понедельник, 17 февраля 2025 г.

Put in jail Stroganov-style

How agents of the Internal Security Directorate carried out provocations directly from the pre-trial detention center

Rucriminal.info will tell the reader the story of how an agent of the Internal Security Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, while right in the pre-trial detention center, tried to bribe and provoke a police officer.

Despite this, as well as two requests from former State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein (now Acting Governor of the Kursk Region), an investigation into this fact has not been carried out for five years.

On September 22, 2020, previously convicted Sukholentsev D.O. calls an operative of the Perovo OMVD of Moscow in the evening, who detained him 1.5 years before this call, on the fact of theft of a scooter.

It is important to note that from the moment of detention, April 2019, until the call, September 2020, the employee had no contact with Sukholentsev, and also did not leave him his mobile phone number.

During the call, Sukholentsev asks to find out information about the whereabouts of his girlfriend for a monetary reward.

The employee informs the caller that he has no right to take a monetary reward and ends the phone conversation.

On September 27, 2020, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Sukholentsev makes another call to the operative, in which he reports information that he and his friend were allegedly detained by traffic police officers in the Ilyicha Square metro area for drunk driving.

According to Sukholentsev, they agreed with the traffic police on a bribe in the amount of 30,000 thousand rubles. They gave 10,000 thousand of this amount to the traffic police, and they are still looking for 20,000 thousand.

Sukholentsev asks the detective to talk to the traffic police officer so that he can ask his colleagues to wait until the caller collects the full amount of the bribe, allegedly for not bringing to administrative responsibility.

In response to this request, the detective tells Sukholentsev to call 112 and report the extortion of a bribe.

After which he hangs up and writes a report on the fact of the said calls to the head of the department.

This report was registered in the crime report registration book (KUSP) of the Perovo OMVD of Moscow on September 27, 2020, under No. 26167.

The information in the form of a summary went through the duty unit of the VAO UVD, the OSB UVD and the Internal Security Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, but none of the managers were interested in the information about an attempt to bribe a criminal investigation officer and bribes to traffic police officers.

Surprising, isn't it?

Exactly one month after the start of these provocations - October 22, 2020, the operative was fired allegedly for an offense that dishonors honor.

The initiators of the dismissal were the Internal Security Department, which initially decided to imprison the operative, but when their provocations using the drug addict Sukholentsev failed, they fired him.

The reason for this was the fact that the operative contacted Vladimir Vorontsov, a lawyer officially registered at that time as an individual entrepreneur, better known as the "Police Ombudsman", to protect his rights.

A whole film, "Save the Police Ombudsman", was made about how a criminal case was fabricated against Vorontsov himself, starring the former head of the Internal Security Department and the North-Eastern Administrative District Department of Internal Affairs, General Stroganov K. Yu., who was fired at the end of 2023 for running over a businessman and failing a polygraph test at the FSB for corruption crimes, his close friend, detective Krivoshein M. A., as well as detective Dyuzhev R. V.

Having found Sukholentsev D. O. on the VKontakte social network, the former operative asked him when he planned to go to the FSB to write a confession.

However, Sukholentsev D. O. (a resident of the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow), pretending not to understand what they are talking about and most likely previously instructed by the Internal Security officer Dyuzhev R.V. (before being transferred to the Internal Security Department, he worked in the criminal investigation department of the Nizhnegorsky OMVD of Moscow), says that he does not know the latter, and also that at the time of the calls he was in a pre-trial detention center.

The acquaintance of Sukholentsev D.O. and Dyuzhev R.V. is confirmed by the website of the Moscow City Court.

On April 6, 2021, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow in case 01-0036 / 2021 (01-0412 / 2020), Judge Bagrova O.A., sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 1 year and 1 month for 4 episodes of crimes under Article 158 in relation to Sukholentsev D.O. . . . Thus, on page No. 13 of the verdict it is stated:

“By the report of the operative authorized officer of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the N******* District, Dyuzhev R.V. dated May 30, 2019, on the discovery of signs of a crime (volume No. 3, p. 79).

