvyazEnergo INN4826112636; LLC "ProfSvyazStroy" INN: 3102005074; LLC "KRONOS" INN: 3662192596; LLC CITY TELECOM INN: 3662210541 LLC SvyazInvestStroy INN 3123388526 and others. The total amount of cash withdrawn is hundreds of millions of rubles. All this is easy to check in the databases of law enforcement agencies. All directors are nominees. A certain citizen is behind many companies - Zubova Violetta Aleksandrovna. A well-known person in the Belgorod region. According to our information, criminal cases have been initiated against her.
The Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 25 in Moscow sent a notification No. 5649 dated April 26, 2019 to JSC NRTB on the summons to the tax authority as a taxpayer and a requirement to provide information regarding transactions with the counterparty - LLC SvyazInvestStroy INN 3123388526 (Belgorod Region ., Belgorod, Promyshlenniy proezd, 2 office 9A). To avoid verification, JSC "NRTB" resorted to a change of tax jurisdiction by re-registering at a different legal address.
The Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow for 2020 planned an on-site tax audit of JSC NRTB, but was canceled due to the pandemic. In early 2020, the company received several requests from the tax office to make adjustments to tax returns and pay taxes taking into account these adjustments. According to our information, it is known that at the beginning of 2021, based on the results of the company's activities for 2017, 2018, 2019, taking into account fines and penalties of JSC NRTB, more than 100 million rubles may be added to the transfer to the budget in the form of arrears and sanctions.
From 2009 to the present, JSC "NRTB" has repeatedly received justified claims for arrears, tax evasion, toxic business schemes (based on reconciliation with counterparties). But according to the available information, the JSC manages to avoid criminal liability thanks to the patrons:
Until 1998, he served in the state security agencies in operational and managerial positions in various regions of the country. He graduated from service with the rank of Major General, in the position of First Deputy Head of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Moscow Military District - counterintelligence. Chairman of the Commission for the Defense Industrial Complex, Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. As of November 2020, he is also the President of the Financial and Business Association for Eurasian Cooperation (FBA EAC) and Rustitan Group of Companies. Member of the Council of Veterans of Military Counterintelligence.

Prikhodko V.V. and Tkachuk A.N. connect both comradeship and partnership.
In 2007, the company OJSC "Russian Mineral Resources" was established, INN: 7702650274. Founders: V. Prikhodko (JSC "NRTB"),
Tkachuk Anatoly Nikolaevich, Novikov Alexey Alekseevich.
Later also entered - Kostyukevich Ivan Dmitrievich. According to the available information Prikhodko V.V. invested more than 500 million rubles in this project, some of which in cash.

Novikov Alexey Alekseevich - First Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the Defense Industrial Complex of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Later, the added founder - Shchepkin Viktor Nikolaevich offered to develop the Pizhemskoye deposit to a member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Tkachuk A.N. According to Shchepkin V.N. he carried out work on the collection of documentation, carrying out the examinations necessary to obtain a license. After natural resources were discovered on the investigated site, interest in the applicant disappeared, he was removed from management cases and through law enforcement gave distanced themselves from cases. Applications and complaints Shchepkina V.N. officially registered, including in the name of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs B.Yu. Titov, Co-Chairman of the COP BPC.
In 2009, the company JSC Russian Titanium Resources (Rustitan) was established. TIN: 7702711230. Type of activity: extraction and enrichment of titanium-magnesium raw materials on the territory of the Komi Republic. Founders: V.V. Prikhodko (INN 773303876501), Tkachuk A.N. (INN 773117597363), Novikov A.A. (INN 773118473723), Kostyukevich I.D.
Head - A.N. Tkachuk , since November 16, 2018, the head is Vladimir Nikolaevich Bavlov (TIN 030200146567) - a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Buryatia (2001-2004). Before being elected as a representative in the Federation Council, he was Deputy Head of the Natural Resources Committee for the Republic of Buryatia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
All of these founders and directors of JSC Rustitan are affiliated with the companies JSC RUSTOPLIVO, JSC RUSECOLOGIA, JSC RUSGEOCOM, JSC RUSMINRESURS, which have one legal address (129090, Moscow, Gilyarovskogo str., 31), and practically the same founders. Kostyukevich Ivan Dmitrievich (from open media sources) appears in a statement by Police Lieutenant General Vasily Rogozin (former head of the Drug Crime Directorate and Deputy Operational-Investigative Department of the Federal Drug Control Service) addressed to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika about the involvement of high-ranking officials of the Federal Drug Control Service and the FSB in corruption and protection ...
From the interrogation protocol of Gennady Avdeev, at that time an active employee of the "M" Department of the FSB (supervising the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services): “In 2005 I violated the traffic rules. The materials of the case on the administrative offense were transferred to the magistrate of the Western Administrative District of Moscow. I tried to find a way out to this judge, and someone from the department for ZAO UFSB of Russia in Moscow and Moscow region gave me the phone number of Ivan Dmitrievich Kostyukevich, who, perhaps, can solve this issue. I learned the surname of Ivan Dmitrievich from the certificate of an employee of the Presidential Administration, which he showed me. We phoned and met in a cafe in B. Kiselny lane. He introduced himself as a retired military counterintelligence colonel, previously served in the Strategic Missile Forces in the Trans-Baikal Military District, and is an employee of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. <…> He offered me help in solving my question. Taking into account the fact that he told me that he has connections in the leadership of the FSB of Russia, other ministries and departments, I decided to maintain contact with him. "
Kostyukevich I.D. maintains long-term friendly relations with Tkachuk A.N.

