As it became known to Rucriminal.info, during the investigation of the former director of the Temp defense enterprise, facts of corruption of the leadership of the United Engine Corporation surfaced.
In May of this year, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow sentenced the former chairman of the board of directors of CJSC CB Natsprombank and the general director of OAO NPP Temp named after. F. Korotkov ”Andrey Trubkin to 8 years in prison for embezzling more than 102 million rubles from a defense enterprise.
Witness's testimonies
During the investigation, witnesses testified, from which it became clear that the plant had been used for money laundering for a long time by the leaders of the United Engine Corporation (UEC), which is part of Rostec.

So, for example, it became known that the former general director of the UEC-Ufa Motor-Building Production Association Alexander Artyukhov (the current head of the UEC) transferred about 200 million rubles from the settlement account of JSC UEC-UMPO in 2011. to the settlement account of JSC UEC-Saturn. Then, more than 84 million rubles of this money were transferred to the account of OAO NPP Temp named after V.I. F. Korotkov" under contract No. 610-1 dated March 15, 2011 and cashed out through one-day firms. Thus, Artyukhov laundered funds for the purchase of real estate in one of the Baltic countries.
In the Savelovsky court, during the hearing of the Trubkin case, it was said that the money was brought to the regime enterprise of JSC UEC-Saturn in trunks. There they were handed over to trusted persons in the administration building. At the trial, it was said that Trubkin, who came to Rybinsk together with lawyer Sergei Egorov from the company Panteleev, Egorov and Partners, solved the issues of cashing out through JSC UEC-Saturn directly.
Another valuable witness is Svetlana Shashkina: the former deputy director of the Temp defense enterprise. The woman said that she tried to convince her leadership - Masalov, Artyukhov and Trubkin - that the cashing scheme was unprofitable. According to her, the Salyut and UEC-UMPO plants earned much more on kickbacks from suppliers of components and assemblies.
The first criminal case against Andrei Trubkin appeared in 2013. The source of Rucriminal.info, close to the leadership of the UEC, believes that it has become part of a plan to seize the assets of the Trubkin family. At that time, he and his wife owned 80% of the shares of CJSC CB National Prombank and about 30% of the shares of Tempa.
When the case was opened, Sergei Lesnichiy appeared in this story - a former employee of the banking department of the Directorate K of the FSB, who was dismissed from the bodies due to negativity. He undertook to solve problems with a criminal. The forester, together with lawyers from the Panteleev, Egorov and Partners bureau and with the management of JSC UEC, under the pretext of delaying and closing the investigation, persuaded Trubkin not to appear for interrogations. In 2015, he was put on the wanted list, and in 2017 the case was closed due to the statute of limitations. In July 2017, another investigation appeared into the theft from OAO NPP Temp named after M. F. Korotkov” 83.8 million rubles. in the interests of UEC JSC. It was then that Andrei Trubkin realized that his friends were playing a double game and decided to come to the investigator with a confession. But the Lesnychiy's team got ahead of him and gave the investigators the place of residence and routes of movement, depriving him of the opportunity to repent. In 2019, Trubkin was detained in the Moscow region and sent under arrest.

Sources familiar with the criminal showdown in the UEC claim that the murder of Deputy Commercial Director of UEC-UMPO JSC Yuri Yashin, which occurred in 2018, is also connected with the division of assets. In their opinion, it was after this murder that Trubkin refused to testify against his "friends."
Valuable knowledge
And at the same time, Andrei Trubkin has something to share with the investigation. For example, he must remember how in the early 2000s, the Russian Federation, which was the owner of almost 100% of the shares of CJSC CB Natsprombank with a participation share of 27 million rubles, transferred the entire block of shares to FSUE MMPP Salyut on the right of economic management . The Federal State Unitary Enterprise was in dire need of its "bank" to launder multibillion-dollar proceeds from the supply of aircraft engines to China.
According to a Rucriminal.info source, the funds laundered through the bank, which amounted to many tens of millions of US dollars, were transferred to personal accounts and accounts of affiliates in banks of the Russian Federation and foreign banks, and partially spent on the purchase of controlling stakes in enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia - PJSC "Agregat", OJSC "Agat", OJSC "MPO im. Rumyantsev, OAO NPP Temp named after F. Korotkov, foreign JSC JV Plant Topaz, Tractor Plant in Chisinau, factories in Tiraspol, Bendery, Orhei in Moldova and others.
Such large-scale embezzlement and money laundering could not go unnoticed and the patronage of the curators from the Directorate "K" of the SEB of the FSB of Russia Dmitry Frolov, Andrey Vasilyev, Kirill Cherkalin, Sergey Lesnichiy, the first deputy head of the DIA Vladimir Miroshnikov, the management of JSC "UEC" and others.
Then business partners Andrey Trubkin and Sergey Lesnichiy carried out an operation to “dock capitalization” of CJSC “KB “Natsprombank” up to 300 million rubles at the expense of funds issued to shell companies against their own bills, then the funds were transferred to nominal shareholders who deposited them in the bank to increase the authorized capital. The “paper” increase in the bank's capital led to the bank receiving promissory notes of shell companies instead of money into the authorized capital and depriving the Russian Federation of control over the bank. With a contribution to the authorized capital of 27 million rubles, the Russian Federation began to own only 9% of the bank's shares, and Trubkin and his wife received a controlling stake in the amount of about 80% of the bank's shares through front legal entities.
Until mid-2011, the bank's management, with the support of curators from the FSB of the Russian Federation and bribes, representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation managed to avoid responsibility for the withdrawal and cashing out of funds, until the situation became critical. In 2011, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation suspended the activities of the bank, followed by the revocation of the license and the filing of an application for bankruptcy of the bank. By the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated January 16, 2012, CJSC CB Natsprombank was declared bankrupt, and the DIA was appointed bankruptcy trustee. In 2019, the bank was liquidated, as they say "all ends in the water", however, if desired, it will not be difficult for the investigating authorities to establish the amount of funds of FSUE MMPP Salyut, OJSC UMPO, OJSC MPO im. Rumyantsev, OAO NPP Temp named after F. Korotkov” and others withdrawn and cashed out through CJSC “CB “Natsprombank”.
Dismissed in 2011 from the FSB of Russia on negative grounds, Lesnichiy, who was actively involved in embezzlement of funds from enterprises of the military-industrial complex through a bank in order to hide his role and the role of Trubkin and other persons associated with them, initiated a criminal case in order to redistribute the assets purchased with the withdrawn funds from the bank, including shares of defense enterprises OAO Agregat, OAO NPP Temp im. F. Korotkov” and laying the blame for all criminal acts on the former chairmen of the board of the bank, Shvaiko and Kurbatov.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info