On sheet No. 14 - the testimony of the witness Dyuzhev R.V., read out at the court hearing with the consent of all participants in the process, on the circumstances of receiving explanations from S****** (Sukholentsev) about the facts of the theft of a scooter from the entrance of house No. 9 on S******aya Street in Moscow and a dome video camera from the roof of house No. 3 on S******aya Street in Moscow, as well as the personal search of S****** (Sukholentsev) (volume No. 3, p. 181-183).” The information that Sukholentsev D.O. was in a pretrial detention facility at the time of the calls is indeed confirmed by information from the Moscow City Court website. It was Dyuzhev R.V. who told Sukholentsev D.O., who had been in a pretrial detention facility for a long time at that time, the number of the operative, after which he gave instructions to call him with the purpose of provoking him, which is directly prohibited by Article 5 of the Federal Law “On operational-search activity" and is a crime provided for by Articles 285, 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Dyuzhev R.V. needed this, since he was most likely trying to implement the operational accounting case that he opened against the operative, under the pretext that he allegedly commits crimes.

Failure to implement cases of this category entails punishment of the employee who opened it.

Dismissal of an employee for negative reasons is also the implementation of cases of this category.

Dyuzhev R.V. coordinated all these actions by the type of operational-search activity with his supervisor Stroganov K.Yu., due to which they were able to provide communication to the drug addict Sukholentsev D.O. in the pre-trial detention center.

By the way, after the verdict Sukholentsev D.O., by an amazing coincidence, did not go to the stage to serve his term, but remained to serve it out in the pre-trial detention center, as part of the utility team. Despite numerous statements on the fact of crimes by the Internal Security Service officers, submitted since November 2022, deputy inquiries by Khinshtein A.E. and the employee's report from 2020, a pre-investigation check has not yet been conducted.

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, in response to the last request from May 2024, sent a false response to the former State Duma deputy, allegedly stating that the check in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow was infected on this fact.

However, the statements have not even been registered in the Criminal Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Sukholentsev D.O. and Dyuzhev R.V. have not been interviewed.

They have not undergone a polygraph or other investigative tests.

It turns out that the Internal Security Service officers can engage in provocations in violation of Article 5 of the Federal Law "On Organized Crime Investigations", and drug addicts sitting in a secure pre-trial detention center can use phones.

Yuri Prokov

To be continued

Source: www.rucriminal.info

Сажать по-Строгановски

Как агенты УСБ прямо из СИЗО совершали провокации

Rucriminal.info расскажет читателю историю о том, как агент УСБ ГУ МВД России по Москве, находясь прямо в СИЗО, пытался дать взятку и спровоцировать сотрудника полиции.

Несмотря на это, а также два запроса бывшего депутата Государственной Думы Александра Хинштейна (сейчас Врио Губернатора Курской области), проверка по данному факту не проводится вот уже пятый год.

22 сентября 2020 года ранее судимый Сухоленцев Д.О. в вечернее время суток звонит оперативнику ОМВД Перово Москвы, который задерживал его за 1,5 года до этого звонка, по факту кражи самоката.

Важно отметит, что с момента задержания, апрель 2019 года и до звонка, сентябрь 2020 года, сотрудник не имел никаких контактов с Сухоленцевым, а так же не оставлял ему свой номер мобильного телефона.

В ходе звонка Сухоленцев просит узнать сведения о местенахождения его девушки за денежное вознаграждение.

Сотрудник уведомляет звонящего, что он не имеет права брать денежное вознаграждение и обрывает телефонный разговор.

27 сентября 2020 года примерно в 16 часов 30 минут Сухоленцев совершает очередной звонок оперативнику, в котором сообщает информацию о том, что якобы его с другом задержали сотрудники ГИБДД в районе метро Площадь Ильича, за вождение в нетрезвом виде.

Со слов Сухоленцева они договорились с гаишниками о взятке в размере 30 000 тысяч рублей.

10 000 тысяч из этой сумму они передали гаишникам, а 20 000 тысяч еще ищут.

