A new portion of revelations about corruption in the security bloc

The latest publications of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info about the fate of Alexander Shaman and his 73-year-old mother caused unprecedented hysteria among the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the Directorate of the M FSB of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. They posted a whole press release on this topic and published articles in the well-fed “garbage dumps”.
Our source, in turn, sent a copy of the statement of Alexander Shaman (accused by the ICR press release of being wanted), which served as the main evidence in the case against his mother, where the victim of the actions of a 73-year-old pensioner was identified as an FSB colonel, head of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Alexander Gimadaev. By the way, so that the persons indicated in the application would not testify against Gimadiev, they were promoted.

The person who is now being most hunted by the St. Petersburg FSB Directorate and the Directorate M of the FSB of the Russian Federation is Shaman. No, this is not the Z-singer or the shaman Gabyshev. We are talking about Shaman Alexander Vitalievich. At first, the FB officers tried to force him to participate in operational experiments - he went and offered bribes under their control. But they received a categorical refusal. Then they wanted to obtain testimony from him (in the status of an accused) against St. Petersburg Economic Security and Inspectorate employee Igor Leonenko, the son of the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee Elena Leonenko, as well as testimony against the Chairman of the Kolpinsky District Court of St. Petersburg Nikulin and a large group of other persons. Directorate M of the FSB claims that Shaman previously gave them bribes. The shaman was forced to leave the Russian Federation and spoke about illegal actions on the VChK-OGPU telegram channel. His speech began like this: “I, Shaman Alexander Vitalievich, am a citizen of the Russian Federation, who have never been an official in my life. Due to a personal conflict, since 2019, a number of employees of the M Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation (Ivan Tekutyev) and the M Department of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region (Gimadiev Alexander, Zhuchik Sergey) have been trying to illegally initiate a criminal case against me since 2019. Due to the peculiarities of the internal structure of the FSB and the rotation of personnel, I do not understand who could protect me from the above-mentioned corrupt officials in the FSB, since they are part of a group of people who also work in the FSB Internal Security Service (Mikhail Tarakanov). De facto, both of these departments (M and the FSB Internal Security Service) control the appointment of judges through the APS; one of the departments of the FSB M Department is responsible for monitoring corruption and participates in approvals for appointments in the prosecutor’s office. Please explain which agency can protect me from illegal actions of the FSB Department?”
As a result, Shaman earned himself high-ranking enemies with shoulder straps of FSB and Investigative Committee officers who have no honor or conscience. Since they could not reach Shaman himself, they fabricated a case against his 73-year-old mother, who was sent to a pre-trial detention center by decision of the Basmanny Court.

The accusations are funny - the disclosure of personal information about Gimadiev, which was brought by her son. Moreover, there is a woman there, who once again recall 73 YEARS OLD. Yes, it has nothing to do with it. She was simply in the Russian Federation, and her son was unavailable. Do they put old people in prison on such charges? Of course not. But this is a personal grievance of the security officers.
So, the sensational statement of Alexander Shaman:
“Approximately from May to June 2020, my acquaintance, who holds the position of head of the security department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Pavel Sergeevich Mikhailov, informed me that preparations were being made against me to commit the crime of “illegal prosecution of a person.”
From the details reported by P.S. Mikhailov. I should have:
1) friend and long-term colleague of Mikhailov P.S. - Oleg Vladimirovich Zybarev, who at that time was the acting head of IK-5 “Metallostroy” of the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, handed over to Mikhailov P.S. information that on the territory of the colony, employees of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Zhuchik and Korotchenkov, carried out illegal measures to provoke violations on the part of the prisoner Alexander Vyacheslavovich Ivanov, who was previously an employee of the company where I also worked;
2) about the reason for the provocation O.V. Zybarev. did not report, but provided information that the result of the provocation was the premises of A.V. Ivanov. in the punishment cell, where employees of Department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Zhuchik and Korotchenkov immediately arrived to carry out some “investigative activities” with A.V. Ivanov;
3) Zybarev also reported that during these events, the specified FSB officers asked all FSIN employees to leave the premises. Thus, there are good reasons to believe that Ivanov A.V. physical and psychological pressure was applied;
4) Mikhailov P.S. also reported that the order to hold this event was given by the head of the department (at that time) of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, where Zhuchik and Korotchenkov worked - Alexander Vladimirovich Gimadiev.
Gimadiev Alexander Vladimirovich was previously a close friend of the family of P.S. Mikhailov. and is also familiar to me. According to Gimadiev, Zhuchik and Korotchenkov, they did not do any work on me. However, the current agent of the M FSB management, Anatoly Krivoshein, who is also my acquaintance, reported brotherly, which confirmed the information provided by P.S. Mikhailov.
All the demands of the employees of Department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region boiled down to one thing - they insisted and threatened the life/health of A.V. Ivanov, used special equipment and torture on him so that he, A.V. Ivanov. slandered me.
The reason for such actions by employees of the M Department of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region is my active participation in the investigation of the criminal case against Andrei Gennadievich Chesnokov, who was the sponsor of a number of employees of the M FSB Department, and then, with my participation, brought to justice for multi-billion dollar thefts from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Through lawyer Musatov, I provided the investigative authorities with a large amount of information about Chesnokov’s schemes and accomplices in his crimes.
Ivanov A.V. was unable to resist the illegal actions taken by FSB officers and slandered me no later than December 2020.
After which, employees of Department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad, using their official powers, began to put pressure on the judicial and prosecutorial authorities of St. Petersburg with a demand to cancel the verdict against Ivanov due to newly discovered circumstances. Under pressure from the head of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, as well as their Moscow colleagues, Ivanov’s sentence was overturned on the 4th attempt.
In November 2021, Ivanov A.V. and employees of Department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Gimadiev and Zhuchik invited me to participate in provoking a bribe against Judge Dmitry Nikulin from the Kolpinsky District Court of St. Petersburg. To which I responded with a sharp refusal and sent information about such a request to the media, and also turned to the State Military Investigation Department with a request to initiate a criminal case, to which I have not yet received a response.
After this, the resumed investigative actions against Ivanov A.V. I was also involved. Since December 2021, the investigation has changed my charges and articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at least 4 times, some of the changes remained secret from me. The agencies conducting the investigation have also changed 3 times already - SS FSB, Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg, Investigative Committee for MSK.
An acquaintance of mine from the M Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation told me that the materials of this case are also being supervised from Moscow by a certain operational officer of the M FSB Department, Ivan Borisovich Tekutyev.
Based on the above, I ask:
1) initiate a criminal case under Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 30 of Article 299 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against employees of Department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Gimadiev A.V., Zhuchik Sergei, Korotchenkov Vladislav on the above circumstances;
2) interrogate about exerting pressure on A.V. Ivanov. on the part of FSB officers: Ivanova A.V. and employees of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region;
3) interrogate Judge Dmitry Nikulin (Kolpinsky District Court of St. Petersburg) about the circumstances of the case;
4) the material should not be transferred to St. Petersburg under any circumstances, since the current head of the CSS department of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region has friendly relations with the head of department M of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region A.V. Gimadiev/

Shaman Alexander Vitalievich"
To be continued
Alexey Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info