Another patron of Prikhodko V.V. is the First Deputy Khoroshevsky Interdistrict Prosecutor Malyshev Alexey Nikolaevich. In December 2020, he was appointed to the post of the Saki interdistrict prosecutor. Malysheva Olga - the wife of Prosecutor Malyshev works for Prikhodko under a contract. Through his spouse decides to close the checks!
In mid-2020, 231 military prosecutors inspected the activities of JSC NRTB in the area ofcompliance with the legislation on state defense orders. 231 military prosecutor's office sent inquiries to JSC "NRTB", which include data on 42 employees of JSC "NRTB". The prosecutor's office had reliable information that among these persons there were “dead souls” - fictitious employees who sign documents on participation in the execution of work on the state defense order (used to increase the cost of government contracts and embezzle budget funds). Subsequently, this information was confirmed.
Also, 231 military prosecutors sent inquiries to the PFR in Moscow and the Moscow region, to the head of the FSB department of the Russian FSB for the SAO of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, to the head of the 385 military police of the RF Ministry of Defense Proskurin, to the Federal Tax Service No. 43 in Moscow, etc.
We are reliably aware of the information in September 2020, officers of the FSB department in Moscow carried out a number of operational-search measures, during which it was established that the general director of JSC "NRTB" V.V. has access to state secrets in the form of 2 regimes, but regularly leaves the Russian Federation without notifying the security agencies. Over the past three years, there have been more than 250 such trips. Main places of residence: Austria and the UAE. After the reaction of the FSB, V.V. for the redistribution of Russia were closed. But here, too, his patrons in the law enforcement system helped him.
Prikhodko V.V. owns housing in Austria: Seilertatte 5, Innere Stadt 1010 Wien, residence permit - А161117334 and UTT Marketing Services (UTT MS). Also Prikhodko V.V. has accommodation in the UAE and is registered with Globtechnet Trading from Dubai (UAE) (Sharjah - SAIF ZONE (Sharjah Airport International Free Zone): number 01-01-06349
According to available information, the Dubai company was used not only for illegal tranches of funds from Russia, but also directly. In particular, in March 2010 V.V. Prikhodko and JSC NRTB received EUR 9 million for telecommunications services, which were transferred to the accounts of Globtechnet Trading. Part of this money (about EUR 1 million) from Dubai was transferred to the Raiffeisenlandesbank of Austria for legalization.
Prikhodko V.V. to suppress attention to his person on the part of the FSB, he turned to A.N. Tkachuk for help, who through his connections helped to stop the inspection. In a narrow circle, Prikhodko V.V. repeatedly “complained” that he had paid 70 million rubles for the services rendered to terminate the inspection. According to the results of the "services" for disavowing the attention of the state security bodies to V.V. Prikhodko. the deputy military prosecutor 231 of the military prosecutor's office was “asked” to resign, after which a criminal case was initiated against him under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The materials of the check in relation to Prikhodko The.The. destroyed.
We ask you to check the above facts and give an assessment for the participation of V.V. Prikhodko. and JSC “NRTB” in crimes and initiation of criminal investigation ”.

To be continued
Timofey Grishin