Сухоленцев просит оперативника поговорить с гаишником, что бы тот попросил своих коллег подождать пока звонящий соберет полную сумму взятки, якобы за не привлечение к административной ответственности.

На данную просьбу, оперуполномоченный говорит Сухоленцеву, что бы он позвонил в 112 и сообщил о вымогательстве взятки.

После чего кладет трубку и пишет по факту указанных звонков рапорт на имя начальника отдела.

Данный рапорт зарегистрирован в книгу учета сообщений о преступлении (КУСП) ОМВД Перово г. Москвы 27.09.2020 года за № 26167.

Информация в виде сводки прошла через дежурную часть УВД ВАО, ОСБ УВД и УСБ ГУ МВД России по Москве, однако никого из руководителей не заинтересовали сведения о попытке дать взятку сотруднику уголовного розыска и дачи взятки сотрудникам ГИБДД.

Удивительно не правда ли?

Спустя ровно месяц, с момента начала данных провокаций -22.10.2020 года, оперативника увольняют якобы за проступок порочащий честь.

Инициаторами увольнения выступило УСБ, которое сначала решило посадить оперуполномоченного, однако когда их провокации с использованием наркоман Сухоленцева, не удались, они уволили его.

Поводом для этого послужил тот факт, что оперативник обращался к официально зарегистрированному на тот момент как ИП, юристу Владимиру Воронцову, более известному как «Омбудсмен полиции», для защиты своих прав.

О том как в отношении самого Воронцова фабриковали уголовное дело снят целый фильм «Спасти омбудсмена полиции», в главных ролях которого бывший начальник УСБ и УВД СВАО генерал Строганов К.Ю., который уволен в конце 2023 года, за наезд на бизнесмена и провал полиграфа в ФСБ на коррупционные преступления, его близкий друг оперуполномоченный Кривошеин М.А., а так же оперуполномоченный Дюжев Р.В.

Найдя в социальной сети ВКонтакте Сухоленцева Д.О., бывший оперативник спросил его, когда он планирует направиться в ФСБ для написания явки с повинной.

Однако Сухоленцев Д.О. (житель района Нижегородский г. Москвы), делая вид, что не понимает о чем речь и скорей всего ранее проинструктированный УСБшником Дюжевым Р.В.,(до перевода в УСБ работал в уголовном розыске ОМВД Нижнегорский г. Москвы), говорит, что не знает последнего, а так же что на момент звонков находился в СИЗО.

Знакомство Сухоленцева Д.О. и Дюжева Р.В. подтверждает сайт Мосгорсуда.

06 апреля 2021 года Замоскворецким судом г. Москвы по делу 01-0036/2021 (01-0412/2020), судьей Багровой О.А., вынесен приговор в виде лишения свободы на срок 1 год и 1 месяц по 4-м эпизодам преступлений предусмотренных ст.158 в отношении Сухоленцева Д.О. .

Так на странице № 13 приговора указанно:

«Рапортом оперуполномоченного ОУР ОМВД России по Н*******ому району Дюжева Р.В. от 30 мая 2019 года об обнаружении признаков преступления (том №3 л.д. 79).

На листе №14 - показаниями свидетеля Дюжева Р.В., оглашенными в судебном заседании с согласия всех участников процесса, по обстоятельствам получения от С******а (Сухоленцева) объяснений о фактах совершения кражи самоката из подъезда дома

№9 по ул.С******ая г.Москвы и купольной видеокамеры с крыши дома №3 по ул.С******ая г.Москвы, а также личного досмотра С******а (Сухоленцева) (том №3 л.д. 181-183)».

Сведения о том, что Сухоленцев Д.О., находился на момент звонков в СИЗО действительно подтверждаются из информации с сайта Мосгорсуда.

Именно Дюжев Р.В., сообщил, сидевшему на тот момент продолжительное время в СИЗО Сухоленцеву Д.О., номер оперативника, после чего дал указание названивать ему с целью совершения провокации, что прямо запрещается 5 статей ФЗ «Об оперативно-розыскной деятельности» и является преступлением предусмотренным ст.ст.285,286 УК РФ.

