As a source told Rucriminal.info, on January 26, 2024, the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov in his office twice hit one of the contenders for the post of head of the Tabasaran district of the Republic of Dagestan in the face.
About his capabilities, with the support of the head of Dagestan Melikov, to initiate criminal cases against his political competitors, to easily deal with them and punish them, recklessly boasts in society, claiming that “one has already been dealt with,” at staff meetings in the mayor’s office, he was re-elected to January 2024, the head of the Tabasaran district of the Republic of Dagestan Kurbanov Magomed.

Magomed Kurbanov openly said until January 25, 2024 that, having spent 100 million rubles, he secured the support of the head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov. Also, for this money, he received lobbying for his candidacy through members of the commission for the election of the head of the Tabasaran region for the elections on January 26, 2024. But it’s one thing when Kurbanov himself talks about it behind the scenes, and another thing when others start chattering. According to a source from Rucriminal.info, Kurbanov accused his election rival, Tagir Alievich Ragimov, of spreading the word about high support, and “whispered” about the talker to the head of Dagestan, Sergei Melikov.
After Magomed Kurbanov was re-elected on January 26, 2024, Tagir Ragimov, along with him and the chairman of the district deputy assembly, Isa Isaev, were summoned to Sergei Melikov.

Interlocutors say that Sergei Melikov, being tipsy, arranged a showdown with Ragimov, and then came in a state of rage. He punched Ragimov twice in the face right in his office, ordering him to write a statement and resign from his post as head of the department of the Social Fund of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan in the Tabasaran region. Otherwise, he threatened with problems and “landing.”
Earlier, Rucriminal.info reported that the head of the republic, Sergei Melikov, continues to dance in Dagestan. By systematically bringing the general under the label of a figurehead, the Dagestan clans continue to deliberately create precedents for changing the head of the republic.
According to the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info, fully relying on the interests of the oil magnate and Secretary of State of the Republic Magomed-Sultan Magomedov, Sergei Melikov is rapidly losing his weight within Dagestan. In this sense, the general has something to think about: the ex-leader of the republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov, is breathing at his back, quietly cherishing hopes of returning to the post of head of the republic. The Secretary of State is entirely the guide of a shadow applicant for the main position in the republic. And in order to minimize talk of a conspiracy against Melikov, Magomed-Sultan Magomedov launched a rumor wave about a quarrel with his status namesake. Allegedly a black cat ran between them and they are no longer friends.
Sergei Melikov himself gives an account of who is baiting him and how. In this sense, the dismissal of the head of the Department of Internal Policy of the Republic of Dagestan, Zapir Alkhasov, who was accused of negligence in suppressing mass unrest in Makhachkala, is characteristic. Expert observers of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel report that the true motive for this dismissal lies in the close ties between the dismissed Alkhasov and the shadow candidate for the post of head of Dagestan, Magomedsalam Magomedov. This turn of events gives a clear understanding that Melikov really fears Magomedsalam Magomedov’s interference in the work of his unfortunate team.
In reality, the dismissed Zapir Alkhasov became a lightning rod for the head of the administration of the head of the republic, Alexei Gasanov, who is in fact the main favorite among Magomedsalam Magomedov’s intelligence network. It is interesting that almost from the very moment Alexei Hasanov took office, his brother was killed. And in this regard, there is a clear version that this murder was dictated by the desire of the clans to keep Hasanov under a tight rein.
Alexey Ermakov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info