Нужно это было Дюжеву Р.В., поскольку он пытался, скорее всего, реализовать дело оперативного учета, которое завел в отношении оперуполномоченного, под окрасом, того, что тот якобы совершает преступления.

Не реализация дел такой категории влечет наказание сотрудника, который его завел.

Увольнение сотрудника по отрицательным мотивам так же является реализацией дел данной категории.

Все эти действия Дюжевым Р.В., согласовывал по видом ОРД со своим руководителем Строгановым К.Ю., за счет чего они смогли обеспечить связь наркоману Сухоленцеву Д.О. в СИЗО.

Кстати, после приговора Сухоленцев Д.О., по удивительному стечению обстоятельств не поехал по этапу отбывать свой срок, а остался досиживать его в СИЗО, в составе хозбригады.

Несмотря на многочисленные заявления по факту преступлений УСБшников, подаваемые с ноября 2022 года, депутатские запросы Хинштейна А.Е. и рапорт сотрудника от 2020 года, доследственной проверки не проведено до сих пор.

ГСУ СК РФ по г. Москве и СК РФ, на последний запрос от мая 2024 года, направило лживый ответ бывшему депутату ГосДумы, якобы о том, что по данному факту инфицирована проверка в ГСУ СК РФ по г. Москве.

Однако заявления даже не зарегистрированы в КРСП.

Сухоленцев Д.О. и Дюжев Р.В., не опрошены.

С ними не проведен полиграф и иные следственные.

Получается, что сотрудникам УСБ можно заниматься провокациями в нарушение 5 статьи ФЗ «Об ОРД», а сидящим в режимном СИЗО наркоманам, пользоваться телефонами.

Юрий Проков

Продолжение следует

Источник: www.rucriminal.info

Meat sets for the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

How the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bessmeltsev collects tribute from his subordinates for “gifts to Moscow”.

Not long ago, Colonel of Justice Alexander Bessmeltsev was appointed head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region.

No one, not even the most experienced and seasoned employees of the department, after this very department was “led” by General A.M. Sobolev, who destroyed the department and then went on to a promotion to the SEC of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, thought that the new acting head of the department could find another bottom in terms of management. But, as always, it was not so easy, they knocked from below.

The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel and Rucriminal.info continue to publish their investigation into Bessmeltsev.

According to the source, Bessmeltsev has been and is constantly engaged in extortion from subordinate employees to purchase gifts and presents for the senior leaders of the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The head of the department must look loyal to his superiors and appease them with gifts in order to continue his antics while keeping a warm place.

Thus, in January 2024, more than three hundred thousand rubles of the employees of the department for the Yaroslavl region were spent on gifts to the Central Investigative Committee, collected on the instructions of Bessmeltsev A.A. on a voluntary-compulsory basis. With this money, fish, meat, sausage, cheeses, alcohol, etc. were purchased as gifts for the employees of the Central Investigative Committee. Everything purchased was packaged in bags, loaded into the service PKL and bus and then taken to Moscow. These facts were recorded by young employees of the department in photos and videos. It should be noted here that the official car is used by Bessmeltsev A.A., as well as by the hero of earlier publications of the VChK-OGPU, the former head of the 2nd Regional Department of Internal Affairs of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region, Tsaturyan A.A., around the clock, but not for official purposes. Drivers quit because of this. Bessmeltsev A.A. had the same story with the use of an official car for personal purposes in Tyumen, but there the head of the investigative department radically stopped this lawlessness and simply took away the official car from Bessmeltsev A.A., limiting its use and did not "air dirty linen in public".

As it became clear from the above facts, Bessmeltsev A.A. is very intolerant of refusals from subordinate employees, and creates conditions of intolerance for those who are undesirable at work. Forcing them to quit. During his year of work, about 30% of the experienced employees of the department were fired, and to replace them, Bessmeltsev A.A. "dragged and drags" incompetent personnel, who subsequently, unable to withstand the brutal treatment, setups and inadequate demands of the management, also quit en masse, some without working even a month.

Thus, three weeks after the start of his duties, Bessmeltsev A.A. forced the acting head of the investigative department for the Kirovsky district - deputy head of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Tumakov A.G. to resign. Needless to say, the investigative department for the Kirovsky district of the city of Yaroslavl is the central and most complex, since all administrative, government and other services and departments are concentrated on the territory of the said department.

Tumakov A.G., being the most experienced employee, was ready to take any position with a demotion in order to keep his job, but Bessmeltsev A.A. did not have a chance. did not give, since the position of the head of this department had to be vacated for people loyal to the management.

As a result, Roshchin A., who had never worked as an investigator for a day, was appointed acting head of the investigative department for the Kirovsky district of Yaroslavl. Naturally, after two months of work, Roshchin A. recorded a complete failure in the work of the department. In connection with this, Roshchin A. was "hidden" in the investigative department for the Zavolzhsky district. (How this reminds one of the management of the Dzerzhinsky and Kirovsky departments of the city of Yaroslavl by Khodunov V.N. during the period of the management of the department by Sobolev A.M.!!!) However, the result of the work there was the same. Two months later, Roshchin A. quit. But this state of affairs did not bother Bessmeltsev A.A. at all, and Afanasyev was appointed in place of Roshchin A., who, having worked for less than a month, also quit.

A.A., who arrived with Bessmeltsev and Erdniev E.A., who was appointed head of the control and investigation department, also did not last even six months in the position.

According to a source of the VChK-OLGPU, two "immortal opportunists" of the department for the Yaroslavl region helped and are helping Bessmeltsev A.A. to get rid of the employees of the investigative department - the head of the forensic science department Akimov D.E. and senior personnel assistant Kuznetsova L.I. The first suffers from a Napoleon complex and believes in his own greatness, the second is a person who simply betrays the team and the people who work with her in order to maintain her position.

It was Akimov D.E., on the instructions of Bessmeltsev A.A. and based on his subjective and not always adequate reactions and relationships with employees, who created the conditions for their dismissal, and Kuznetsova L.I. . gave the appearance of legality to the dismissal of employees by conducting official investigations. Needless to say, since the time of Sobolev A.M., that is, since 2019-2020, Kuznetsova L.I. has perfectly mastered the art of illegally conducting official investigations of unwanted employees, easily manipulating facts and circumstances and framing even innocent people, just to curry favor with the head of the department and not lose her job. For which, like Akimov D.E., she earned the corresponding attitude from the employees. Here Rucriminal.info would like to note that Akimov D.E. and Kuznetsova L.I., who are loyal to the head and help him get rid of unwanted people, assistant to the head Orekhov K.V., who helps the head in distorting statistics to create a picture of the good work of Bessmeltsev A.A. according to statistical indicators, received savings several times more than the entire team at the end of 2024, and they were the only ones who did not have their bonuses for complexity and stress reduced.

Despite the wild failures and imbalances in his work, Bessmeltsev A.A. does not bother himself. He does not come to work before 10-11 o'clock in the summer, and neither he nor his deputy go to work on weekends. However, subordinates are required to be at work 24/7.

Such an attitude to service and lack of control led to the fact that in July 2024, the citizen Popov V.V., detained for the murder of Bogacheva A.V., was denied by the Rybinsk District Court a preventive measure in the form of detention in connection with the violations committed by the investigator.

Released from custody, Popov V.V. after some time committed the murder of the main witness and eyewitness of the murder of Bogacheva A.V. (Criminal case No. 1240278000700063 was initiated on July 8, 2024 under Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

At the initial stage, on the "hot trail", control over the investigation of this criminal case and forensic support were carried out by Akimov D.E. Relatives of Bogacheva A.V. and Volkov V.V. tried to get a personal appointment with the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia. However, Bessmeltsev A.A. and Akimov D.E. understood perfectly well that in the event of the detection of the said gross violations in the work of the department that led to the murder of a witness due to their negligent attitude to work, they would be dismissed in the best outcome, by hook or by crook, promises and promises persuaded the relatives of the murdered not to go to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee and quietly hushed up this incident. Covering themselves and not without the help of Kuznetsova L.I. all the employees of the department, from the investigator to the head of the KSO, who were involved in this case, were punished without conducting an official investigation and the necessary measures.

An official investigation into these facts was not conducted intentionally, so as not to send its results to the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, to hide the fact that a person who committed a particularly serious crime and was released from custody due to the lack of control and negligence of the management of the department committed the murder of the main witness in a criminal case.

Was the head of the forensic science department Akimov D.E. punished in this situation? Of course not.

It was precisely impunity and intercession on the part of Bessmeltsev A.A. that gave rise to Akimov D.E.'s belief in permissiveness and omnipotence. Akimov D.E., who was already not very balanced in moral and ethical terms, began to allow public insults with obscene language and humiliation of employees of the Investigative Department, all kinds of provocations, including conflicts with the use of physical force. These facts were repeatedly documented by the employees of the department on audio recordings.

09/05/2024 Akimov D.E. threatened to use violence and attacked with fists the investigator for especially important cases of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases, Colonel of Justice Kruglov V.S. The reason was that Kruglov V.S. dared to object to Akimov D.E. in a controversial issue about the sufficiency or insufficiency of evidence for sending a criminal case to the prosecutor. The said fact of violation of the code of ethics, bordering on a criminal offense, was recorded on the outdoor video surveillance camera of the Investigative Department. An official investigation was conducted on this fact, investigator Kruglov V.S. passed a polygraph, which fully confirmed the events described above. Akimov D.E. refused to undergo a polygraph, but indirectly confirmed the fact of threats in his explanations, referring to the fact that he quoted phrases from famous works of the Soviet period and did not mean any violence. It looks ridiculous, but convenient, really, because every employee of the Investigative Committee of Russia, when threatening a colleague, usually quotes classical literature or films!!!

Bessmeltsev A.A. did not give offense to Akimov D.E. and according to the results of the internal investigation it was indicated that the facts of the threat from Akimov D.E. were not confirmed, it was recommended to consider this issue at the court of officer's honor.

At the court of officer's honor, Akimov D.E., oddly enough, confirmed what happened, however, the court of officer's honor found no violations in his actions not established.

But the situation was not exhausted and the vengeful Akimov D.E., fulfilling his threats, achieved the transfer of Kruglov V.S. for two months to the forensics department, that is, to his subordination. Bessmeltsev A.A., knowing about the events that had taken place and Akimov D.E.'s vindictiveness, did not prevent this fact in any way.

As a result, the department lost another experienced employee who could work and be useful, but was forced to retire, realizing that he would not be allowed to work in such conditions and as a result would be subject to dismissal "for negativity" or under the article.

These are the methods that Bessmeltsev A.A., Akimov D.E. and Kuznetsova L.I. deal with unwanted personnel. Through their efforts, the first department for the investigation of especially important cases was completely destroyed. Of the 8 employees, 6 colonels with more than 15 years of experience decided to dismiss. That is, there is no longer a department capable of performing the assigned tasks of particular complexity with maximum workloads.

The said lawlessness, unfounded and illegal punishments, gave rise to mass appeals of employees to the courts with corresponding claims, which in most cases were satisfied by the courts, and the imposed illegal disciplinary sanctions were cancelled.

Not expecting such a turn of events, HR assistant Kuznetsova L.I., apparently already accustomed to the fact that in the event of satisfaction of the claims of employees, their financial claims in the form of moral damages are reimbursed by the employees of the department and wanting to appear loyal to the head of the department, realizing that the claim was lost, offered one of the employees of the department, who applied to the court with a claim to appeal the disciplinary sanction, to compensate him for moral damages from his personal funds. What guided Kuznetsova L.I. in this situation is not entirely clear, since the fact of satisfaction of the employee's claim would still have become known to the Central Investigative Committee of Russia. However, the very fact of such behavior of the main person in charge of personnel indicates the scale of the problems in the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region.

Bessmeltsev A.A., wanting to look like an effective leader in the eyes of his superiors, does not shy away from the dirtiest and most base deeds. Thus, in November 2024, an employee of the Investigative Committee, Brantova K., left maternity leave early to help her colleagues.

Brantova K.'s mother is a federal judge in Yaroslavl. Knowing this, Bessmeltsev A.A. decided to close the issue with the employees' claims to the Investigative Department to cancel illegal disciplinary sanctions by using administrative resources and all his authoritative authority to Brantova K.

To this end, he summoned Brantova K. to his office and demanded that she turn to her mother with a request to influence the decisions of the judges of Yaroslavl in favor of the Investigative Department on the claims of employees to recognize disciplinary sanctions as illegal. In simple words, to refuse the employees' claims, regardless of the legality of their demands.

But something went wrong, either Bessmeltsev A.A. did not have enough administrative resources, or his own authority, but Brantova K. refused him this demand, which made the latter furious. The rage resulted in threats of dismissal addressed to Brantova K. As a result, Bessmeltsev A.A. kicked her out of the office and on the same day Brantova K. went on maternity leave again. Brantova K. is ready to confirm these circumstances during the inspection, if such is appointed.

The attitude of Bessmeltsev A.A. and his deputy Bakuhin P.P. to work is also special. During the entire period of their tenure, they never went to the scene of the crime, even for the most high-profile crimes. The results of this were not long in coming.

Thus, in 2024, the Yaroslavl Oil Refinery was attacked by UAVs three times. The first time in March 2024, three unmanned vehicles attacked the refinery, which was repeatedly mentioned in telegram channels and social networks. The head and investigators of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases, as well as forensic investigators, top officials of the law enforcement unit - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. - went to the scene of the incident. Everyone, except the leadership of the Investigative Committee!!!

The second similar fact took place in May 2024. An attack by four UAVs, a private residential sector was damaged. Again, all services responded promptly and top officials arrived at the scene. Traditionally, neither Bessmeltsev A.A. nor Bakuhin P.P. went to the scene of the incident. Instead, the head and investigators of the third department for the investigation of especially important cases, as well as forensic investigators, coordinated the services and worked at the scene. Bessmeltsev himself was busy with more important matters that day, which, despite the incident being significant for the entire country, even his deputy could not do for him. He was engaged in extending the investigation periods for criminal cases. One of these cases was an ordinary criminal case, which was being handled by the 3rd department for the investigation of especially important cases. The investigation periods for this criminal case could be extended on any other day. But

despite the incident, Bessmeltsev A.A., knowing that the head of the 3rd department was at the site of the UAV attack, where he was carrying out urgent tasks assigned to him to record the crimes of the Kyiv Nazi regime on the territory of the Russian Federation, instructed the head of this department to leave the inspection site and come to the Investigative Department to extend the investigation period.

As a result of the lack of control, the investigator for especially important cases, Sokolov A., who was working at the site of the UAV discovery, received severe fractures of his legs and arms and is currently undergoing treatment.

Naturally, Kuznetsova L.I. conducted an official investigation into this incident, the results of which were hidden from the Central Office. Needless to say, as a result of the investigation, no guilt on the part of the department's management and no violations on the part of this same management in the receipt of serious bodily injuries by the investigator while performing his duties were established.

But unexpectedly for everyone, the State Labor Inspectorate for the Yaroslavl Region conducted its own investigation, according to the results of which the guilt and a number of violations of Bessmeltsev A.A. were established. in receiving injuries by an employee of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the performance of his duties.

Understanding what such a conclusion smells like if, God forbid, it falls into the eyes of the senior management of the Investigative Committee of Russia or the injured investigator, under the threat of criminal prosecution, Bessmeltsev A.A. forced the GIT inspection report to be redone. As a result, it turned out that investigator Sokolov A. was injured due to his own negligence.

Bessmeltsev A.A. and Kuznetsova L.I. did not give a damn about the truth, about the fact that an employee of their department Sokolov A., who received severe injuries and is undergoing long-term treatment and recovery, was forced to go (and has already gone) to court with a claim to recognize the findings of the inspections of the Investigative Committee of Russia and the GIT for the Yaroslavl Region as illegal and about his fate. The most important thing is what? That's right, to prevent publicity, to buy time, to blame Sokolov A. for everything, to prevent Sokolov A. from receiving insurance payments and to keep their jobs. So let him sue. Time is a valuable resource, thanks to which you can settle everything, forget something, solve something, etc.

Also in August 2024, from Friday to Saturday at about 1 am, another UAV flew into the oil refinery. The employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately arrived at the scene. And only by 3 pm, the deputy head of the department, P.P. Bakukhin, and investigators deigned to arrive at the scene. All this time, colleagues from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were forced to wait for the arrival of the Investigative Committee employees. All this caused discontent and claims from colleagues from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it should be noted that, although with a significant delay, the work was completed.

Also, the fearless Bessmeltsev A.A. does not hesitate to deceive even the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Bastrykin A.I. on the issue of solving problems with orphans. At the meetings with the Chairman, Bessmeltsev A.A. reported with a straight face that all orphans in the Yaroslavl region were provided with housing, a criminal case was opened, which is in the final stage, and the guilty parties were finally charged.

In fact, if we believe the words of Bessmeltsev A.A. himself, the Governor of the Yaroslavl region, at his request, moved the orphans who were received by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia from the last to the first places in the queue, and thus provided them with housing, but deprived other orphans of their due housing, who as a result ended up at the end of the queue.

As Bessmeltsev A.A. boasts, this is precisely why the Governor gave him a luxurious apartment to live in. But whether this is true is another question.

At the same time, in a criminal case, without any evidence, a person was brought to criminal responsibility, who was not guilty of any crime in the crime imputed to him. As a result, the case was returned by the prosecutor for additional investigation due to the lack of evidence of guilt of the person brought to justice.

This is such a difficult and hard job for the current head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region. So how can a young leader who arranges shooting for himself once a week, unreasonably exceeding the expenditure of ammunition, hunting, fishing, baths with high-ranking officials of the Yaroslavl Region, etc., improve it? And why is everything so good, money from subordinates is collected in case, undesirables are eliminated, statistics are a fixable thing ....

Here the question arises. Is it possible that the leadership of the Central Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation does not see what is happening? Or such toxic leaders as Sobolev A.M., Bessmeltsev A.A. and their hangers-on, who destroy entire departments and departments with their incompetent, openly corrupt management, but paint a beautiful picture of their own effectiveness against the backdrop of complete decline and pass off obvious failures in their work as “negative growth” and “another victory” have become a trend in the Investigative Committee of Russia and are in greater demand for work than adequate, competent, honest and skillful managers. Is it really true that in such a difficult situation for the country, such employees as Bessmeltsev A.A., who are obliged to record and calculate investigation of crimes and frankly, in front of everyone, sabotaging this work is needed by the Investigative Committee of Russia? Doesn't the Investigative Committee of Russia see what harm and damage these figures cause to the authority of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the eyes of ordinary citizens, that their actions lead to the loss of control over teams, to the growth of discontent among subordinates, and as a consequence to a sharp deterioration in real, not fictitious indicators in the work of the Investigative Committee.

Unfortunately, in recent years, it is the presence of connections, and not professionalism, knowledge, decency and honesty, that have become the determining factor for a successful career in the Investigative Committee of Russia.

So the family ties of Bessmeltsev A.A. with the former Deputy Prosecutor General Vorobyov S.D. apparently instill in him a false belief in impunity and permissiveness. As it became known to the VChK-OGPU, a number of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region are ready to confirm all the above facts during checks based on the statements submitted to them, providing the documents, audio and video materials they have as evidence. The VChK-OGPU will closely monitor the developments in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Yaroslavl Region.

Timofey Grishin

To be continued

Source: www.rucriminal.info